
Chapter 880: Siderite vein

It was a king of wolves with three feet tall, and his hair was silver and white. Compared with other wild wolves, it was gray and dull, and it seemed a lot more arrogant. Hunting a wild boar was as simple as shooting a fly. It turned around. Looking to the edge of the tree where Lin Fei and Si Kou were hiding, it looked like electricity, with the fierceness of the beast, and the entire Si Ke froze.

But soon, the ear of the wolf king moved, and he seemed to find something. He turned and went to the depths of the forest. With Lin Fei's eyes, he saw a silver light flashed, and the wolf king disappeared into the depths of the jungle. The wolves left in place began to eat prey.

Lin Fei looked at the direction of the disappearance of the Silver Frost Wolf King. He narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly said that if he was talking about combat power, this wolf king already had the strength no less than the peak of the demon general. For such a wolf king and those wolves, it is really only a loss. If his body injury recovers, it is not a problem to kill the wolf king. Unfortunately, the serious injury is not healed now, and he cannot rush out.

After the King of the Silver Frostwolf left, Si Kou was relieved obviously, and he no longer nostalgic for the prey in that place. He made a wink at Lin Fei, then quietly fell down the tree, followed the way, and retreated.

Far away from the territories where the Morrowind Bird appeared, Si Kou sighed. He looked at the place where the silver wolf disappeared in the distance, and seemed to pass the Silver Frost Wolf King in this way, and he was not reconciled.

Lin Fei smiled: "So reluctant? Could it be that the Wolf King can also get a lot of food?"

Lin Fei just said casually, but he didn't expect Si Kou's face to collapse, and nodded: "I heard the elders say that there are priests in the city who love these untamed but psychic creatures, if they can find them. At one end, it should be greater than your value."

Lin Fei couldn't help crying: "Is the King Silver Frostwolf and other creatures scarce?"

Si Kou shook his head: "If the number is counted, it is not a lot, but it will rarely appear around the tribe. As in today's situation, you can meet the morning wind bird and the silver frost wolf king, and there will not be one or two in a year. Times."


"Because they are all civilized, they are not as ignorant as the uncivilized beasts, but they are already aware of the dangers, so they have always wandered in the mountains far away from the tribe, and are not easily close to the tribe. After all, creatures like them, if they encounter It’s hard to escape after being a warrior with a war pattern.” Si Kou said that the voice was lower, and finally he smiled bitterly: “I don’t have a war pattern, I can’t fight them. I even have to worry about being discovered and losing my life. ."

Lin Fei thought for a while and asked Si Kou: "So, is the Silver Frostwolf King too powerful?"

"It's not really true. There are many Warcrafts in this mountain, just because every tribe has blessings from the gods, so the tribe is safe for hundreds of miles, and few monsters and beasts dare to provoke the power of the gods. But in the mountains without the protection of the gods, monsters rampage, and even some monsters are stronger than the power of the gods, but if those monsters dare to come and invade the tribe, we can ask the city lord for help..."

Lin Fei nodded, thinking that the 100,000 mountains are indeed not simple. It seems that they are much more dangerous than the mountains and oceans in the wild and wild demon array map, especially since they are real and sword spirit Seal, and the body is seriously injured. If a person walks in the mountains, I am afraid that they will not be able to go out.

Si Kou picked up his mood and no longer struggled with the Silver Frostwolf King who had fled from his eyes, but began to hunt seriously.

Because of the appearance of the Morrowind Bird and the Silver Frostwolf King, those beasts who walked in the mountains on weekdays were also creeping and lurking, and it was more difficult to find their traces than usual, and Si Kou spent half a day in the forest. Only in a water source, several wild deer came out to drink water.

The wild deer had strong four-hoofed feet, horns, and seemed to be alert. Although the attack power was not strong, if the attacker really ran, the Si Kou could not catch up, and he did not act rashly, but after some observation, he was not far away. Department first set a trap, and then slowly approached the wild deer herd, suddenly burst out, and rushed out.

The wild deer was frightened and fled, and the Si Kou followed a single deer who had been singled out. After several twists and turns, he drove it into his trap and successfully captured it.

Lin Fei had been watching from a distance, and after seeing Si Kou got the wild deer in his hand, he looked down at the moon-white stone at his feet and smiled softly: "Sure enough."

Since the first time I saw Si Kou bringing the diamond pyroxene back to the tribe, Lin Fei guessed that there were diamond veins in this mountain, but he didn't want to hit them. This vein was broken by some great force. After a long time, it was embedded in the mountain. It is already integrated with the mountain, and occasionally there are exposed parts, which are only sporadic parts.

This is a bit difficult.

During these few hours, Si Kou was looking for prey in the forest, and Lin Fei was looking for ore in the mountains. After a few hours, he had refined a lot of gold gas, but it was still far from expectations. The air floated in his body, and slowly turned into a pale golden real element with the gold Qihua Spirituality. After the Si Kou had cleaned up the wild deer, this group of real elements had already wandered in Lin Fei's body to nourish the lungs. .

As the sky was getting late, Si Kou sorted out the gains of the day, and found Lin Fei, and went to the tribe, but the two roads were different one after another. The mountain road was narrow and rugged when he came, but the way back, It seemed that he had been walked through many times. Although it was steeper, there were many rocks and branches on both sides. Even if the predator carried the prey, the speed was faster than the way he came. It is easy to pick some herbs, it looks familiar.

When turning around a mountain stream, Si Kou looked at the sky, and then put down his prey, only brought a scimitar, and pointed to the mountain opposite, to Lin Feidao: "There is a continuous sungrass there It was very helpful for your internal injuries. I found it two days ago, but the bone is not open. It must have matured today. I will pick it up while you wait here for a while."

Si Kou said as he ran towards the hill.

Lin Fei glanced at the top of the mountain, and saw that it was not at the usual height. At the place pointed by Si Kou, a huge rock protruded abruptly, and on top of it, there was a lot of rocks and weeds, but it was still calm.

This will take some time. Lin Fei looked around. He didn’t see any ore available, so he sat on the spot and continued to manipulate the pitiful real element in the body, nourishing the unhealed injuries in the body. , But he just opened his eyes and opened his eyes sharply, looking in the direction of Si Kou, frowning slightly.

Not quite right.

The setting sun hung on the top of the mountain, and the afterglow poured in. Although there was a breeze in this mountain, it was not as strange as the strong wind just now.

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