
Chapter 970: Best time

In the tense eyes of everyone, the two phantoms of the Fa actually crushed all the ghosts. Although the speed of progress was slow, it had already reached beyond the main hall.

The shadows of the two law phases are like two rounds of black sun, traversing the Xuanyin Sect, emitting a stern black light, just like a horse training, sweeping the ghosts below into powder.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall shouted for a while, and the two brothers were so powerful when they first entered the Fa phase. As long as their state is stable, they will definitely be able to clear away ghosts.

However, after crushing a large piece of ghost, the two dharma figures did not mean to return, but instead rushed towards the summit of Xuanyin Sect.

Lin Fei's face suddenly became dignified when he saw this. It turned out that their goal was the demon.

Today, there are only two places in the entire Xuanyin Sect that have not been occupied by ghosts. One is the patriarch's hall where Lin Fei and other people live. There are several elders and Xuanyin Sect Master's backhand layouts, which can ban ghosts. Xuanyin Sect preserved these fires.

There is another place, the peak of the Xuanyin Sect, where there is no prohibition, but no ghosts dare to come close.

Because there is a demon, a congenital half-demon and half-ghost body, dedicated to devouring ghosts to cultivate one's own body, but it is still very high. Over the past 30 years, five or six heads of ghost emperors have been swallowed into the belly.

Only ordinary eating has this kind of power. Lin Fei estimates that the demon ghost has surpassed the ghost emperor, which is already equivalent to the real body of human monks. This is among the ghosts, and it can be called the emperor of ten thousand ghosts. In the world, this ghost is called the ghost emperor...

This is the greatest threat to Xuanyin Sect today. As long as it can expel the demon, Xuanyin Sect will remove the last obstacle on the road to revival.

The two phases of the Fa just overwhelmed the spirits of thousands of ghosts, so that everyone was quite excited, and they were full of confidence in Lu Qi and the two.

In the eyes full of expectations, Lu Qi and the two broke into the mountain completely.

But at the next moment, a huge roaring sound suddenly erupted on the soaring mountain peaks. In a flash, the white clouds shattered, the mountain swayed, and a sound wave rumbled, smashing countless ghosts, followed, just I saw two huge Fa-phantoms rushing back quickly.

But suddenly a grim ghost appeared in the mountain peak. As soon as it appeared to cover the whole mountain, the ghost quickly caught up with the phantom of the Fa, and bit down.

The phantasm of the Fa phase suddenly shattered. Luckily, the two fled back to the main hall. The ghost roared behind and patrolled outside for a while, and finally did not enter. After a while, it slowly dissipated.

At this time, Lu Qi and Lin Fei sat next to Lin Fei. Their faces were pale. After a short breath, they coughed up a big mouth of blood.

Lin Fei was not surprised. The gap between the Fa and the real body was too big, but after a period of practice, there might be opportunities.

Lin Fei was about to say something, but Lu Qi spoke first.

"You don't have to persuade, now is the best time to get rid of that demon. If you can't succeed now, you won't have another chance in the future."

Lin Fei was stunned and shook his head.

Lu Qi is right. Over the past 30 years, the demon has been cultivating himself, and I am afraid that he will be able to go further soon. If he cannot succeed now, there will be no chance for Xuanyin Sect in the future.

But now that the two have lost, Xuanyin Sect has lost its last vitality.

Lin Fei came from a later generation and knew that the Xuanyin Sect had perished long ago, and now it seems that it was destroyed in the hands of the demon.

"What else is going on?" Lin Fei asked.

"Plan..." Lu Qi raised his head to look into the distance, suddenly smiled and said: "Guarding such a mess, of course, made many plans, and now it seems that there is a way..."

But Lu Qi didn't say much anymore. He slowly got up and staggered away, while Zhao Minghai, who was always silent, also got up and followed.

As the two left, the disciples did not dare to say more, and they all dispersed with full of worry, but Lin Fei stood on the spot and took a deep look at the figure of the two leaving.

At night, the two figures walked out of the main hall. It was Lu Qi and they stayed in the main hall for a while, and then they went away.

After a moment...

The two young monks walked out of the shadows, looking at the direction in which Lu Qi and the two left.

"What are they going to do?" Li Beixing saw the two out of the hall, a little strange.

"No matter what the cards are, it should be taken out now." Lin Fei stared closely at the direction the two left, and whispered.

He had long felt that Lu Qi seemed to have something behind him, and he kept paying attention, and it was strange.

Lin Fei looked into the distance, and saw the direction that Lu Qi and the two were heading. It was the ghost gate that was about to close.

The Ghost Gate is a crack in the barrier of the world. It looks like a scar in the sky in the main hall, but now it is closing slowly, almost impossible to reproduce.

Lu Qi and the two approached the Ghost Gate silently, wondering what they were doing there. At the next moment, a monstrous ghost spirit poured out of the Ghost Gate.

Followed by, I saw a rock on the surface of the pothole was brought out by the ghost, and Lu Qi took it into his hand as soon as it appeared.

The stone was so small that it didn't look obvious, but Lin Fei exclaimed, "The God of Heaven and Heaven?"

He never imagined that he would actually see this thing.

According to the ancient records read by Lin Fei, there was a **** stone that came out of the sky. A stone was born in the stone, and he died in the **** stone before he was born. .

The Xuanyin Sect Master at that time devoted all his power to the great magical power, and he turned the dead immortal fetus into a ghost fetus. At that time, the Xuanyin Patriarch had predicted that the chance of Xingyin Zong Daxing's chances would fall on this ghost fetus. .

At that time, this **** stone was a treasure of many worlds, and the shape was attached to the classics in detail. When Lin Fei saw it, it was ugly and impressive.

Lin Fei looked at the **** stone, and thought about it, and instantly figured out many things.

For example, the last words of the old Fayuan elder should be to explain where the **** stone is, and it is no wonder that he will be cast out...

However, at that time, the Xuanyin Sect was strong, and this **** stone did not play any role. Today, there are only two younger disciples. What use can it have?

Lin Fei had some doubts in his heart, and the magic stone suddenly changed.

Thirty years after being nourished in Guimenguan, the ghost tires in it seem to be maturing, and a wave of ghost gas continuously shrinks and expands from the **** stone. This is the fluctuation of the ghost tire. After a while, the **** stone will become agitated. Urgently appearing...

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