
Chapter 941: Swallow

Li Beixing slipped his lips secretly, saying what was the chance from the beginning, and finally came up with a useless formation, I believe you are a ghost...

Lin Fei didn't say anything, but when marking the last trace, he finally glanced at the big locust tree and turned away from the valley.

"Pretend to be a ghost." Li Beixing stayed where he was, whispering, anyway, he had already thought about it, he would walk out of the valley with at most half an hour, and then he said that he had recovered a bit of cultivation, and it was considered to save Lin Fei some face. .

And Lin Fei just hid a good breath outside the valley, and there was movement in the direction they came from...

I saw that a group of people came uncovered and quickly approached the valley.

Just as they were about to enter the valley, the headed youth suddenly stopped, looked around, and frowned.

Lin Fei was not far away from him, and when he saw that the young man seemed somewhat aware, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This young man was really not easy...

You must know that the spells used by Lin Fei are all top-notch tens of thousands of years ago. For example, the technique he used to conceal the breath is the famous Yunlong technique. Someone once approached Yuan by this technique. Within ten feet of the emperor, although the man was finally crushed, it also proved the power of this technique.

This young man can feel wrong, and it should be something beyond Jin Dan's means, but that's it. So far, if he wants to crack the cloud dragon technique, he doesn't see it at all.

Sure enough, the youth just looked around for a while, and then stepped into the valley...

At this time, Li Beixing was sitting in a large array of boredom, and when he looked up, he saw a group of people approaching...

"Is that you are taking us in circles?" The young man glanced at him, and he saw the pattern under Li Beixing, not close, and sneered in the distance.

"You, who are you?" Li Beixing stared dumbfounded at the people in front of him, doubting that he was dreaming.

I just sit here for a while and will leave after half an hour. Where can a group of people break in?

The young man suddenly glanced at the surrounding scene. In the whole valley, there was no one other than the one in front of him, but he clearly saw from the black spirit that there should be two talented pairs here.

"Where did your companion go?" the young man stared at Li Beixing, and asked Condescending.

"Companion? Lin Fei!" Li Beixing seemed to be reminded, and reacted violently. No wonder these people could come in inexplicably. Everything turned out to be a ghost of Lin Fei!

Li Beixing immediately thought of a possibility. It must be that Lin Fei had long noticed that someone was following. In order to divert his attention, he directly found an excuse to throw himself here. He should have escaped by now.

No wonder that what would cause a spiritual vortex, he has to go outside to hide, it turned out to be convenient for him to escape!

Li Beixing suddenly felt blinded and was still taking care of his face, but now he found that he was being sold.

While Li Beixing was sad and angry in his heart, the youth was a little impatient and sneered: "Want not to say?"

"Isn't it..." Li Beixing immediately recovered, after all, it was still important to save his life, and quickly responded: "I am a true disciple of the Lingyue School, come here to find the way first, the companion he..."

Halfway through the story, a rock suddenly fell in the valley, and a strange suction came from all directions. Li Beixing's words were interrupted.

I saw Lin Fei's original arrangement suddenly lit up. It was originally just a small piece under Li Beixing, but at this time it was rapidly expanding, shining with a blazing white pattern, and quickly spreading towards the entire valley for a moment. In between, the whole valley was crawled by this burst.

As the formation grew larger and larger, the strange suction began to become stronger at the same time, and the pedestrians behind the youth could barely resist. After a while, it was already swaying, and only two people in the valley were not affected, that is, the youth Li Beixing with the center of the pattern.

The space around Li Beixing did not know what the reason was, and there was no suction at all, but the young man's black light was shining on the force of tyranny.

"Stop here, just to secretly count on me?" Maybe it was the reason for walking with strong suction, the eyes of young people began to glow red, and the whole person exhaled a gruesome breath

"No, it's not." Li Beixing looked at the scene in front of him, also dumbfounded, completely unaware of what was happening in front of him.

Although Li Beixing has no suction here, there is a spiritual force converging from all directions, forming an aura vortex in an instant, and he is at the center of the vortex.

At the same time, the young man was getting harder and harder and wanted to use a spell in his hand, but Zhenyuan had just been condensed and was immediately dispersed by suction. More seriously, he felt that Zhenyuan in his body was also flying fast Passing...

