
Chapter 881: From the city

Lin Fei stood up and looked up to where Si Kou was. The kid had climbed up the hill, and Xuyang Grass was not far away, but when Si Kou was about to reach out to pick it, a huge black shadow suddenly came from behind the boulder The wind rushed out, the bear roared like a thunder, and a big human claw fell sharply, flying Sike directly out.

A black giant bear.

The giant bear stood tall, like a hill in front of Si Kou. Every time it fell, the ground shook and the dust flew. After the palm was swept away by the palm, the giant bear stepped forward and the front paws fell again!

The left shoulder of the Si Kou was turned into three scars with visible bones by the bear claws, the skin was fleshed, the blood was mad, the **** and angry giant bear was crazy, let alone being photographed by the giant bear's claw, this giant bear sat down, and the Si Kou also wanted Turn into a pool of meat.

When the giant bear came, Si Kou gritted his teeth and turned in Lin Fei's direction. He rolled the boulder and escaped the giant bear's attack range. Lin Fei thought he took the opportunity to escape, but he did not expect that Si Kou from the ground After sitting up, he pulled the scimitar out of his waist, and made a leaping jump from under the boulder to the giant bear's back. He lifted the scimitar high and thrust into the neck of the giant bear's neck!


A series of blood flowers soared out, the giant bear was in pain, roaring wildly, and his body flicked violently, so he flew Si Kou out and landed on the ground again.

Lin Fei had a panoramic view of all this. The giant bear had thick skin and thick flesh. If the knife could just insert it into his neck, there might be a chance to fight, but the giant bear turned sideways and let the scimitar fall to its back. It's just that the giant bear is angry.

Sure enough, the giant bear seemed to have gone crazy, killing the Korean soldiers all the time, and half of his body was stained with blood, and his face was pale, but he still did not run. Instead, he held the scimitar in his hands and bowed his head to avoid the giant bear. Attacking, he rushed to the back of the giant bear again, and the scimitar in his hand kept falling down. After three consecutive stabbings, his left hand trembled, almost pulling off.

And at this moment, a fist-sized stone burst into the air, with a piercing sound of breaking into the sky, and slammed into the giant bear's eyes. The strength and precision were actually smashing the giant bear's eye socket. And made the giant bear fall backwards.

Si Kou took advantage of this opportunity to come to the side of the giant bear, and the scimitar stabs into the giant bear's open mouth, and then no matter where the strength comes from, there is a roar, and the scimitar sinks into the giant bear's mouth and nails into the earth. in.

The giant bear twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Si Kou fell to the ground and became a blood man.

Lin Fei carried a stone in his hand and came to Sikou who was gasping for breath, and his eyes fell on Sikou's right hand.

The continuous sungrass with lilac petals was on the right hand side of Si Kou. He had just hunted vigorously and did not damage it.

"I'm fine to hurt..." Si Kou looked at Lin Fei, his lips pale, and he said hardly: "Pick Xuyang grass, let's go back."

"Go back? You look like this, how do you want to go back?"

Lin Fei shook his head.

The mountain road this time was extremely steep, but the giant bear could drag himself back, but the Scorpion's body was wounded. If he really helped him back, it would only bleed, and the boy's life would be gone. The beasts in the mountains were attracted, and what day did the Frostwolf King and Morrowind bird see, who knew there would be some deadly beasts lurking around? He hasn't recovered from his injury, and he can't guarantee that he can kill all the beasts in the mountain. This kid is deserved to be eaten. Who knows what his wind is, but the enemy is obviously harder than the giant bear, and he has lost his life. It's too wrong.

"If you don't go back, A Ning has to worry."

"It's better than really sad."

Lin Fei no longer took the reason and muttered, and turned around to look around. After such a change, it was impossible to return to the tribe. Let's find a place to rest for one night.

Finally, Lin Fei looked at the place where the giant bear came out.

The place buried by the rubble and weeds is an extremely secret cave.

The **** smell was so hard to hide that Lin Fei didn’t even cover it up. He only blocked the giant bear’s body in the hole. The giant bear had just died and his breath hadn’t disappeared. The nearby beast prey, even smelling the **** smell, only It would be thought that it was killed by a giant bear, as long as it is not the Silver Frostwolf King, it will not come easily for the time being.

Lin Fei dragged Si Kou into the cave, rummaging through the herbs he had picked all the way.

It is also due to the fact that there are so many herbs picked by Si Kou all the way, that there are no medicines available. Lin Fei looked at those herbs, looked for hemostatic treatment and held them in his hands, and then urged the Heavenly Buddhism to refine all these herbs into a piece of brain. The medicinal mud began to smear on the soldier.

"Do you also make herbal medicine?" Si Kou felt a little less pain in her body, and looked at Lin Fei with some surprise: "This method, I have only seen it in the doctor."

Lin Fei was surprised when he saw Si Kou's eyes, and thought, "I haven't told you my origin yet."

Si Kou nodded stunnedly.

Lin Fei smiled slightly: "I came from the city."

"In the city?" Si Kou was shocked, and the injury involved was painful again.

"Well. However, it is not the Shifang City you said, but the city farther away."

Si Kou instantly accepted Lin Fei's explanation, even with Lin Fei's gaze changed, with a little envy and admiration, it was like saying that people from the city were omnipotent.

Lin Fei smiled inwardly and said to him: "I'll be here tonight. Seeing you hurt, I don't know if I can go back tomorrow."

Si Kou was anxious: "No, he must go back tomorrow, otherwise A Ning will worry about dying."

"I saw you go hunting in the mountains. Isn't it normal to not return for a few days?"

Si Kou shook his head and whispered: "Since my father and mother have an accident, I have to go back every day."

"Since you are worried about your sister, you just faced the giant bear, and you are sure you want to kill, why?"

"If I can't kill it, this Xianyang grass will be gone. I found it in the mountains for a few days." Si Kou looked at Xianyang grass on the side and smiled: "Fortunately, my life is big ."

Lin Fei listened to Si Kou's words for a moment, and he just thought about why Si Kou would fight the bear, for example, for prey, to prove himself, but he never thought that it was for this herbal medicine. , A little speechless at the moment: "It's just a herbal medicine, you really don't need to desperately..."

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