
Chapter 971: who am I

At this moment, Lu Qi and the two held the Shenshi, actually sucking the ghost gas, losing the ghost gas to supplement, the restless ghost tire, slowly recovered to silence.

The next moment, the **** stone calmed down completely, like a plain stone.

Before there was silence, however, there was a voice that quietly drifted out.

"This is what your Xuanyin Sect owes to me. After ten thousand years, you will pay me back."

"It's just that by then, I don't know if you are a brother or a brother..."

This sound came from the God Stone. Lin Fei was shocked for a moment. What does this mean? And it also mentioned that after 10,000 years, does it refer to the era in which you are?

When Lin Fei was thinking about this, the air was suddenly full of ghosts, suddenly flooding the figures of Lu Qi.

After half an hour, the ghost gas stopped exploding, and the infinite ghost gas suddenly gathered. Finally, it condensed into a human shape, but the man's face was vague, and his body was ghostly, almost like a ghost.

The figure left the scars in the sky and came towards the hall. As the figure got closer, the facial features gradually became clearer.

When he fell into the hall, Zhao Minghai's face was condensed, but that momentum was not what Zhao Minghai could have. He just stood there as if it was the center of heaven and earth, and even Lin Fei felt pressure.

You should know that Lin Fei once got along with the strong body of the French body, which can make Lin Fe feel stressed. At least, he must condense the Fa and build his true body.

"Xuanyin's true body..." Lin Fei was a little weird. When Zhao Minghai went out, he actually became Xuanyin's true body.

But how is this possible

Even a peerless genius like Lin Banhu can't do it.

Could it be Xuanyin Zhenfa?

It seems that only this is possible...

Lin Fei knew that the Xuanyin Sect contains a Xuanyin True Dharma. As long as there are suitable sacrificial objects, he will be able to quickly promote Gao Xiuwei.

But the Xuanyin true method is not the key. The most important thing is probably the ghost spirit of the Shenshi just now. With what the Shenshi finally said, it seems that the Xuanyin Sect needs to repay the price. This seems to involve some transaction.

As Lin Fei Yue thought more and more, his heart gradually emerged

It should be that the ghost fetus had a promise with Xuanyin Sect that year, and it would help Xuanyin Sect once, and Shan Xuanyin Sect also had to pay a price.

Now it seems that the promise of the ghost tire has been completed, that is, to lend the ghost energy to the two to help the two to become a real body of Xuanyin, but the price does not know what...

At this moment, Zhao Minghai had landed, and he was surrounded with ghosts and vigorous flames. Compared with thirty years ago, he seemed to have changed.

He glanced at Lin Fei and his voice was hoarse: "The revival of Xuanyin Sect is just around the corner. Follow me to witness this moment."

Li Beixing couldn't stand the pressure of the real monk, and he couldn't speak. He didn't have the momentum to rebuke Zhao Minghai.

At this time, Lin Fei followed without hesitation.

Zhao Minghai directly rolled up his sleeves, and a black air wrapped Lin Fei and they reached the top of the Xuanyin Mountain in an instant.

Here the clouds are lingering, the sky is ignorant, and the whole mountain is full of majestic spirits.

This demon is a natural alien, with a half-demon and half-ghost body, and possesses magical powers of both demons and ghosts. It is now a real body, and at the same time it has achieved the position of demon emperor and ghost emperor. Even in the real body, it is also a battle. Extremely strong heterogeneous.

Zhao Minghai stood at the top of the mountain at this time, overlooking his feet, and suddenly slapped his palm downward. I saw that the palm phantom continued to grow, and by the end, it had already covered the entire mountain with monstrous yin.

After condensing the real body of Xuanyin, Zhao Minghai carried the power of Xuanyin in every move, and any palm can mobilize the origin of the practice. Now he is forcing the demon to fight with the power of Xuanyin.

Soon, there was a reaction in the mountain peak, first a strange howling came, and the sound waved open, which actually shattered this palm directly.

Followed by, I saw a single-legged monster bird rising from the sky below. The monster is thousands of feet long, with only one foot beneath it, and only two skeletons left on its wings. There are countless white bones hanging above it. When the fire appeared, he rushed towards Zhao Minghai.

Zhao Minghai has no sorrow and joy, condenses the power of Xuanyin, and directly collides with the demon with his real body.

At this time, even if Lin Fei wanted to help, there was no room for them to intervene. In fact, if they were not sheltered by the power of Xuanyin, they would have been turned into powder by this time.

"I rely on..." For the first time, Li Beixing saw a real-level match, and the whole person was stunned.

Lin Fei was also somewhat surprised, but not because of the realm. What he didn't expect was that Zhao Minghai's combat power was so exaggerated, he even suppressed the demon as soon as he played.

If you go on like this, this demon will not be used a few times, and will be completely suppressed by Zhao Minghai.

Above the Xuanyin Mountain peak, the combat power of the two real bodies was swayed to the extreme. Zhao Minghai carried Xuanyin's power in every move. The monster's demon's power was frozen by the inch, and even his actions became slow.

Soon, the demon had only the power to parry, one wing had been torn off, the body was penetrated by Xuanyin, and the blood red light in his eyes would go out.

Lin Fei sees this and already knows the final result. If this demon can't make a breakthrough, he will definitely be killed by Zhao Minghai.

But how could there be such a good breakthrough in the real body realm, under Zhao Minghai's offensive, the demon was no longer able to resist and was completely swallowed by the power of Xuanyin...

Lin Fei was relieved. According to his observation of living in the illusion for thirty years, they were caught in a period of history.

Now that the strongest demons have been eliminated, this history should also end. This illusion should also come to an end.


Lin Fei looked around, still haunted by fog, a ruined scene of ruins, without any change, this was a bit wrong...

Moreover, Zhao Minghai's state seems to be a bit strange. After killing the demon, he froze in midair. His face flashed with pain, sorrow, regret, his body's breath was a little unstable, and the power of Xuanyin overflowed.

Lin Fei was on the side of guarding carefully. Was this cultivation too fast to improve, and got into trouble?

"Who am I?" Zhao Minghai suddenly looked up, his eyes blank, and looked around.

"Who am I? You said, who the **** am I?" Zhao Minghai suddenly grabbed Li Beixing around him, his eyes red, his voice mad.

"Ah? Me, my, that..." Feeling the terrible momentum of Zhao Minghai, Li Beixing trembles in his heart, unable to even speak.

"Hurry up, who am I!" Seeing Li Beixing's support, Zhao Minghai suddenly roared, his hands hard, and actually strangled Li Beixing alive.

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