Bending over, lowering her head, she quietly rubbed the little face of the little man who was following her around: "Don't worry, father and mother will definitely cook a lot of meat for you today."

Today is the birthday of their children, how could she not satisfy their children's request?

"Yeah" being rubbed, and his mother promised to make a lot of meat, the little guy An Yiyun was very happy.

In the end, An Jing and Xiao Changyi made braised pork, twice-cooked pork, steamed pork, braised pig's trotters, beef bone soup, scallion omelette, and four small bowls of longevity noodles.

Before the dishes were served, An Jing had already taken the beef bones out of the soup and put them aside to drain and put them on the plate. When the time came, the children could just take the meat on them and eat them.

"Fatty, I want to eat meat!" An Yiyun, An Yiqing, and Su Yixing clamored for meat as soon as they were hugged in front of the table.

Although Su Yijing didn't make any noise, his eyes were fixed on the meat on the table, as if he wanted to eat it.

"Let's eat longevity noodles first. Today is your birthday, so you should eat some." Quietly said with a smile. Together with Xiao Changyi, put four bowls of longevity noodles in front of the four little guys.

But the four little guys refused to eat, and they all looked like they wanted to eat meat if they didn't want noodles.

Jing Jing patiently smiled and said: "Just take one bite, and the rest will be eaten by mother and father. After you take a bite of noodles, let you eat meat, how about it?"

The four little guys then picked up the chopsticks, picked up some noodles with the chopsticks unskillfully, and then ate a small mouthful of noodles.

Immediately, they stopped eating noodles.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi saw that the four little guys had a bite of noodles, and they realized that they didn't force the children to continue eating.

They just started distributing meat to the four little guys. The four little guys like to eat meat very much. An Yiyun and An Yiqing even hummed happily while eating meat.

Jing Jing didn't know what An Yiqing and the others were humming, but she was really happy to see their four children eating the food made by her and her husband-in-law.

When she was in Nanyan before, she thought she would never see the children again, because she couldn't bear the children. At that time, she was really uncomfortable.

Now that the children are in front of her eyes, she truly feels extremely happy.

Xiao Changyi gave Jing Jing a bowl of leftover noodles from the four little guys, and he ate the other three bowls. Fortunately, he finished the bowl very quickly, and he was still not full.

Xiao Changyi first gave An Jing a big ox bone to gnaw on, and then he also picked up a ox bone to gnaw on.

"Daddy, Yun'er wants it too!" An Yiyun clamored for the bones.

Xiao Changyi said: "Eat the one in your hand first." There was still a cow bone in his hand that he hadn't finished chewing.

An Yiyun said in a childish voice: "Can't Yun'er eat a bone with one hand?"

Xiao Changyi said, "You still hold the omelette in the other hand."

Upon hearing this, An Yiyun immediately put the omelette back into the bowl, as if he was holding a beef bone in one hand.

Watching quietly, I just find it funny. Sometimes her youngest son is really funny.

Xiao Changyi actually doesn't like pampering children, but today is special, so Xiao Changyi gave An Yiyun another ox bone and asked An Yiyun to hold it in his hand.

Holding the ox bone in both hands, An Yiyun was immediately satisfied.

Seeing that An Yiyun had two bones, Su Yixing and An Yiqing asked for it.

Xiao Changyi also gave it all. At the same time, he also gave Su Yijing a ox bone so that Su Yijing could also hold a bone in one hand.

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