
Chapter 932: Fu Zhuan

However, these wounds also look terrifying. For the corpse of the golden corpse, it is only a small wound, which does not affect the action, and these wounds are still healing.

"I depend." Li Beixing was a little dumbfounded when he saw that the gourd's light had failed.

Seeing that the golden corpse moved a few times, it seemed that Li Beixing's face suddenly became a little ugly. The body of this golden corpse was actually the acquired gold of the middle class, even if it was his gourd. The light is indestructible, and in the face of this golden corpse, its power must be greatly reduced.

What's worse is that the companion named Lin Fei didn't mean to go forward to help at all. Instead, he retreated far away and looked at the excitement...

Anyway, after walking together for so long, you can't help but die, do you still have a bit of humanity?

Li Beixing was constantly scolding in his stomach, but the golden corpse was rushing up again. Li Beixing couldn't even take care of anything else, so he responded...

At this time, Lin Fei was still standing on the side, frowning and staring at the golden corpse, as if thinking of something.

In fact, this time it wasn't Lin Fei who couldn't save himself when he died, but when Lin Fei was about to help, he found this golden corpse a bit strange.

Although the golden corpse is inherently arrogant and more powerful than the average Jindan, the physical body of the golden corpse seems to be too arrogant.

Li Beixing Xiuwei has been considered good, but from the beginning, all the methods have been ineffective, let alone, the treasure gourd can even kill the eight-headed ghost king, and the golden corpse is almost ineffective.

The most important thing is that Lin Fei found this golden corpse's ritual technique quite special, and Lin Fei was quite familiar with it. It was only recently that he remembered. Isn't this the same way as the Nether Sect?

It's just that the Netherworld Sect never stepped halfway away from the world. How could there be a golden corpse here?

Wait, Netherworld...

The Nether Sect is not born with such golden corpses, and it is not learned from that sect!

A sudden flash of light flashed in Lin Fei's mind, and he remembered a sect of the previous life...

Speaking of which, all the schools of ghost cultivation nowadays are more or less inherited from the ancestor of that sect...

That Zongmen, called Xuanyin Sect, was the master of the law collection of ghost repairs tens of thousands of years ago, but no matter how powerful it was, it did not escape the great destruction of that year.

Tens of thousands of years later, the sect that inherited the most remains of the Xuanyin Sect in this world is the Nether Sect. This golden corpse sacrifice method is derived from the ruins of the Xuanyin Sect...

But even the Netherworld Sect has not passed down the greatest details of the Xuanyin Sect that year...

According to legend, there is a ghost fetus in that sect gate. The origin of this ghost fetus is mysterious. It is said that a **** stone came out of the sky, which contained a fairy fetus, and died before birth. Finally, the **** stone fell into the mystery. In the hands of Yinzong, Xuanyinzong used great mana to make supernatural powers, and he just turned the dead fairy fetus into a ghost fetus.

At that time, Xuanyin Patriarch had predicted that the chance of Xuanyin Sect's great prosperity would fall on this ghost tire.

It was only in the later great destruction that the entire door of the Xuanyin Sect disappeared, but only a ruin was left. Lin Fei also went to find it at that time, and besides finding a little practice, he found nothing...

Tens of thousands of years later, the Nether Sect had no chance to be inherited.

But now, there are actually golden corpses of Xuanyin Sect here. Is there a heritage of Xuanyin Sect here?

Was it possible for the ghost tire that year?

Just when Lin Feiyue wanted to go deeper, Li Beixing had been forced by the golden corpse to vomit blood. Seeing Lin Fei still had no intention of shooting, he could only desperately urge Zhenyuan to meet the golden corpse again...

Only time and time again, the golden corpse couldn't be beaten to death, Li Beixing was exhausted.

Seeing that the wound of the golden corpse healed quickly, and rushed up again, Li Beixing seemed to have made up his mind. The true element in the body was urged to the extreme, the fingertips glowed brilliantly, and the mysterious trajectory was quickly drawn in the air, a complex The incomparable Fuzhuan is taking shape.

After three breaths, when the golden corpse was about to come close, Li Beixing bit his tongue and spurted a ray of fine blood. The Fuzhuan suddenly turned red and radiated towards the golden corpse.

"Cut!" As Li Beixing broke off his drink, the intricate Fu Zhuan was imprinted on the gourd. The little gourd burst into horror, and the light gathered at one place, and finally turned into a blood red knife. Light, across the golden corpse instantly...

As if everything was still, Li Beixing stood still, and after the blade of light crossed, the golden corpse also stayed in place. After a while, a thin line slowly appeared in the middle of the golden corpse, and the upper body fell to the ground , The whole golden corpse was actually split in half...

At this time, Lin Fei looked at Li Beixing, who was pale, and was shocked.

But not because he could kill the golden corpse, but because of that seal.

As soon as Lin Fei saw the Fuzhuan, he immediately knew where the two words of secret art could be explained. This Fuzhuan was clearly one of the nine-character mantras born out of the Futian in the heavens...

Could it be said that Lingyue sent the inheritance of the Futian?


That's impossible...

What are the Futian in the sky? Since the monks, the supreme method of worshipping the magic weapon, even the legendary things such as the Nine Heavens Fairy Que and the World Ark, are all related to the Heavenly Buddhism. What is the Lingyue School? Even if he is in the world of Ephesus, it is only a top second-rate school, which is far from the three demons. How can it be inherited by the heavens?

Lin Fei himself also took advantage of the rare catastrophe, when the powerful body of the law disappeared, and walked through the treasure trove of countless martial arts before accidentally turning out of an ancient tomb.

In this case, if the Lingyue faction can get the inheritance of the Heavenly Buddhism, at least it has to have a connection with more than a dozen dharma bodies. It is not enough to see the ten three demons together.

But it's impossible to see...

While Lin Fei was thinking about these, Li Beixing had already picked the spirit flower, but apparently still remembering the things that Lin Fei couldn't help, he sneered and said, "Look what to see, so greedy for life and death, this The spirit flower is not yours, but you will be able to complete the task later, and I can still honor my promise."

"I am too low to cultivate, and I am really weak..." Lin Fei was so relieved that he was too lazy to argue with Li Beixing and casually said.

However, this remark was also quite effective. Li Beixing finally only sneered, and said nothing.

After all, in Li Beixing's eyes, Lin Fei is just a life and soul. Although it is good outside, it is really useless when facing the ghost king. Li Beixing is just angry in his heart...

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