
Chapter 901: Totem Manifestation

The middle-aged man did not listen to them, but said impatiently: "The tokens given in the city can be sealed by all tribes. Why can’t you tribes? It’s blocked again today. I only wanted to seal you for five years, if I don’t let it go, I will double it!"

"Five years?!"

The elder's expression was even colder. Seeing that the man had sacrificed the token, the black mist permeated from the token. Suddenly, there was a bleak wind, and the four sides of the clouds gathered together. The sky seemed to sink down and pressed straight to the sacrifice. In the shrine, he dared not delay any more. He lifted his eyes, and a fierce tiger stepped up from behind him, suddenly surging from behind him, blocking the token in the air. The tiger was fierce and tens of feet long, haunting With the golden light, the power of the king was revealed. As soon as it appeared, it was the middle-aged man's black shadow on his mount, who couldn't help it.

The tribes were indignant and no longer respectful. They lined up and guarded the middle-aged man before guarding the ancestral temple.

"Do you really want to rebel?" The middle-aged man stood hand in hand. "You have to think clearly. If you want to stop me from enforcing the law again, it is not a matter of being sealed for a few years!"

"Even if the gods are sealed for a year, it is not a loss that my tribe can bear." The elder didn't make a move, with hidden anger in his eyes, but his face was still calm, even when the crossbows stretched to the point of being triggered. Say to the man: "If there is something in my tribe that really offends the people in the city, please ask the adults to show us that we should admit our mistakes, but seal the gods, and we will not accept it."

The gods are sealed for one year, then within this year, no new warriors can be born in the tribe. After being sealed for three years, the power of the tribe will be greatly reduced, not to mention being sealed for five years. The warrior of that tribe is very likely to go completely down, either to gradually disappear, or to be annexed by other tribes, no matter what kind of situation, the tribe can't bear it.


The middle-aged man gave them a cold look and directly urged the power of the token.

This middle-aged man is just one of the most common guards on duty in the city. When it comes to strength, even the patriarch can’t compare, let alone the elders. The reason why he can be so arrogant, but leaning on Wangshan City behind him, he himself I also know the gap between each other, so without further ado, I took a step back and urged the token with all my strength.

He is indeed not as good as the people in this tribe, but he is not afraid of angering people. After all, the token in his hand is the city master’s personal refining, a magic weapon with 36 prohibitions. Once he is urged , Immediately showing infinite might.

The black mist in the air, blocked by the strong wind of the tiger, rolled and moved. Suddenly, it turned into the shape of a three-headed python, and the body continued to grow, from the initial ten feet, soared to a hundred feet long, long When the long snake tail flicked, it shattered the hurricane barrier around it, and the black mist spread under the giant python, and in an instant, the entire tribe was enveloped!

The faces of the patriarchs and elders changed greatly, and no longer dared to spare. The two tigers appeared in the air, their bodies were powerful, and they roared loudly, and they were stopped in front of the python, and they were not allowed to step closer to the ancestral hall. The tribes are quickly separated, and the warriors with war prints are connected to each other and turned into a giant tiger formation. They do not have the physical ability to show war prints like patriarchs and elders, but the power of gathering people is still condensed. A fierce tiger and three powerful tigers are standing in the sky, constantly fighting with the python.

"On your own, also want to block the order of the city master?"

The strength of the middle-aged man is really bad. He has the magic weapon in his hand, and he will be blocked by the tribes. He said that he was angry with his colleagues in the city and laughed his teeth. He also got angry and urged the token again. The whole sky of black mist rolled down, and with just one blow, the tribes were defeated. The tribes such as Si Kou, who had no war marks, had been suppressed by this general power, and could not stand up, and when the black mist turned into countless The long black snake fell and hurried away. Except for the patriarch and elders, all the other soldiers were knocked down by the black fog. The tiger in the air suddenly lost one head.

In the tribe, the turbulent winds and the black snakes roamed. Apart from the ancestral shrine protected by the people, the houses collapsed and the rocks ran away. They were all in a mess.

The patriarch and elders were equally incapable. The tigers they had manifested had lost the support of the clan powers. They were grabbed by the python and struggled several times. They couldn't escape. They watched the high-altitude token fall. Light, to seal the entire ancestral shout, roar from the ancestral shout with a roar.

The totem deity of the tiger tribe has been nurtured for some years, and has long been connected with the blood of the people in the tribe. If the tribe is damaged, leaving it alone has no effect. When it is in crisis, it is from the ancestral shrine. Show up.

But seeing a group of golden lights rising from the ancestral temple like a big sun, the Huaguang was shining, and the body of the gods appeared hidden in it. A white tiger raised his head and roared, and the roar was shaking, and his body rose against the wind, and in a flash It turned into hundreds of feet, it stepped into the gusty wind, and came to the high altitude in an instant, surrounded by golden light, like a god.

Immediately afterwards, the temple shouted four times, bursting out millions of golden lights, and straightly penetrated the dark mist.

Tribal people, a happy moment: "It's a totem!"

The fierce power scattered and collided with the raging black mist. Suddenly, the black mist seemed to hit the giant wave of the cliff, flipping back from the air, stirring, the tribe was temporarily prevented from being overturned. When the totem **** came to the high altitude, he rushed to the python in the air!

The middle-aged man's face also changed, and then slightly twisted, his hands stretched out, all the power was sacrificed into the body of the token, and he said: "Seal me!"

In the reward and punishment token, a three-headed python's soul was sealed, and after passing through the blood sacrifice in the city, the python's soul was able to bear claws, indestructible, and can stir up the storm and the dark fog. Times, but because the mind is wiped out, it can only be driven by people and become a murder weapon.

In Wangshan City, these tokens are not a clever magic weapon. Every year, in the tribes that send people to 100,000 mountains in the city, when they receive tributes, they will distribute dozens of pieces. Although the upper-level people don't care, they deal with the mountains. The tribe is already poked.

The middle-aged man is just one of the most common bodyguards in Wangshan City. The tokens in his hands, the 36-art ban, the first entry into the realm of magic weapons, are not much different from other tokens distributed, and the bodyguard itself The strength is not strong, so when the totem body manifests and rushes out with the wrath of the thunder, the air python is actually shot by the white tiger for several claws, and it is dispersed into a thick black mist again, rolling in the air, No more forming.

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