Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1069 Don't Worry Us

"I just want to say," Jing Jing continued, "whether your body can conceive a child or not, if you really meet the right person, that person won't care about it."

"It's like my husband-in-law. When my husband-in-law is with me, he doesn't care if I can't have a baby. You go and ask. Before I was pregnant with a child, everyone, including me and my husband-in-law, thought that I couldn't have a baby." How did my husband-in-law treat me when the child was born, and how my life with my husband-in-law is like, who doesn't envy me and my husband-in-law as one person."

"Without children, in fact, a husband and wife can live a happy life together." Apart from such consolation, An Jing really doesn't know how to comfort her.

She's really not good at comforting people.

But she could tell that Tuoba Yao was feeling very uncomfortable, so she felt that it was better for her to say some comforting words as much as possible.

Finally, Tuoba Yao opened her eyes, turned her head, looked at Jing Jing who was sitting by the bed, and sincerely thanked: "Thank you, Princess, for your concern, Yan Yao is fine."


how can nothing happen

Jing Jing didn't expose Tuoba Yao, but said: "Take care of you, there are many people who care about you, don't let us worry."

I don't know if I can hear the deep meaning in An Jing's words, Tuoba Yao nodded: "Yes."

When An Jing came out of Tuoba Yao's room, she happened to see Meng Zhuqing comforting Mrs. Meng in the yard, Jing Jing first told Meng Zhuqing to accompany Mrs. Meng well, and then left Shengwang's mansion and returned to Prince Yi's mansion.

Mrs. Meng was not comforted by Meng Zhuqing at all, she was still sobbing: "If the princess doesn't save me, it won't be like this. I hurt the princess and the princess shouldn't save me"

"If I knew that this would happen today, I wouldn't leave the house even if I said nothing, the horse wouldn't know what happened, it would suddenly look crazy, and then the princess appeared and saved me, but she was all my fault it's me"

Meng Zhuqing didn't know how to appease his mother, so she could only say again: "Mother, you don't want to do this either."

But Mrs. Meng was still sobbing: "She is the princess, with such a noble status, it would be a great sin for her to be ridiculed behind her back for not being able to give birth."

"Mother, go back, you're useless here, the princess needs to rest, if you let her hear this, how can she rest." Meng Zhuqing tried her best to hold back her distress for Tuobayao, and persuaded Mrs. Meng again go back.

Only then did Mrs. Meng agree to leave.

Meng Zhuqing did not accompany Mrs. Meng back to the General's Mansion, nor did he stay in Prince Sheng's Mansion, he returned to Prince Yi's Mansion just like An Jing and Gong Juechen.

An Jing was surprised to see Meng Zhuqing came back so soon, and blurted out, "Why are you back?"

Meng Zhuqing understood the meaning of quietness, she was silent for a while, and then said honestly: "I will go over to have a look at night."

Quiet, silent.

She could guess that he sneaked into Prince Sheng's Mansion secretly at night.


The moon and stars are rare.

Meng Zhuqing sneaked into Prince Sheng's Mansion.

At this time, the lights in Tuoba Yao's room were already out.

Meng Zhuqing sneaked into the courtyard where Tuoba Yao lived, and did not find any way to get into Tuoba Yao's room, he just stood at the door of Tuoba Yao's room, quietly standing at the door of Tuoba Yao's room.

He didn't know what to do other than get closer to her like this.

Just when Meng Zhuqing stood enough at the door of Tuoba Yao's room and was about to turn around and leave, Tuoba Yao's voice came from the room

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