
Chapter 910: The Five Ways of Earth Escape

In the middle of the night, when the entire Tiger Tribe was falling asleep, there were still more than a dozen tribal youths around the cave, all of them were armed, even in the silent night, they were still watching the wind and grass around them vigilantly.

It's no wonder that the guards here are so strict. You know, the patriarch of the Hall of the Holy Stone Tribe is held here, although most of the elite of the Holy Stone Tribe accompany Gu Yangguan. But the other party is a big tribe after all, and the patriarch is here. Who knows if anyone will rescue him, the guards naturally dare not take it lightly...


The guards with omniscience alert did not find that, a few miles away from the tiger tribe, a tall figure was looking far away from the tiger tribe, with a trace of fear and fear in his eyes...

That is Gu Yang.

At this time, Gu Yang was standing on a boulder, the skin surface was like the color of rock, and the battle pattern on all the body was extinguished. Only the center of the forehead, and a vertical pattern bloomed with golden light. A golden vertical eye...

Finally, Gu Yang moved, his skin quickly returned to its original state, his forehead light suddenly dimmed, but his face was pale, as if he had not seen the sun for many years.

Gu Yang knew that this time he was seriously injured, without one or two months of cultivation, he could not recover at all...

This is the price of using the five-party soil to escape the battle pattern.

In the dungeon, there are ten blades of Gengjin left by the tiger. That is the true Gengjin supernatural power. Even if the Tomb of the Holy Stone tribe comes in person, I am afraid that it will be enough to drink a pot...

Fortunately, Gu Yang was very talented. When he was born, he had a natural war pattern on his forehead, which contained a five-faced earth to escape the true magical powers, cross the mountains and pass through the underground, which can be said to be unfavorable and unbelievable.

Although every time it is used, a lot of essential blood must be burned, but relying on this five-sided earth to escape the true magical powers, Gu Yang did not know how many times he escaped, made great achievements for the tribe, and finally became the head of the Holy Stone tribe. Bit.

This time it's the same...

Gu Yangqiang resisted a vertigo, and finally glanced at the Tiger Tribe, which urged the war pattern again, like a big bird, disappearing into the vast night...

After a moment...

A young monk walked out of the shadow on the side, and looked at the direction of Gu Yang's escape.

"It's really slow, but luckily escaped." Lin Fei confirmed that they had gone away, as if they breathed out.

"Let us return the tiger to the mountain, after all, they have a deep heritage of the Holy Stone tribe, if they come back to revenge..." Lin Fei sighed next to the tribe patriarch next to him, his face frowned.

That's right, Lin Fei had expected these people to escape long ago, and was afraid that these people would not escape. He went to the patriarch to help him.

When Lin Fei said to let Gu Yang leave, the patriarch almost thought he had heard it wrong, and finally caught the elite of the Shengshi tribe, why did they let them go? Naturally, I didn't agree to be killed, but when Lin Fei moved the totem gods out, the patriarch could only helplessly nod...

After all, among the Dashan tribes, the status of the totem gods is the most respected, and the totem gods of the tiger tribes have long explained to them. If it was not Lin Fei, it would be impossible to catch Gu Yang and others, and it was up to Lin Fei to decide .

The most important thing is that the totem deities once told them privately that Lin Fei could not stay here for a long time. Let them use all means to get close to Lin Fei during this time. No matter what Lin Fei puts forward, they must agree Come down...

Under the double orders, the patriarch could only follow after reluctantly.

Actually, it’s no wonder that the patriarch sighed a bit. After all, Lin Fei was not a tribe. After a few days, he patted his buttocks and left, but their tribe is perched here for generations. If this matter is not handled well today, it will be a vendetta of several generations. ...

"Don't worry, they are badly hurt and can't treat you." After completing the first step of the plan, Lin Fei comforted himself and prepared to go back to finish the evening class.

But seeing the patriarch's old face almost wrinkled into chrysanthemums, Lin Fei suddenly burst into tears.

Although he has a plan in his heart, if he does not give peace to this patriarch, I am afraid that he will be uneasy these days, he stopped and said a few more words...

"You just want to leave Gu Yang, let the holy stone tribe group headless, and gradually decline or even perish, but you haven't thought about it, what happens after the holy stone tribe is destroyed..."

The patriarch froze for a moment, and he said that you are stupid and will perish, but what else?

Seeing their expressions, Lin Fei probably understood what the patriarch thought, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and he was too lazy to bother to think about it, and he said everything in one go.

"Will Wangshan City reduce its offerings from your tribes because of the demise of the Holy Stone tribe? If the Holy Stone tribe disappears from now on, who should pay their offerings?"

"Although the seven tribes are not harmonious, sometimes they all resist the beast tide and destroy the holy stone tribe. Who will share with you in the future? Even if you can devour the resources of the holy stone tribe, you are not afraid of these, then the other tribes Well, are they really willing to see the tiger tribe grow up?"

After finishing this, Lin Fei stopped talking, because the patriarch's face had turned pale at this time, apparently aware of the dangers in it, and he didn't need to say more.

Lin Fei was quite surprised. He didn't expect his words to work so well. Although these were one of the reasons for letting Gu Yang and others go, he really didn't expect that it would scare the patriarch.

In fact, the patriarch can lead the tiger tribe to survive. It is definitely not a timid person, and he is not afraid of this point because of some risks.

What Lin Fei didn't expect was that what really made him feel threatened was not the holy stone tribe and the monster, but the greedy Nawang Mountain City...

For tribes living in harsh environments, facing danger is commonplace. When monsters come, their warriors can hunt and kill, and other tribes commit crimes. They can start wars like their ancestors, but if they have a reward and punishment order When people come from Wangshan City, they can only obediently hand over their prey in exchange for blood and life...

After all, once the totem is sealed, the inheritance of the tribe will be cut off. Without the protection of the strong war pattern, the entire tribe may disappear completely. This is absolutely unacceptable to every tribe.

"I, I understand..." The patriarch wiped his forehead coldly and looked at Lin Fei's eyes with a trace of awe.

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