Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1032 Take Your Time

The family of six is ​​finally together.

An Jing hugged the four children, and seeing that Su Yijing was still very calm, she rubbed her face against Su Yijing's little face, and apologized with a sob: "Jing'er, I'm sorry, it's because father and mother are not good, father It shouldn't have taken me so long to pick you up, and it made you cry all the time, it's all because of your father and mother's fault, I'm sorry, can you forgive father and mother, okay? Okay?"

As she spoke, An Jing shed tears again. The other three children ignored her, but her eldest son ignored her, and she felt uncomfortable.

Just when Jing Jing was feeling uncomfortable, the little guy Su Yijing raised his little hand. Although he didn't speak, he wiped Jing Jing's face with his little hand, making it clear that he didn't want to cry quietly.

Seeing Jing Jing, she happily rubbed Su Yijing's little face again, regardless of whether her tears touched Su Yijing's little face or not.

It was also because of Su Yijing's action of wiping her tears that An Jing stopped crying.

"Today is your third birthday, do you remember?" An Jing sniffed and said with a smile. "What do you want to eat, tell father and mother, can father and mother prepare it for you?"

Except for Su Yijing, the three little fellows Su Yixing, An Yiqing, and An Yiyun all happily said loudly: "Okay!"

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi both knew that their eldest son was very different from the other three children, and since they hadn't seen each other for two months, it was normal for him to be unfamiliar, so they didn't force him.

Take your time, after a long time, their eldest son should not be so unfamiliar with them.

"Then do you want father and mother to make it for you at home, or do it for you in this palace?" Jing Anqiang cheered up and asked with a smile.

The three little guys, Su Yixing, An Yiqing, and An Yiyun immediately said: "Go home, go home! Daddy and mother are going to take us home! Go home! Go home and cook! Go home and eat meat Meat, meat made by father and mother!"

Jing Jing laughed: "Is there nothing else in your eyes except meat?"

The three little guys also answered unanimously: "I want meat! Lots of meat! All kinds of meat! The meat is delicious!"

"Okay, meat, dad and mother will cook a lot of meat for you when you go home." Jing Jing first finished talking to the three little guys with a smile, then turned her head, and asked her eldest son cautiously and flatteringly: " Jing'er, father and mother will cook you a lot of meat, okay?"

Although Su Yijing's face was still calm and did not speak, she nodded slightly.

It's even happier to be quiet. Although he still doesn't talk to her, her eldest son still cares about her.

Then, quietly looked at Emperor Xiyun.

Before An Jing could speak, Emperor Xiyun smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, I can't stand so much meat, it's better to eat some porridge and side dishes in the palace."

"Then the emperor, we will go back." An Jing stood up, holding a child by the hand.

Xiao Changyi also got up, holding a child by the hand.

"Well, let's go." Emperor Xiyun nodded and smiled.

As soon as Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi returned to Prince Yi's mansion, they took the four little guys to the kitchen.

At this moment, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi are not willing to be separated from the four little guys, of course they are with them.

Fortunately, the four little guys are also willing to follow them.

"Mother, I want a lot of meat!" An Yiyun worriedly followed An Jing around the kitchen, and while circling, he also told An Jing in a childish voice.

An Jing thought it was funny, but also felt soft in her heart.

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