Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1001 I want to go back alive

"Sanggong, I'm not afraid of death," Quiet's voice became more choked up, his throat was choked with pain, his eyes were even redder as if tears would fall at any moment, "I just can't bear to bear the children"

"I know." Xiao Changyi tightened his arms around An Jing a lot, as if he wanted to embed An Jing into his body. After a while, he said again in a low voice: "Me too."

"Sanggong" An Jing simply buried her face in Xiao Changyi's arms to prevent Xiao Changyi from seeing her cry, but her voice became more choked up, "I want to go back alive, I want to watch the children grow up, I want to watch the children marry wives and children"

Xiao Changyi hugged An Jing tightly, his throat was also choked, and it hurt a lot. After a long time, he finally uttered three words: "Me too."

On the other side, Imperial City:

royal palace.

At the entrance of Jundian, the four little guys sat together on the steps of Jundian's entrance. Even though it was late at night, the four little guys still refused to enter Jundian to sleep.

Emperor Xiyun stood not far from the four little guys, and felt very uncomfortable seeing the four little guys sitting there like pitiful little ones abandoned by their parents.

At first, the four little ones were able to play very happily in the palace. Later, seeing that their parents hadn't picked them up, they cried and made a fuss. They started crying again and asked why their parents hadn't come to pick them up yet.

Today, the four little guys stopped crying, but just sat there, waiting for their parents to pick them up.

"Jing'er, Xing'er, Qing'er, Yun'er, it's late at night, it's time to rest, come, come into the house with grandpa."

Emperor Xiyun was about to lead the four little guys into the house, but the four little guys turned their heads to look at him.

"Grandpa, why haven't father and mother come to pick us up yet?"

Emperor Xiyun's lips trembled slightly.

"Grandpa, don't father and mother want us anymore?"

When Emperor Xiyun heard this, he quickly comforted him: "Good boy, your parents won't let you go."

"Then why didn't father and mother come to pick us up?" The four little guys immediately asked again, and at the same time, their deer's eyes were all red, very pitiful and distressing.

Emperor Xiyun's old eyes were also red, and he had endured much more than these four little guys.

But he still comforted him: "Good boy, your father and mother have gone to work and haven't come back, so they didn't come to pick you up. It's not that they don't want you. Listen to grandpa, let's go in and rest."

An Yiyun cried: "Mother told Yun'er and brothers to listen to grandpa's words, Yun'er and brothers listened, but mother and father didn't come to pick up Yun'er and brothers, Yun'er don't listen Don't listen to what Grandpa said."

"Yes, let's not listen to Grandpa!" The other three little guys agreed, and all cried at the same time.

Emperor Xiyun comforted him for a long time, but he couldn't comfort him, so he had to ask someone to call Su Muchen over.

As soon as Su Muchen came, Emperor Xiyun whispered to Su Muchen, "Chen'er, you should be sensible now, don't let Grandpa Huang worry about you."

"Grandson obeys." Su Muchen felt very uncomfortable. He knew that his father was infected with the plague.

"Advise your four younger brothers well. They play best with you. If your father and the king cannot come back, you will be their reliance in the future, and they will be your reliance. You should be as close as your own brothers. Listen Reached?"

"The grandson heard it."



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