At the beginning, the youth didn't care much, and the formation of the true element was absorbed. He saw more, and it was not difficult to crack, but after trying several methods, the suction became stronger and stronger, and his true element was lost. The speed is also accelerating...

"What kind of formation are you?" The young man looked up sharply, his **** eyes staring closely at Li Beixing.

"Sancai Juyuan array..." Li Beixing said bitterly.

"you wanna die!"

The young man was furious and threw himself up, but under that suction, he didn't even send out three meters and was shot to the ground.

It's no wonder that the youth was irritated. The Sancai Juyuan Array was only a medium-sized formation. It had no other purpose but to gather auras. How could it produce such a horrible effect? ​​Naturally, Li Beixing was deliberately teasing him.

However, Li Beixing was also very wronged. He clearly saw Lin Fei cloth under the big formation, really did not lie...

"The effect seems pretty good..." Lin Fei stood outside the valley, looking down at the scene in the valley, and was very satisfied with the formation he had made.

Lin Fei spent a lot of time to arrange, of course, not a triad.

Although the effects are all gathering aura, Sancai Yuanyuan gathers aura from the void to help others practice. The large array under Lin Fei cloth, named Tianshen Swallowing Immortal Array, is to directly seize other people's real elements for their own use, but is a means of evil Dao.

In the great disaster of tens of thousands of years ago, the spirits of the world and earth were greatly reduced, and no matter how powerful the monks could show their magical powers.

Seeing that the Yuan Emperor's army was getting closer and closer, an evil Daoist school presented this formation. From then on, every battle in Luofu Realm would sacrifice many monsters and ghosts to provide spiritual energy for the monks.

It is enough to sacrifice the monsters and monsters, but later, the monsters and monsters gradually became insufficient, and even began to sacrifice monks, and people found that the effect of sacrifices to monks is even better...

Since then, the spiritual world has become a mess, everyone is afraid that they will be sacrificed, and some people even take the initiative to turn to the Yuanhuang side. This caused turmoil in the entire Luofu world, as much as the Yuanhuang army attacked the hinterland. In the end, it was Lin Banhu who personally took the shot and seized the formation and kept it in the Tibetan sword pavilion forever.

And Cangjian Pavilion, that is Lin Fei's territory...

Lin Fei had nothing to do, so he wrote down this method, but I didn't expect it to be usable today after tens of thousands of years.

Now in the valley, the young man's men have fallen down. As long as this large array can last for half an hour, Li Beixing, who is the leader of the array, will devour the spirits of these people cleanly and restore them to...

However, in the valley at this time, the young man seemed to persevere, and even stood up again, approaching Li Beixing with difficulty.

Lin Fei frowned, which is also a disadvantage of this evil and evil formation. As long as the young man can kill Li Beixing, the formation leader will immediately change positions. This young person can in turn absorb all the benefits of the large formation.

Therefore, when the evil Daomen faction set up this array, they would leave guardians to protect them, trapping sacrifices in the large array, and protecting the array master to complete the entire process.

"Why haven't you moved yet? You shouldn't..." Lin Fei looked at the scene in the valley. He was a little puzzled. He arranged this fierce array naturally. He naturally prepared the law, but he didn't shoot it himself, but just left it. It's a bit strange that the back hand hasn't worked yet.

Just as the young man was about to approach Li Beixing, there was finally movement in the valley.

"This guy is finally awake." Lin Fei suddenly lighted up, urged Zhenyuan again, and used Yunlong technique, his figure suddenly became blurred.

I saw the big locust tree in the valley, as if it had been awake for many years, and the whole locust tree bent backwards, as if stretching a lazy waist, and followed, the canopy that covered half of the valley shook and burst into ghost spirits. It exploded in an instant, almost dispersing that spiritual force vortex.

The youth suddenly looked up and saw the horror, and his eyes were full of consternation.

Just this monstrous ghost spirit, at least the ghost emperor must wake up! Thinking of this, the youth suddenly looked at Li Beixing and gritted his teeth: "Use a ghost emperor to count me, good means, I remember you Lingyue sent."

"No, it's not." Li Beixing felt the ghost emperor's breath, he was heavier than the python snake, and for a moment, almost even the words were incomplete.

Li Beixing wanted to cry without tears. What kind of luck did he have? He met two ghost emperors within a day, and also provoked a strong enemy. The master did not say that this place is so dangerous...

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