Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1034 Water comes out...

Seeing that Xiao Changyi also gave him a bone, Su Yijing first looked at the bone in a daze, then Xiao Luyan turned to look at Xiao Changyi, and after a while, he lowered his head again, no longer looking at Xiao Changyi, but like their younger brother, Holding a bone in one hand and gnawing on it.

However, he was gnawing silently.

Not a word was said.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi felt a little uncomfortable seeing their eldest son like this.

After dinner, An Jing and Xiao Changyi took the four little guys to play around in Prince Yi's mansion.

The four little guys prefer the rockery in Prince Yi's Mansion, so An Jing and Xiao Changyi took the four little guys to play on the rockery much longer than in other places.

"Shui Shui, Shui Shui." An Yiqing, the craziest among the four children, suddenly ran to An Jing, trying to reach his back with his little hands. "Mother, there's water coming out of Qing'er's back. There's a lot of water and it's hot."

Jing Jing laughed: "You are sweating, look at you, your forehead is also covered with sweat."

As she said that, An Jing wanted to wipe An Yiqing's sweat with a handkerchief, but found that she didn't have a handkerchief on her body, so she simply wiped An Yiqing's sweat with her sleeve.

"Qing'er wants to take off her clothes, it's hot." An Yiqing wiped off his sweat with a small hand while An Yiqing was trying to take off his clothes.

Jing Jing said: "It's getting dark today, your father is going to give you a bath, you put it on first, okay? After your father bathes you, he will take it off for you."

"Ke Qing'er is hot now." An Yiqing was a little unhappy, as if he couldn't stand the heat.

An Jing first exchanged glances with Xiao Changyi before saying, "Then take off one?"

An Yiqing was immediately happy: "Yeah."

Then, An Jing took off the coat for An Yiqing, leaving only the inner coat.

"Mother, Yun'er has to take off too."

"Mother, Xing'er has to take off too."

An Yiyun and Su Yixing took off their clothes, An Yiqing immediately stopped playing, and hurried to An Jing's side, and came to find An Jing to undress them.

"Are you out of the water too?" Quietly asked with a smile.

An Yiyun and Su Yixing immediately nodded their heads: "Yes!"

"Okay then." An Jing finally took off his coats for An Yiyun and Su Yixing.

Seeing that Su Yijing didn't come over, Xiao Changyi didn't play, but stood there watching them, Xiao Changyi immediately strode towards Su Yijing.

As soon as he walked to his eldest son, Xiao Changyi bent down and asked softly, "Are you sweating?"

Su Yijing pursed her lips slightly, then nodded honestly.

"Do you want to take off a piece of clothing like the younger brothers?" Xiao Changyi still spoke softly.

Su Yijing didn't hesitate this time, and nodded again.

"Come on, dad help you take it off." Saying that, Xiao Changyi started to take it off for Su Yijing.

Su Yijing's obedient Ren Xiao Changyi took off his coat.

After taking off Su Yijing's coat, Xiao Changyi even touched Mo Su Yijing's head, his voice was still very soft: "Go and play."

Su Yijing looked up at Xiao Changyi with his little head up, his little lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, instead he turned around and went to play with his younger brothers.

Xiao Changyi just stood there, quietly watching his eldest son play with his other sons, watching his eldest son talk to his other three sons, but still refused to talk to him and his wife , he felt a little uncomfortable.

Quiet walked to Xiao Changyi, stood side by side with Xiao Changyi, she also looked at the eldest son who was playing with the other three little guys, after a while, she sighed softly: "Sir, we really hurt the children. "

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