
Chapter 933: Ghost emperor

However, I thought I would still use Lin Fei in the future. Li Beixing looked a little slow and said: "These little things are fine. Our trip is at most facing a ghost king. As long as you finish my orders well, I will help you naturally. Achieve Jin Dan, you can find some benefits here by then..."

"Oh, thanks a lot..."

As for the funeral flower, Lin Fei didn't pay much attention to it. In contrast, it was still the peculiar seal that Li Beixing used, which made him more curious...

The two continued to move forward, but after the golden corpse, Li Beixing was obviously a lot more careful, and after only one hour, he reached the destination.

Here is a water hole, surrounded by a faint dark mist, but the water hole seems to be standing water, standing still like a mirror, but the water in it is extremely clear and strange.


As soon as he reached the edge of the pool, Lin Fei felt something was wrong.

Near this waterhole, the ghost is a bit scary...

Even if this pool of water is the bathing place of a ghost emperor, Lin Fei must believe it.

Lin Fei has walked all the way and has met many ghost kings, but even if they add up, there is no ghost here...

"This is the ghost king you said?" Lin Fei looked at Li Beixing Road.

Feeling that this far outweighs the ghost spirit of the ghost king, Li Beixing can only accuse it: "This is a bit more powerful than the ghost king..."

"This **** is a ghost emperor!"

"Come all here, no matter what ghost emperor he is, be careful, there will be nothing wrong." Li Beixing quickly calmed down and tempted: "Relax, I'm talking, this is over, I will give you a big deal Opportunity, help you form a golden pill, and then let my Lingyue send the elders to take you as a disciple, that is one of the three major refining masters in the entire Phri's realm. You can worship him as a master. Those gangsters are ten thousand times stronger."

"Oh, you also know that I haven't formed Jin Dan..."

"Okay, don't be verbose, go quickly."

Just when Li Beixing couldn't help but use hard means, a wave rippled suddenly in this calm waterhole, followed by, and I saw a large wave of waves in the waterhole, and a huge ghost python rushed out of the waterhole .

The giant python had a horn on his head, and four claws were born under his body. Half of his body was still in the water pool. Obviously he was about to turn into a dragon during his lifetime. Although he was not completely successful, he still became a ghost emperor after his death.

The eyes of this python emperor ghost emperor were as red as **** amber, covered with iron-like black scales, and roared up in the sky. The terrifying ghost emperor's breath was instantly filled with miles...

"According to the plan, you, you quickly lead him away." Li Beixing looked up at the ghost emperor, his voice trembling.

But before Lin Fei responded, the ghost emperor's mouth suddenly spit out a black gas, diffused around the water pool, and at the same time the one-horn flashed, a dark light had turned into a giant python, rushing towards Li Beixing.

And this ghost emperor actually ignored Lin Fei, as if he didn't exist at all.

"I rely on!" Li Beixing's face suddenly turned white, and one jumped out of the spot, finally avoiding the dark light, and could not help but wipe the cold sweat.

I just wanted to keep Lin Fei on top, and when I looked back, I saw Lin Fei hiding aside, just staring at the ghost emperor in that remote place. It didn't mean anything. He was going to watch the battle again.

Looking at this scene, Li Beixing almost wanted a spit of blood.

Damn, what's the use of my helper? I didn't show any strength along the way, just **** watched the battle, it was as if I had escorted the kid all the way, I was really panicked.

It’s better to wait here for more time, and wait for the brothers and brothers to arrive and come to the treasure hunt together. Although the benefits will be less, but the victory is safe, it is better than carrying this burden...

Although Li Beixing kept swearing in his stomach, he actually understood in his heart that Lin Fei was just a life and soul. Even if he wanted to help, he was powerless, but this look of watching the battle really made him feel panicked...

At the same time, the ghost emperor with a monstrous ghost spirit locked Li Beixing again.

Ghost Emperor's black light is strange and unpredictable, hidden in the dark mist, and it will explode from some place, but Li Beixing, with his deep roots and Bao Hulu's hint, escapes every time...

Fortunately, this ghost emperor didn't seem to want to leave the water pool, and he was equally mentally and ignorant, but within a hundred square feet, with his instinct, he chased and killed Li Beixing.

However, after all, the ghost emperor is comparable to the existence of the law. Even if Li Beixing can be called a genius, he has become a golden six-turn in just a few decades, and it is difficult to resist at this time.

After a moment, a black light chased behind him again, and Li Beixing had only one time to shine, and passed the black light dangerously...

But just looking back with some luck, Li Beixing couldn't help but cold sweat.

I saw that there was no more flat area on the ground. The black light of this ghost emperor seemed to be highly poisonous, and the ground had been corroded.

It's not a way to go on like this, I haven't been able to get out of it, and as long as there is a little negligence, I can plant it here...

Thinking of this, Li Beixing secretly gritted his teeth, his face tense, and he seemed to have made a decision.

Suddenly, there was a burst of ghost gas not far away from Li Beixing, which seemed to form a grimace net, carrying an amazing ghost gas, and corroded a sneering noise in the air, enveloped towards Li Beixing.

Li Beixing endured the pain, and threw out a Luo umbrella. Luo umbrella was fully opened in the air, emitting a misty blue light, blocking the grimace net for Li Beixing.

But also tightly resisted the three breaths, Luo umbrella was quickly corroded and decayed, the aura was lost, and fell to the ground. Although it only resisted the ghost emperor for a moment, this was at least a magic weapon.

However, just after Luo Umbrella landed, a **** knife light rose into the sky!

At this time, Li Beixing's face was pale, and he was suspended in front of the treasure gourd. During this moment, Li Beixing once again displayed the previously used Fuzhuan, and the **** knife light rushed out of the treasure gourd.

This sword light once slashed the indestructible golden corpse, and now when it appeared, it cut through the vast black mist, and a fierce red light suddenly appeared on the waterhole, slashing towards the ghost emperor body.

The ghost spirit filled with a radius of a hundred miles, like a wave of water, was split in half, exposing the body of the ghost emperor's python, and colliding with the blood-red knife light.

Then, with a loud bang, the ghost gas was surging, as if the mountain was shaking, the aftermath was swaying beyond a hundred feet, and only listening to the sound of a ghost crying and wolfing, it seemed that many ghosts were affected by far.


When the black mist began to subside, I saw that the ghost emperor's two eyes were blood red, violent and bloodthirsty, and the scales still shone with the black luster, and the knife light had gradually faded, but this ghost emperor, but Unscathed...

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