
Chapter 969: Law phase

However, Lin Fei did not wait outside for a long time, and Lu Qi's face came out quite heavy.

"The master is gone. This is the ashes left by the master after he sat down. He said he didn't want to turn into a ghost after death, to harm the younger generations, let us be in the wind..."

Lin Fei discovered that there was a small package in Lu Qi's hand, which should be the ashes of the elder. The elder was thinking about the younger generation.

After speaking, Lu Qi's expression was heavy, and he seemed ready to obey his will.

But at this moment, he was suddenly stopped.

Lin Fei looked up, it was Zhao Minghai who had been obscurely stopped, Lin Fei was a little surprised, Zhao Minghai has been following several people along the way, only knowing to perform any command, never asking, now I don’t know how , Actually dare to block Lu Qi's decision.

Zhao Minghai now has a firm expression and slowly opens his mouth: "Brother, can you give me the ashes to keep it? I will not let the elders be infested by ghosts."

At this time, Zhao Minghai was discussing, but the stubbornness in the words could be heard by everyone.

Lu Qi apparently didn't expect it. The lesser-minded younger brother would say so, and suddenly he smiled bitterly, and really gave the package to him. He sighed and returned to the hall.

Zhao Minghai carefully collected the ashes, and said quite seriously to Lin Fei: "Brother, believe me, the Xuanyin Sect will not perish. As long as there is a kindling, the Xuanyin Sect will continue, and the ashes of the elders of Fayuan Will be buried in Xuanyin Ancestral Temple in the future and be worshipped by future generations."

After talking, Zhao Minghai turned his head and left, also returning to the main hall, but the figure seemed to be much more determined.

Li Beixing scratched his head: "What did the elder of the Fayuan say, made him change so much?"

Lin Fei shook his head. He was not interested in the elder's last words, because he had just discovered the good news.

They didn't have to die anymore.

This hall did not know what spells were cast by several people of the patriarch, no matter how terrible and terrifying ghosts, they did not dare to be close to this hall.

And there are many materials left in this hall, enough to support the cultivation needs of several people.

Rather than continue to go, it is better to provide honestly here...

After living in, Zhao Minghai and the two were almost enchanted. In addition to their daily hard work, they went to the ghost tide to kill themselves and sharpen themselves.

Until I came back with a serious injury, I invested in the practice day and night again. Once the injury was cured, I immediately invested in the ghost tide, and so on.

Such perseverance in practice, even Lin Fei, who was very knowledgeable, was amazed.

However, Lin Fei did not expect that they stayed in such a place for thirty years.

Thirty years is enough to change many things. The most obvious thing is to cultivate.

Now Lu Qi has formed Jin Dan, and he is even hopeful of the Fa, but Zhao Minghai has made the most progress.

Thirty years ago, he was still the weakest, and now the realm is not far from Lu Qi.

In contrast, Lin Fei and the two are far worse. Although they have repeatedly entered the ghost tide and sharpened themselves, they have only reached the realm of Jindan...

On this day, Lin Fei and the two stood outside the hall, as if waiting for something...

They are waiting for Lucy and the two to come out...

This ghost gate can only be opened for thirty years. It has gradually closed in recent years, and ghosts are gradually decreasing.

Lu Qi and Zhao Minghai seized this opportunity. During the year, they closed their doors in this hall, hoping to break through to the realm of law.

At this time, Lin Fei and Li Beixing were standing outside the hall, protecting them.

Behind Lin Fei, there are many other disciples, who are unevenly cultivated. These are the surviving disciples who have gathered in the ghost tide over the past 30 years. Now Lin Fei’s status is rising and he is responsible for leading these disciples... …

But in this ghost tide, if there is no strong man of the law to sit in the town, there is no use for Jindan.

Therefore, the two of Lu Qi are the hope of everyone. As long as they can break through the realm of law, there is hope to completely dispel ghosts and even restore the glory of the Xuan Yin Sect in the past, so everyone is looking forward to it and has been guarding outside this hall. .

After a long time, there was no movement in the hall. It seemed that it was a failure. Li Beixing sighed, and there was no surprise at this result. After all, Lu Qi and the two had too little practice time and insufficient foundation. After thirty years of promotion to the Fa, there are still some Reluctantly, shaking his head, he was about to leave...


In the hall, a breath of extreme air drifted away. At the next moment, two grim ghosts appeared in the sky above the hall. The height was huge, and the shape of the face kept changing.

These two phantom faces are still a bit hazy, but the fascination of the Fa is so chilling.

"The way of Taoism, they really succeeded." Li Beixing looked at the two horror shadows, and there was a little shock between his expressions.

Lin Fei nodded. Although Lu Qi and her two practiced different techniques, the two ghosts were transformed by the power of Xuanyin, condensing the foundation of Taoism of Xuanyin Sect, perhaps because of the wide opening of the Yin door, Even Tianlei was covered.

As long as the phantoms of Daoism appear, these two are regarded as monks.

Before the people could breathe a sigh of relief, the two phantoms actually rose up into the sky, wrapped around two obscure figures, and went towards the ghost tide in the distance.

"What are you doing, brothers?"

Seeing the two phantom shadows flying outside the hall, several disciples talked behind.

Lin Fei looked far away, he probably had a number in mind. The two men worked hard for 30 years, and finally became a master. The first thing is of course to take revenge.

As Lin Fei expected, I saw two ghosts rushed into the ghost tide with terror.

Lu Qi and the two were so high-profile, running across the sky, immediately attracted the eyes of the ghosts below, countless ghosts roared up in the sky.

"Do they want to remove ghosts? Will they?" Li Beixing looked at the scene with a somewhat uncertain tone.

It is no wonder that Li Beixing has no confidence. Although the ghost gate is going to be closed, and the ghosts in the Xuanyin Sect are gradually decreasing, there are still many ghosts remaining in these thirty years, among which there is no shortage of ghost king and ghost emperor levels.

But Lu Qi and the two were just beginning to enter the Fa, and their cultivation became unstable. This is a bit risky.

But now it's too late to say anything. Under the nervous watching of the hall, the two have rushed into the ghost tide.

The ghost has dominated here for a long time, and has long regarded this place as its own territory. At this time, when someone saw offense, he roared repeatedly and rushed up fearlessly.

And the two phantoms of the phantom did not give way, and they burst into the aura of spirits, and rushed directly into the ghost tide. For a moment, the ghosts roared outside the hall, the ghosts roared, and the anger was surging. This scene seems to have returned to thirty years. before.

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