Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1002 You are so courageous

Su Muchen cheered up, tried to suppress the sadness, squeezed out a smile, and walked towards the four little guys. He comforted the four little guys, played with the four little guys, and soon, the four little guys stopped crying Then, with a smile, he followed Su Muchen into the Palace of the King.

On the twelfth day when Jing Jing and the others entered the city, another person from the imperial capital came to Nanyan City.

One of these two is Tuoba Yao, and the other is Crown Princess Ning Wenxian.

Tuoba Yao came here because of Meng Zhuqing, she didn't believe that the plague would be cured, Meng Zhuqing should have contracted the plague and died in this city in the end, so she came.

Meng Zhuqing was her only concern, she really couldn't pretend that she didn't know anything and just stay in the imperial capital like this.

Even though Meng Zhuqing didn't know that she was in love with him, even though she didn't expect to be with Meng Zhuqing long ago, she still came here without hesitation, to the plague-ravaged Southern Mirage.

It would be nice to die in the same place as him. Tuoba Yao's face was still extremely cold, but she thought so in her heart.

As for the Crown Princess Ning Wenxian

Tuobayao looked at Ning Wenxian, and seeing Ning Wenxian, the crown princess, nodded her head towards her, so she shouted loudly to the soldiers above the city gate: "The crown princess is here, general, please open the city gate quickly, let us Let's go in."

General Lu took a closer look, and he, who used to work in the Imperial Capital, immediately recognized that it was really the Crown Princess. He was very surprised, and never expected that the Crown Princess would come: "The matter of opening the city gate will eventually be out of control. , I will have to ask Prince Yi for instructions."

This person is the Crown Princess, he can't let anyone in casually, it will be bad if he is infected with the plague, so he should ask Prince Yi to be on the safe side, and he will not be blamed if something goes wrong.

When Ning Wenxian heard that she was asking for instructions from Prince Yi instead of His Highness the Crown Prince, she immediately asked anxiously, "Where is Your Highness the Crown Prince? Why don't you ask His Highness the Crown Prince?"

General Lu said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is recuperating, and since Prince Yi entered the city, all matters in Nanyan City will be under the control of Prince Yi, and there is no need to report to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

When she heard that Su Chengyu was recuperating and not dead, Ning Wenxian heaved a sigh of relief.

General Lu was about to send someone to ask Xiao Changyi for instructions, but when he saw Meng Zhuqing was about to go up to the tower for inspection, he immediately said loudly: "Vice General Meng, you came just in time, this princess is here, look?"

As soon as he heard that the Crown Princess had arrived, Meng Zhuqing quickly went up the tower, leaned on the wall of the tower, and looked down.

General Lu said that the Crown Princess is here, so Meng Zhuqing was not surprised to see the Crown Princess, but when he saw Tuoba Yao standing at the gate of the city, he was immediately startled.

Why is she here? !

Meng Zhuqing tried her best to suppress her worries about Tuoba Yao's situation, and asked respectfully: "Why are the princess and princess here? Did the emperor allow you to come?"

Seeing Meng Zhuqing's good manners, Tuobayao finally let go of the heart that Meng Zhuqing had raised since she left the imperial capital and came to the Southern Mirage City.

Ning Wenxian didn't know how to answer. She and Tuoba Yao came here secretly, Emperor Xiyun didn't know about it at all.

Seeing that Ning Wenxian didn't speak, Tuoba Yao shouted loudly: "You are so brave, what are the Princess and the Crown Princess doing here, you are a lieutenant general who can ask you? Hurry up and open the city gate and let us in!"

Meng Zhuqing immediately pleaded guilty and said: "I hope the Crown Princess and the Princess will forgive me, I will never think of committing the following crimes, but this South Mirage city is too dangerous, it is really not safe for the Crown Princess and the Princess to come here."

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