
Chapter 912: Sacrifice

In the guard's awe, Gu Yang bowed slightly outside the ancestral hall and stepped forward.

The ancestral hall is not large, and it is empty all around. There is only a large bluestone that looks ordinary, and it is enshrined in the center.

It's just that the big bluestone is covered with cracks. It seems that it will be completely cracked in the next moment. Gu Yang's hand is placed on the surface of the bluestone, and he carefully strokes the bluestone crack, as if he saw the past of this bluestone...

When Gu Yang was a child, the beast tide broke out in the mountains near the Holy Stone Tribe. It seemed that the Holy Stone Tribe would sweep across the Holy Stone Tribe. The infinite light was shining from the ancestral shrine. When the mountain was pressed down, when it was lifted up, there was only flat ground and beast tide blood mud...

Although there have been three more cracks in Daqingshi since then, it has also won the prestige for the Holy Stone tribe for decades, and it is still the most powerful tribe among the seven major tribes.

In tribal legends, this kind of thing happens once every tens or hundreds of years, but every time, there are more or less cracks on Daqingshi...

It was also after that suppression of the beast tide that Daqingshi rarely awakened, and only when passing on the war pattern, will he wake up briefly for an hour...

Suddenly Gu Yang smiled and pressed his hands on the bluestone. He whispered: "Later generations do not scramble, only this is enshrined, I hope the gods will not be dismissed."

While he was talking, the war pattern on Gu Yang's body suddenly lighted up, but this time, the light of that war pattern was almost distorted. From afar, Gu Yang's body seemed to be burning with mist...

The light and mist are like strands of silk, floating from Gu Yang's body, following the cracks on the surface of the large bluestone, quietly infiltrating into it.

With the loss of light and mist, Gu Yang's face became more and more white, and her black hair quickly turned white, but her expression was firm and she didn't mean to stop.

Just as wrinkles began to appear on Gu Yang's face, a black seal appeared suddenly outside of the fog and bluestone. The seal was reprinted on top of the bluestone, and the whole bluestone suddenly turned gray, as if it was temporarily cut off from the outside world. .

At the same time, the rising mist of Gu Yang's body also broke off in response...

Under the backlash, Gu Yang was forced to step back a few steps and couldn't help but spit out some blood.

"Sacrifice yourself at this time? Is this what you call a settlement?"

Among the ancestral shrines that only the patriarch could enter, the grey-haired elder took a big step forward. He looked somber and looked at Gu Yang, whose hair turned grey.

"I really don’t know how I lost to you at the beginning, and I thought you could do anything. It turned out that it’s just to sacrifice yourself, and once you die, it’s at most three months to extend life for the gods. Yuan? Is this the solution you said?"

Gu Yang stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, saying: "You can't look down on my patriarch too much. My sacrifice can at least enable the gods to take away some children while leaving inheritance and leaving fire for my tribe... …"

"Then the people in the tribe thank you Dade for your sacrifice. Finally, everyone forgets, who caused the tribulation to the tribe?" The elder was full of sarcasm, looking at Gu Yang, whose eyes gradually became gray.

Gu Yang didn't speak, but just returned to the side of the blue stone, silently wiping the blood that had just spattered on the blue stone...

After a moment, Gu Yang's hand was taken back from the big bluestone and slowly said: "This thing is because of me, they are going to kill, but it is just me. Tomorrow I will go to the Tiger Tribe and let them Disposal, the head of a tribe is enough to calm their anger."

"Just your tribal patriarch? If the entire holy stone tribe was razed to the ground, what kind of patriarch would you be?" The elder sneered and asked, "If you are a tiger tribe, you will seek for the whole due to the death of a dead man." , Let go of the enemy of the whole tribe?"

Gu Yang looked angry, and suddenly turned to stare at the elder, but after a while, he shook his head and ignored the elder's sarcasm.

Because the elder is right...

If Gu Yang is a winner, he will definitely not be merciful because of his begging for defeat. In fact, the leader of the small tribe who died in his hands in this way is not without...

I just didn't expect that one day he will face this situation.

Speaking of this, although Gu Yang had long been defeated by Lin Fei, he never stopped struggling. Until now, Gu Yang really felt a bit desperate.

It seems that the inheritance of the Holy Stone Tribe is really to be cut off in his hands...

"Run away." The elder saw Gu Yang's reaction and knew that it was useless to tell him. He sighed and said, "First conceal what God Shouyuan will do, and let the tribe run away in batches. The farther the better, even if the Holy Stone Tribe is really going to die, it will be enough to leave a few of us to be buried..."

Gu Yang remained silent, but nodded without saying a word.

This is indeed the best way to let the ethnic people flee. The strongest of them delay the time for the ethnic people. In addition, their other sacrifices are in vain...

As long as they can hold the enemy's footsteps and let the tribes go further, most tribes can still survive, and if they are lucky, they can still leave the fire and restore the holy stone tribe in the future.

"Oh, that's fine..." After elaborating his plan, the elder was relieved and smiled: "My holy stone tribe is one of the seven tribes anyway. How can only one be killed when he inherits the demise , It’s time to make a big move, to be a witness for us."

"At the very least, it is also necessary to let the tiger tribe lose a large piece of meat, and see an ancestor after death.

Speaking of which, the elder's gray face suddenly burst into a pride. Even when Gu Yang heard this, the gray in his eyes gradually faded away, replaced by a fighting spirit, and the whole person seemed to have recovered a few times. Status...

"Before I died, I was always the patriarch. Even if I had to meet my ancestors after death, I should have come." Gu Yang turned to look at the elders, as if he was the patriarch of the holy stone tribe who never lived underneath.

"I think you still want to think about **** a few more enemies and tell your ancestors."

"It's just a life. I will burn the battle pattern directly. Even if the patriarch and elders of the tiger tribe arrive at the same time, I can entangle them. You can burn the battle pattern against other people. It's just as easy. Only the young man is a little bit. Tricky..."

"Oh, then you will blast yourself directly at the young man, maybe the ancestors look miserable after you die, and they will forgive your sins."

"Could you give me a blast with a reward and punishment order?"

"Rewards and punishments?"

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