
Chapter 961: Chance

"Why?" Yang Jingqiang swallowed and looked back at Li Beixing.

"It's too dangerous for you to look for opportunities like this. Bring this magic weapon to defend yourself." Li Beixing's face was quite sincere, and he threw him a dagger, as if he was thinking about him very much.

After getting this dagger, Yang Jing's complexion became a bit complicated.

This short sword exudes a sharp air, and there is aura of light flowing on the sword, which is obviously a magic weapon. Li Beixing really brought out good things this time.


Can you **** change a magic weapon, this sword was originally taken from me!

Yang Jing took a deep breath, suppressed his urge to move his hands, and turned and rushed into the forest.

Seeing the back of Yang Jing Xiaose, everyone left was sad and sad.

Even the most oppressed Yang Jing succumbed, and they had to succumb to the wicked power of the big devil Li Beixing, and they scattered into the depths of the Black Mountain head in droves to search for Li Beixing's treasures.

Soon, Li Beixing and Lin Fei were left here.

Seeing that the people were indeed gone, Li Beixing couldn't wait to say: "What treasure are we going to find even these people have to leave?"

Lin Fei glanced around: "It should be your chance, come with me."

Li Beixing originally thought that a lot of treasures would be credited soon, and he was in a good mood, but when he heard the word fortune, he suddenly shivered and hesitated to stop.

"This is really a chance." Seeing Li Beixing like this, Lin Fei was also helpless. It seems that this guy was overstimulated the previous few times.

This time Lin Fei didn't really count on him. The gods had long heard that there was a treasure in front, it was not good for the disciples in the back to know too much, and then secretly heard Li Beixing, let him support the people behind Going, the two went to monopolize the treasure, but I didn't expect Li Beixing to be scared now.

Under Lin Fei's urging, Li Beixing finally reluctantly believes that, after all, if he wants to take risks, there are disciples behind him who can use it all the way. Lin Fei has no reason to be acquainted.

However, in view of previous experience, Li Beixing was still trembling along the way, not daring to carelessly.

Soon, Li Beixing discovered that his nervousness was right.

Along the way, although the ghost spirit is no longer rich, but I occasionally saw a few drops of Yinhong, it is unknown who passed by, leaving a **** way

"This should be the road that Huo Fengzi walks through." Lin Fei glanced. The blood was spiritual, as if it still had high temperature and phoenix characteristics, but the spiritual level was far inferior.

"There must be a treasure in front..." Li Beixing looked at the red blood stains on the ground, his eyes lit up.

The entire Phrye Realm knows that Huo Fengzi is a man of all treasures, so that he can take it at the risk of serious injuries. It must be Chong Bao, and Li Beixing immediately looked forward to it.

The most important thing is that they will not encounter too much danger, because from the traces on the ground, Huo Fengzi is going through battles along the way, and he must have killed many ghosts along the way. As Yang Jing said, this fire As soon as Feng Zi entered and exited, he had wiped out countless ghosts for them, so he could pick the peach directly.

However, Li Beixing also knows that if it is on his own, let alone picking the peach on the ground, it is good to be able to cross the ghost forest. The next road, we must honestly follow Lin Fei...

Lin Fei suddenly stopped, because there was a fork in front of him, with blood on the right.

Li Beixing is a little baffled, what's hesitant about this? Following the blood stains directly, Lin Fei was about to speak, but a fiery red sword chopped out.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be a ray of sunshine, the black mist was dispelled in an instant, everything was lost under the sun's sword gas, and the blood stains on the road on the right were rapidly evaporating and turning. For the black gas quickly dispersed. On the way to the left, there was suddenly some blood, as if ignited, and a burst of flame suddenly ignited, in which a phoenix appeared faintly.

"I rely on it." Li Beixing saw this and suddenly understood what was happening.

This is the trace that Huo Fengzi deliberately left. He was seriously injured and dripped blood all the way. In order to prevent others from finding it, he deliberately left some blood. If someone comes again, he will be led to the wrong path in the most critical place... …

"This fiery phoenix is ​​a very ruthless method." Li Beixing felt that if he came by himself, he might have gone directly to the wrong path. When thinking of the end, Li Beixing was chilling behind him.


How does Huo Fengzi hide such secrets? How does Lin Fei know?

And what is that fiery red sword spirit? It can actually ignite the blood of Huofengzi.

After thinking for a long time, Li Beixing didn't figure it out, and then suddenly realized that the two of them had gone all the way to the present, and they didn't understand Lin Fei at all. They didn't even know Lin Fei's real martial arts. The most exaggerated thing was that this dangerous ghost Among Lin, he has never seen Lin Fei shot.

And let alone say that it is a martial art, all the secrets were known by Lin Fei. Thinking of this, Li Beixing still had a somewhat inflated mentality. He suddenly converged and quickly thought back. Fortunately, he was very respectful along the way and did not offend Lin. Flying, Li Beixing suddenly wiped cold sweat.

The two walked along the path on the left. After a joss stick, they stopped, because there was no way ahead, and some were just a boundless stone wall that didn't reach the top.

Li Beixing thought it was the wrong way, but saw Lin Fei suddenly condensed a sword light in his hand, directly bombarded the stone wall in front of him, followed by a "bang" sound.

A burst of smoke dispersed, leaving only a shallow white trace on the stone wall.

Li Beixing frowned, and was not surprised by this scene. The stone wall was so vast. It might be connected to the ground. The algorithmic monk came and it was difficult to penetrate. Lin Fei didn’t even have to spend his life here. What results.

However, Lin Fei was unimpressed and threw out several sword lights to continue bombarding the stone wall. It seemed that he had to penetrate the stone wall.


Although this Taiyi sword was as strong as the sun, it could destroy the golden broken stone and bombard the stone wall, but it seemed to have no effect.

Li Beixing looked at it for a while, and just about to stop it, there was a dull cracking sound on the stone wall in front of him...

"This is..." Li Beixing was stunned when he saw everything in front of him.

I saw that after Lin Fei did not know how many bombardments, the seemingly broad stone wall was broken...

It wasn’t that there was a crack, but that the entire stone wall was collapsing. After a while, the huge boulder fell into the sky.

When Li Beixing reacted and wanted to prop up the aura, when the stone had fallen on his body, however, the stone hit on his body turned into a little aura...

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