
Chapter 960: Willing, willing

"Cough, I think Brother Li has opened the way for us. I've been very tired along the way. I can't be ungrateful. There are only a few golden corpses. Let me deal with one!" A disciple with big eyes and big eyes stood up and shot Said the chest.

"Haha, just because I have a spell that needs to be honed. It's time for these golden corpses to appear." A handsome young man among the eyebrows stood up and behaved as if he could not be tolerated.

There were more people behind, demanding a golden corpse.

Suddenly, the golden corpse was not enough...

"Well, yes, yes." Li Beixing was very appreciative of seeing this scene. He has been following masters since the Buddhist monastery. He has never led so many people in his life. He is very addicted.

A group of people noisyly assigned the golden corpses, but it was still not enough. Finally, they didn't know who was the first to take the shot. The scene was once chaotic, and suddenly a hundred auras greeted the dozen golden corpses.

The poor golden corpses were drowned in a dazzling colorful brilliance before they responded.

Li Beixing had kung fu, looked at Yang Jing, who had lost his soul, patted Yang Jing's shoulder, and comforted: "Don't be too sad, it's not just your **** photos that have been left, look away."

Yang Jing was crying without tears when he heard this, and it wasn’t you who was left naked. Of course, you can say cool words here.

Seeing Yang Jing's utter disappointment, Li Beixing also had a headache. He knew that he was no longer needed, and he needed to lead the way later.

At this time, Lin Fei came over and patted Yang Jing's shoulder and said: "It's actually not that serious, no one here will say anything about you."

"How is this possible, they..." Yang Jinggang retorted with a sad face, trying to say that there are a lot of my enemies here, but soon, Yang Jing froze...

Yeah, who dares to say?

Not to mention who will run the risk of becoming a dead enemy with yourself, and spread the story.

Except for Lin Fei and Li Beixing, everyone was left with images. Unless it was for the purpose of dying together, otherwise this hidden matter would not be anxious to hide. Who would say it?

Thinking of this, Yang Jing's heart suddenly relaxed.

No one said, that's what didn't happen. What happened to you?

In fact, this is also Yang Jing's self-consolation. If Li Beixing could be beaten, he would have taken those **** photos long before, how could he be so entangled.

At the same time, the dozen or so golden corpses could not stop the mad bombing of hundreds of Jindan. When the aura of light dissipated, there was no residue left.

As the golden corpse fell, there was a road ahead, but this time, Li Beixing was no longer needed to lead the way.

Because there is no thick ghost in front, even ordinary Jindan can walk through it.

At this time, Li Beixing suddenly stopped and looked back at everyone.

The group of people who followed followed stopped, somehow, but Li Beixing spoke quite solemnly.

"Everyone knows that as long as they can go to the depths of Montenegro, they will have a chance to find their own chance. I brought everyone here and it took a lot of energy. Should everyone give back in return?"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned for a moment. Who begged you to bring us here? It's clear that you hijacked us. It would be nice if we didn't rebel. Do you still want to return?

Seeing the people not speaking, Li Beixing rolled his eyes and said: "Everyone is a disciple of a famous school. Should we know the truth of the gratitude? Do I still need to say more?"

"..." Everyone can't understand, Li Beixing is extorting, naked extortion.

Everyone was out of breath and killed Li Beixing.

Li Beixing not only took **** photos of them, used them to remove ghosts, but also let them offer sacrifices!

Shameless, too shameless!

Li Beixing's method of knocking bones and sucking bones is almost ruthless than ghosts!

The flush on Yang Jing's face was red, but he was just scraped and cleaned by Li Beixing, and even his **** photos were taken. This piece of clothing was left on his body, and this was still his life insurance. More stuff.

But he didn't dare to turn his face with Li Beixing, so he had to endure his anger and said: "I am inconvenient, but if Brother Li really wants it, I will call the IOU, and Brother Li will go to the Dragon Ghost Palace to get it later."

Yang Jing's words are prickly. In fact, how can monks owe money like mortals? He is reminding Li Beixing not to deceive people too much, but he still has the Dragon Ghost Palace behind him.

Everyone heard nodding again and again, supporting Yang Jing very much, to see what Li Beixing said.


"Okay, let's pay the debt."

"..." Yang Jing stayed on the spot.

Damn, you still have to be shameless, and actually agreed so quickly.

Laozi is taunting you, haven't you mocked you?

Anyway, you are also a monk, and even accept the debts, do you want to order the monk style?

"Why, you don't want to?" Li Beixing's eyes were not good, and suddenly a flash of light appeared in his hand.

"I am willing, of course I am, of course I must be gracious." Yang Jing shivered at once when he saw the bright light, and quickly agreed to come down.

That naked light was his naked picture. If he showed it to the public, he would rather die.

"Well, what about you?" Li Beixing nodded with satisfaction, and looked at the stunned people again.

Even Yang Jing succumbed, and the people did not dare to take risks, and no one dared to speak for a while, and they all reluctantly agreed.

In fact, it’s okay to lay down the debt, but it’s just a magic weapon or two, they can still pick it up. Moreover, after going out, Li Beixing doesn’t necessarily dare to go home to collect debts...

"Everyone can rest assured that I don’t need much. There are treasures all over the place in the top of the Black Mountain. Everyone will surely be rewarded this time. Everyone will give me four magic weapons. If you don’t have any magic weapons, you can also use genius and treasure. I don’t dislike it, by the way, everyone must give me in the top of the mountain, otherwise I will be embarrassed to come to the door to ask for it."

"..." Everyone gritted their teeth, do you still know sorry? Each person has handed over four magic weapons, which adds up to three or four hundred. It is almost a medium-sized martial arts reserve. You can just go and grab the treasure house of the Three Demons.

"There are treasures all over the place. You can find enough to find some points. The rest are your own. Okay, let's go find the opportunity." Li Beixing waved his hand, as if he was still very generous.

Yang Jing sighed deeply, swearing secretly, after going out, don't see Li Beixing in this life, and turn around and get into the ghost mist.

"and many more."

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