
Chapter 899: Serve soft

As soon as Lin Fei showed up, the people who were talking about something happily stood up one after another and greeted Lin Fei warmly. Lin Fei was also not hypocritical. Seeing the position arranged for himself, there was nothing more exaggerated than being more comfortable. Then he sat down generously, and he got a new feeling. He was happy in his heart. He was infected by the atmosphere of everyone. The smile on his face was deeper.

"Everyone knows what happened today in the Bafeng Mountain, and at the order of the patriarch, we should serve wine and honor the brothers for a drink."

After Lin Fei and everyone sat down, Si Yan, the elder of the family, stood up with a smile and respected Lin Fei with wine.

Lin Fei slightly replied, and saw the sincerity of the people, and immediately laughed. He picked up the glass next to him and drank it, which caused everyone to applaud. Si Feng called at the moment: "This little brother Lin Not only is the strength strong, but the amount of wine is not bad, our guys are fighting with brother Lin today, how?"

"it is good!"

After a glass of wine, because of Si Feng's words, the atmosphere of the tribe's bonfire dinner reignited, and everyone came to toast, Lin Fei smiled one by one.

The wine is fragrant, the night is getting thicker, people's enthusiasm is better than the burning campfire, and the laughter is constant.

Just in laughter, there are also one or two discords.

Si Lang's brow sat on his position slightly frowning. He watched the tribes go to toast with Lin Fei one by one, with a bit of tangle on the face, picked up the glass several times and put it down, quite a bit reticent. Only, shy and timid...

Since Bai Ri returned to the tribe, Si Lang had a conversation with the patriarch. When he reported the events on the mountain to the elders and patriarchs, he was ordered not to communicate with Lin Fei. To be an enemy, treat him as a noble guest of the tribe.

Can't be an enemy to Lin Fei, Si Lang knew that this should be the case, but the problem was that before he had shown Lin Fei, he was either arrogant or threatened, and now he shows his weakness, and his face is really red. .

Si Lang struggled alone, seeing that the family members and Lin Fei had almost drunk for a round, and he couldn't hold his breath anymore, his teeth bite, secretly, his head stretched out and his head shrunk. The wine glass was full and came to Lin Fei.

Seeing this scene, the crowd of laughter kept quiet for a moment.

With a glass of wine, Si Lang said stiffly: "Brother Lin, the younger brother was wrong some time ago. I hope that Brother Lin will not mind. If there is any dissatisfaction with the younger brother in his heart, he can be punished casually, and the younger brother will not frown. "

Lin Fei saw Si Lang's serious look and smiled secretly in his heart. Why is it so true? From the beginning to the end, I have never been concerned about what Si Lang's child has done in general. However, since the other party is so serious and perfunctory, it is not very good...

"Then drink at the bar."

Lin Fei raised the glass in his hand. The original intention of saying this was that after drinking the wine in his hand, even if the previous matter was turned over, whoever thought about it, that Silang thought that what he said to drink was punishment. He lifted the wine urn beside Lin Fei and drank it.

The wine brewed in the tribe is extremely spicy, violent, and the amount of wine is good, but it is only a small amount of the urn, but this guy actually poured a whole urn into his stomach...

Everyone in the tribe looked stunned.

Lin Fei blinked, watching Silang’s calf-high wine urn, drank a sigh of light, swayed a few times after a hiccup, and then looked at himself flushed, his eyes very persistent. Like waiting for something back, Lin Fei reacted for a moment before realizing the meaning of Si Lang. He coughed a little now: "The amount of wine is good."

However, Si Lang seemed to have received an amnesty, obviously relieved, and then fell straight backwards, thumped, and spread to the ground. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, he also consciously burped. I realized that Si Lang was drunk, and a burst of laughter broke out.

"I see, this kid made this one just to drink more."

"Unfortunately, the good wine of our urn was so ruined by this kid."

"Take some more wine."

In the sound of laughter, some people carried Si Kou back to the house and then continued to drink and eat meat.

In addition to drinking and eating meat, this night’s bonfire dinner also brought out homemade instruments and beats and blows up. The percussion sounds of stone instruments were empty and pleasant in the night. Gradually, there were people The chorus joins and gradually becomes a tune. The men and women of the tribe also dance with it. The dance posture is like a tribe, simple and lively, with a happy meaning.

There were even young girls who were at their young age, who came to Lin Fei in twos and threes, whirling and dancing, the sound of laughter.

Lin Fei did not understand the customs of the tribe, but when he saw the appearance of these young girls, he also guessed one or two points in his heart. He shook his head and laughed now, only drinking without speaking.

"Brother Lin, they are expressing their love for you."

Si Kou didn't know when he came over and told Lin Fei softly.

Lin Fei raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Si Kou: "At a young age, you know a lot."

Si Kou smiled and said something, but was blocked by a piece of barbecue handed over by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's eyes were drooping and sullen. He didn't glance at the dance of the girl in front of him. His posture was already very obvious. It didn't take long for the women who danced in front of Lin Fei to retreat one after another. Some people who wanted to see the lively tribe sighed.

Lin Fei sighed in his heart. Although he was not very old, he experienced many things. For these things, he never responded to it.

When the moon moved hollow, the tribes fell asleep, Lin Fei looked at the already drunk Si Kou by his side, and after returning to the house with one hand, he returned to his room and sat cross-legged. , Turning the golden energy obtained from the refining of the day into real, slowly walking around.

On the second day, when Si Lang woke up, he had a headache, and he could not get up until noon. He came outside and saw that the tribes in the tribe were almost there. With yesterday’s harvest, the tribute to be handed over to Wangshan City this year has been It is more than enough, and there is no need to go hunting hard.

After Si Lang washes, he came outside. Because of what happened last night, he immediately caused many people to laugh at goodwill. He was a little embarrassed in his heart, but on the face, he made a careless appearance, but his eyes went to Si Kou from time to time. The house floated away, and after a while, I really saw the leader come out.

Si Lang thought that if he had a urn last night, he should forget everything he didn't like. If Lin Fei was angry, he would drink himself again...

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