
Chapter 900: Insufficient tribute

Thinking about this, the twists in Si Lang's heart were eliminated a lot, and he stepped forward generously, but instead made Si Kou stunned.

The relationship between the two has been cold in the tribe for a long time, and nowadays as it is now, after meeting, Si Lang did not sneer at the time, not much.

"Where is Brother Lin?" Si Lang asked.

"Going up the mountain." Skou answered.

"Oh." Si Lang nodded and saw Si Kou carrying his hunting gear and was about to cross himself. He also went hunting in the mountains. He mocked Si Kou on weekdays and had become a habit. At this time he blurted out: "There is no need to hunt anymore. Why are you doing this?"

"I just want to have more prey, so if you enter the city, you have a greater chance of getting battle marks." Si Kou was not angry, but said seriously.

Si Lang pursed his lips and said, "I will give you my prey."

Si Kou looked back in surprise.

Si Lang frowned, and said impatiently: "I see you are not pleasing to the eye, but I won't bully you because I have a war pattern. I will wait for you to imprint the war pattern, and then you will fight again. "

"it is good."

Si Lang turned to leave, but he didn't know what he thought of, and turned back to Si Lang: "Yes, when you go to the head of Heishan, I will go too. I won't go now, I just don't want to let myself and the people around me , Give away his life in vain."

Si Kou smiled slightly: "I know."

"You know a fart." After listening to Si Kou's words, Si Lang stayed for a while, then snarled and left.


Lin Fei has gone up the mountain every day to search for metal ore veins and gold stones, and it has become a habit. After several days of searching, the real elements in his body have the tendency to gather into a gurgling river, although he has not There is a better way, but you can temper your body every day, just to condense the momentum of breaking through the seals of Dantian and Jianyu, which is far from enough.

This day was the day when people from Wangshan City came to collect the tribute.

Earlier, the patriarch and elders prepared the tribute and led the tribe to stand in front of the tribal ancestral square.

Before Lin Fei entered the mountain in the morning, he saw them standing neatly and respectfully. When the sunset was coming, when Lin Fei returned from the mountain, the patriarch and the tribe's people were still standing there. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

According to Si Kou, people in Wangshan City never forget or miss the time on a fixed day of the year. However, it is a little too big to make people wait for one day.

Lin Fei was thinking that a **** light suddenly lit up in front of the majestic ancestral shrine, like a blood pool with a radius of tens of feet, and countless tortuous flashes flashed from it, densely like tadpoles. Snake-like, followed by these sacrifices connected in a string, a square opening was cut from the center of the blood pool.

The tribes of the tiger tribe, with obvious spirits for a while, the next moment, an ink-colored eagle galloped out from the mouth of the blood pool, the eagle's wings fluttered, there were ten feet, the root feathers were cast like hot metal Cheng, with a chill of sensation, and its eyes are red and fierce, high in the air, waiting for the tribes below, as if staring at their prey.

On the back of the eagle, sitting a middle-aged man, his hair has a frost-white color, his expression is very sudden, and the robe and clothing are also very different from the tribe, and there is no one in the mountains at all. Rough and simple.

This person has not fallen, the patriarch and the elders have stepped forward, and they are very respectful. In front of them, there are three brown wooden boxes that are half a person tall. The wooden box is made of empty mind wood, and because the elders are refining At that time, the space was opened up, so the space in each wooden box was much larger than it seemed.

When the middle-aged man finally fell from the black eagle, the patriarch and elder who had been waiting for him immediately stepped forward and smiled and bowed the salute. The patriarch said: "Adult is hard, please in the house, we have prepared some food and Water wine..."

"Why so much?" Before the patriarch finished, the middle-aged man was impatient.

The patriarch quickly pointed to the box next to him and said, "Yes, I don't dare to delay my time. The tribute is ready."

The middle-aged man glanced and waved a light green light across his body. The three wooden boxes were shrouded in three green lights, and then became the size of a slap, falling into a middle-aged man. In the sleeve.

When the patriarch saw this, he looked at the man with a smile, and before he asked him to enter the ancestral hall, he saw that the middle-aged man looked cold, and said, "Your tribe, it's such a bold courage."

It sounded like a thunder, bursting in vain, and shocked everyone.

The man said again: "This year's tribute is insufficient."


The patriarch moved his eyebrows slightly, but he did not show his dissatisfaction.

Because of the matter of Bafeng Mountain a few days ago, the tribute paid by their tribe this year has more than doubled than in previous years. Why is it not enough?

It wasn’t the first time that the patriarch saw such a troublesome person. The smile on his face was undiminished, and a slap-sized jade box was taken out of the cuff. The blood inside was full of light, and a pure blood was looming. He stepped forward two steps, handed the jade box in his hand to the man, and said softly: "Adult, our tribe does not dare to disrespect Wangshan City and the city owner. How could we not prepare the tribute? The adult came from afar, it was our tribe The reception is not thorough, please be careful, please accept it."

"Bribe me?" The middle-aged man's face was even colder, but he didn't even look at the patriarch. He waved his hand and flicked away the patriarch.

This time, not only the tribe, but even the patriarch was stunned.

Looking at the ancestral shrine behind everyone, the man said coldly: "The Tiger Tribe violated the rules of the city and the will of the city's lord. Today, I will punish the city lord!"

The man reached for a little ancestral shrine. In his palm, a black token appeared, seven inches in size, simple and simple, with the words "Wangshan" written on the front, and rolling mountains on the back.

"Rewards and punishments?"

But the moment the token appeared, the patriarch's complexion changed greatly. He stepped forward and stopped in front of the man. His body shone slightly, and the original calm breath suddenly turned into a forceful momentum.

"Do you want to rebel?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"It's not that we want to rebel." The elder looked aloof and stood side by side with the patriarch. The momentum he showed was even better than that of the patriarch. He glanced at the reward and punishment order in the hands of the middle-aged man and asked, "We There are not many tributes to be paid, and adults are asked to learn from them. If there are any places that cause dissatisfaction in the city, adults are also asked to make it clear, but this reward and punishment order is not to be borne."

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