
Chapter 909: Power of Gengjin

The **** tiger seemed to be extremely happy, and his wings fluttered, and he took off. The wings were cut open into the void, as sharp as a weapon of the gods, and the **** tiger was more satisfied.

Seeing this scene, the patriarchs and elders who had been worrying about it all took a long breath.

Lin Fei stood in the ancestral shrine and stretched out his hand in the air.

In the ranking of rewards and punishments, in addition to the thirty-six banned fuzhuan, as well as the magic weapon itself, after the 100-foot-long snake body cracked, the body skeleton, scales, flesh and blood have been restored to the original materials by the heavens. With the reversal of the nine-character mantra, they collapsed into endless golden energy, and were suddenly inhaled by Lin Fei.

After finishing all this, Lin Fei opened his eyes and nodded to the gods in the sky, then turned and left, and returned to his residence.

"Little brother you..." The patriarch saw the restoration of the spirits, and his strength increased greatly, and his joy could not be expressed. He was thinking of thanking Lin Fei seriously. When he saw him leave, he was puzzled.

The **** tiger fell from the sky and turned into a spirit body again, as if a blaze of flame entrenched on the altar, from this group of spiritual light, two streamers were sacrificed instantly and fell into the patriarch and elders.

The streamer seemed to be hot, it was like a warm stream, and it was integrated into the war patterns of the patriarch and the elders. Both of them were shocked, and they felt that their strength was increasing.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of streamers were shot from the altar, and they were all submerged into the fighters of the tiger tribe. While everyone was surprised, the voice of the gods sounded in his ears: "This is the power of Gengjin. ."

The tribes of the tiger tribes kneel down in the direction of the gods, worship them piously, and fervently flew out of the crowd and fell into the spirits.

It seemed that a new green was born in the wasteland, and after the gods returned in full bloom, the desperation in the tribe was replaced by a vigorous war intention.

The **** tiger looked at Lin Fei's direction of departure, his eyes deep and said, "Don't disturb him."


The **** tiger said to the patriarch: "Assemble the warriors of the tribe."


Shenhu said to the elder again: "Where are the people of the Holy Stone tribe?"

"It's all held in the cave."

"When Lin Fei is closed, you go to the cave to see the tribal leader."

The elder hesitated for a while, but still said: "Yes."

The **** looked at him and said, "Although I have recovered, it is not enough to face the power of Wangshan City. It needs to be as Lin Fei said to unite with other tribes, but you also know that there is deep hatred between the tribes, so you need Come one by one, first break the Holy Stone Tribe, this is also the turning point that Lin Fei said."

Although the elder still doubted that he could truly unite with other tribes, the current situation did not allow him to hesitate, let alone the gods had already spoken and nodded.

"I know the doubts in your heart. The patriarch can't represent a tribe. There have also been patriarchs' surrender, but the tribe still has a precedent of mutiny, but what if a tribe's gods also surrender?" the **** said.

"God surrender?" The elder was surprised and lowered his voice: "Lord God, you also know that for a tribe, the most reluctant to submit to other tribes is the tribe's spirit, because that means The lack of the willingness of the tribes to the gods is tantamount to being sealed."

"So, what we have to do is to unite with others, not to annex." The **** turned to look at the whole tribe, and said softly: "This idea, I had it very early, has never been able to realize it. Unexpectedly, this young man The emergence of people has turned our crisis into a turning point."

The elder suddenly realized that after worshipping the gods, he continued to refine the blood spirit stone in his hands. In another day, the power of this blood spirit stone can be absorbed by the gods, and then the power of the gods will increase greatly.


When Lin Fei returned to his room, he closed the door, sat cross-legged, and began to refine the magnificent gold in his body.

From the reward token, the power of thirty-six prohibitions is huge, but what Lin Fei cares about more is the material for refining this magic weapon.

The Wu people admire the most primitive power. They refine the magic instruments. The technique is very simple and rude, and they are very bloody. Most of them are mainly blood sacrifices and soul sacrifices. Therefore, most of the refined artifacts are offensive. The slashing type, like the reward and punishment order, is mainly based on suppression and sealing, but it is rare.

Lin Fei saw the reward and punishment order at first, and only felt weird. After he got it, he realized the benefits of this token. The body of the python was actually condensed with a huge amount of gold, and the whole token was refined. It is also very different from the Wu clan. Although there are still marks of the Wu clan, such as the cruel refining of a creature, the refining method uses the Gengjin mantra. This refining method is It is often used by monks.

"Is there a monk in the mountain town?"

This thought flashed through Lin Fei's mind, but he didn't care too much.

After all, Fo Lijie is not a Dragon Bone Realm and a Xuanwu Realm, but a big world comparable to Luofu Realm. The area where he is now, although most of them are primitive tribes and Maori inheritances, it is not surprising that there are monks. .

Lin Fei closed his eyes and nourished his spirits, and the Jinyuanhua Spirituality continued to operate in his body. The golden energy like a river was slowly transformed into a turbulent real element. The pale golden real element walked in Lin Fei’s body. Wan Jianjue gradually followed, about half an hour later, a phantom of sword light formed at his sealed Dantian, and Lin Fei, a few moments after the phantom of that sword light formed, From an ordinary mortal, he entered the realm of nourishment and embarked on the path of cultivation again.

He did not stop, but continued to run Zhuanwan Wanjian tactics. The increasingly powerful Zhenyuan kept hitting his bone meridians. The heavens and swords were always running, and the phantom of Jianguang at Dantian gradually increased. These Although Jianying is not a true sword spirit, and is always fleeting, but every time there is a new one, his cultivation ability will rise a step...

Silent overnight.

At the dawn of the day, the golden energy in Lin Fei's body turned into true yuan, and his cultivation practice had already crossed the foundation and reached the stage of keeping the yuan.

The amount of gold is still a little low. Lin Fei sighed secretly. Although the reward and punishment order was unexpected, it was only a magic weapon after all, and now it can only be restored to the state of Yangyuan...

Although he practiced from scratch, Lin Fei’s state of mind, exercises and perseverance far surpassed those of ordinary people. If he had enough vigor, one day and one night would be comparable to the painstaking work of others for hundreds of years. Can come step by step.

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