
Chapter 911: Totem Checkmate

In the daytime, he was just shocked Lin Fei's strength, but now, when Lin Fei pointed out the potential threat, he suddenly awakened. This kind of vision of seeing the signs of extinction in victory, plus the one who collapsed The elite stone tribe's elite strength makes him feel that this mysterious young man is like a deep pond. The longer he gets along, the more he finds this young man unfathomable.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling emotion in my heart. Fortunately, I followed the orders of the gods. If I offended Lin Fei tonight, the consequences would not be what they could bear...

"So what should we do now?"

"Now? Of course it is sleeping."

Seeing that the patriarch's doubts had been dispelled, Lin Fei turned around and went straight back. The practice was dripping in stone, and he could not afford to slack off. He didn't spend so much time on it, and he had to go back to evening classes.

Leaving the patriarch alone for a while, I finally remembered to wake up the guards who guarded the caves. Fortunately, they had already prepared, and the guards would not be hurt...

Just when the patriarch was busy in a mess, Gu Yang and his party finally returned to the Holy Stone Tribe...

This is a rocky valley, completely occupied by various stones, even a little soft soil can not be seen, naturally no plants can survive here, let alone ordinary creatures, but this place where life is like a Jedi, It is the place where the holy stone tribe lives for generations...

Entering the valley, Gu Yang let the tribes go down to heal, went straight to the depths of the tribe, and went to another prison...

The difference is that this time he came here as the master of the prison, and here is naturally the burrow of the Holy Stone tribe.

Instructed the guards here to open the door, Gu Yang let the guards back, and then walked in.

There is not much space in the prison, and a gray-haired middle-aged man can be seen as soon as he enters. He sits alone in the middle of the prison. This prison actually holds only this prisoner.

The middle-aged people seem to be 40 or 50 years old, but they seem to have no energy, sitting there with their head down, they seem to be awake for the next moment...

If this is really just an ordinary person, and it is in this harsh prison, maybe it may really be awake.

But the entire tribe of the Holy Stone tribe knew that before the prisoner came here, he was the elder of the tribe, under one person and above ten thousand people.

In addition, he is also the strongest among today's holy stone tribes, except Gu Yang...

Among the holy stone tribes, one or two people in each generation can master the tribe's secret art.

The generation of Gu Yang, in addition to Gu Yang, is this elder...

There are even rumors in the tribe that if the elders were in danger in the mountains when they were young, in order to protect the clan, they forcibly opened the mystery, the blood consumption was too large, and they would not be defeated by Gu Yang in the later clan battle. ...

Only now, the elders of the Tang tribe have become prisoners.

The one who can send an elder here is naturally the chieftain of Gu Yang...

Speaking of which, the elders were caught in this situation because of this act of snatching the Shenshi.

Since fifty years ago, the gods of the Holy Stone tribe have become weaker every day. Until ten years ago, the totem gods finally fell into a long sleep, and it became very reluctant to pass on the war patterns to the clan. Everyone knows that it is common to be sick and die, and even the gods of their tribe cannot escape...

But the totem **** is the root of a tribe. Once it falls, the entire tribe will fall into weakness and even perish.

Since then, the entire Holy Stone tribe has been searching for gods to prolong their lives.

It is a pity that life, death, old age, sickness and death are no ordinary treasures that can be resisted. Years of efforts have been in vain.

Until some time ago, Lin Fei and others got the news of the Shenshi and passed it to the Shengshi tribe. It is said that the Shenshi has the effect of extending the life of the totem gods. Gu Yang will soon take people to **** the Shenshi.

The elder, however, stood up to oppose the operation. He was keenly aware that the style of the Tigers’ tribe had changed recently, which made him feel a little wrong, so he suggested that he should first be gentle and see if he could exchange the treasure for the **** stone. ,

After all, if the action fails, the tiger tribe will definitely bite back, and the totem of the holy stone tribe will die again, then it will be the disaster of extinction...

And Gu Yang's response was also very decisive, directly calculated the elder, and went to the Tiger Tribe with his elite.

As a result, it failed...

Today, Gu Yang is back. The first thing is to come to prison and visit the former elder who was secretly counted as a prisoner.

The elder didn't raise his head, the whole person seemed to be asleep, and didn't respond to Gu Yang's arrival.

Gu Yang did not care, standing in front of the elders, talking about his experience in this trip.

After Gu Yang finished speaking, the grey-haired elder finally responded, and his low head finally lifted slowly.

"So, are you defeated by a young man?


"If you and I join forces, is it possible to win him?"


"Since you have failed, the Tiger Tribe will certainly not be willing to give up. Now the god's life is less than ten days, what do you do?"

"I will find a solution."

Then there was a long time of speechlessness, and now it is useless to say anything. The strongest of the two Holy Stone tribes are very clear about the dangers facing their tribes.

Blaming each other to no avail, as the patriarch and elder of the entire tribe, should find a solution to the problem.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way...

"I knew you would do this kind of thing. Even if I used the secret method again, I would beat you to become the patriarch. At least I will listen to your opinions when making decisions." Some sarcasm.

Gu Yang just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I failed this time. With your ability, you will soon have the opportunity to take my place, but you have to remember..."

Gu Yang stared closely at the eyes of the elder: "My failure is only because of the accidental young man, my Gu Yang, will always be stronger than you, just like you had the support of the gods, but it is still me who became the patriarch. !"

After finishing this, Gu Yang no matter what the elders reacted to, turned his head and walked outside, the figure gradually disappeared outside the door...

The gray-haired elder looked at the wide open prison door, his eyes narrowed, and then he slowly stood up, the battle pattern on his body was fleeting, and he stepped up and walked outside...

The most central part of the tribe is the sacrificial ancestral shrine of the Holy Stone Tribe. The gods enshrined by the Holy Stone Tribe for generations are here.

After Gu Yang gave the elders freedom, he came here directly...

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