
Chapter 942: Source of life


Just after Li Beixing said this, the suction in the valley suddenly rose, and the pattern seemed to be growing, spreading throughout the valley in an instant. Those who came with the young people were already reluctant to resist. They couldn't hold on any more. The real element in the body flowed out like a dike, and many disciples passed out.

This happened to be more provocative after Li Beixing finished speaking softly...

"Well, there is a Lingyue school in every district, even the disciples of the Dragon Ghost Domain dare to count, and if you have a species, report your name, don't involve your teachers!"

"Dragon, Dragon Ghost Master?" Li Beixing simply doubted his ears. He stayed here for a while, and actually offended the Dragon Ghost Master?

As a true disciple of the Refining School, Li Beixing is familiar with the name. It is said that the dragon ghost domain master once made a small world in his own treasure!

You should know that everything related to the world is inseparable from the dharma body. Although this is just a simple and extreme small world, it is enough to illustrate the potential of this dragon ghost domain master. As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a stir in the entire Ph.D., and countless master refiners ran to the main gate of the Dragon Ghost Domain and knelt for a look.

The owner of the Dragon Ghost Domain did not refuse, and finally opened a treasure-rewarding conference to let people observe casually. One of his ancestors of the Lingyue School looked at it from a distance. After returning, he sighed and admired the Dragon Ghost Master. Of the five bodies.

After that meeting, the prestige of the Lord of the Dragon and Ghost Domain was in full swing, and his Dragon Ghost Palace took this opportunity to become one of the top forces of Foli,

And he met a young man casually, actually a disciple of the Dragon Ghost Master? Offended by yourself?

Li Beixing wanted to explain, but he felt that his cultivation practice was rising, which was almost inexplicable, and it was **** Lin Fei who calculated himself, and used this unlucky pattern to absorb the spiritual power of others. Ways to restore cultivation, it is impossible to agree to kill yourself. Well now, I have made a big disaster myself. Not only did I pit myself in, I couldn't even escape the relationship with the teachers, all of them took the back seat for Lin Fei.

And Lin Fei, who is making Li Beixing cherish, is still fighting in the valley's appearance like no one else.

Li Beixing did not guess wrong, all this is naturally arranged by him.

However, Li Beixing was only half guessed...

Lin Fei was so disappointed, but it wasn't just for arranging the next formation. In fact, in addition to the Celestial Swallowing Immortal Array, Lin Fei also arranged a big deceptive array under Li Beixing.

The deceptive array is similar to the Yunlong technique. They hide themselves. Even in front of the ghost emperor, they can hide the people in the array. It is because of this large array, Li Beixing at the center of the aura vortex has never been discovered by the ghost emperor. .

Now it seems that the effect of these two large arrays is not bad, everything is going according to plan, this ghost emperor has been completely awakened...

At this time, a roaring sound suddenly sounded in the valley, followed, and saw countless branches pulled out at the same time, like a huge net in the air, instantly covering the youth underneath.

At this time, you can see the youth's decision. In the face of the ghost emperor's blow, the youth did not fall into a panic, but under the infinite suction, forcibly urged the real yuan, and summoned a ghost ghost in front of him. This powerful and fierce atmosphere is comparable to that of Jin Dan's six-turn monk.

Casting spells under this weird suction, consumes at least three times more real elements than usual, just summons ghost slaves, the youth looks pale, but this is already his strongest means, as long as this ghost slave If he can stop him, he will have a chance to escape this place...

However, after a while, he realized that he was wrong...

The branch hadn't been drawn, and the strong wind from that branch could cut through the scars on his face through the ghost king in front.

Seeing that the giant net was about to be drawn, the young man's face had already turned pale. He could be sure that under this blow, his own ghost slave would be crushed and broken, and even ten of himself would be scattered.

Unless, use that thing...

But if you use it now, you don’t want to get any big benefits on your own trip. Compared with the price paid, it is a trip in vain...

Damn, just use it, it's still life-saving.

"Lingyue School, I wrote it down!"

After a bit of teeth, the young man finally gritted his teeth, bent his right hand into a claw, and tore a piece of flesh directly from the left arm, and suddenly revealed a green leaf, even if buried under flesh and blood, this leaf is still green and translucent, and the young man also cares Do not leave blood on the wound, tear this leaf in your hands.

Suddenly, a rich life aura emerged, a green brilliance centered around the youth, rippling towards the surroundings, the whole valley was instantly occupied by the breath of life, green buds appeared on the ground, and the ghostly ghost flowers began to bloom. Compared to just now, it's two worlds...

And the branches of the sky, the ghost slave just before crushing the youth at this time, was about to fall on the youth, and was melted by the green brilliance. The ghost emperor's blow was resolved in silence.

"The source of life?" Lin Fei, who just saw the green light blooming and fighting in the valley, couldn't help but exclaimed. How could this thing appear here?

The last time Lin Fei saw the origin of life, it was tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, Luofu World had just experienced a war. Although it temporarily repelled the Yuan Emperor Army, Luofu World was almost destroyed.

In order to continue life for the Luofu world, the old men just gathered 17 magical bodies and worked together to refine three small worlds that were also about to be destroyed. This made the Luofu world rejuvenated.

Lin Fei had seen the refining scene with his own eyes. Under the gaze of the 17 Dharma Bodies, the three small worlds became extremely small, and the Dharma Bodies were powerful and powerful, bringing together the life of the three small worlds. The Chengtian River is constantly being poured into the Luofu World. In contrast, burning the sea and boiling the sea is only a small scene.

Although the source of life in the hands of young people is insignificant, the nature is the same. How can young people have such a treasure?

But at the next moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt a little wrong.

This source of life seems a bit weak...

Anyway, it is also a congenital level thing. Normally, it should be directly transformed into a place of life. How can there be only this movement?

Thinking of this, Lin Fei suddenly moved his heart, is this artificially made?

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