Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1070 She already knew...

"The door is not bolted."

The four words of coldness and aloofness made Meng Zhuqing froze instantly.


knew he was coming.


As if waiting for him.

Meng Zhuqing tried his best to gather his mind before raising his hand, and gently tried to push the door in front of him. Then, he found that the door was not locked from the inside.


Looking at the door that he had already opened a little, Meng Zhuqing hesitated, and finally pushed the door a little wider, and walked in slowly.

Unconsciously, he closed the door again with his backhand.

Although there are no oil lamps in the room, because the moon is bright and clear tonight, the moonlight shines in, so the room can still be seen clearly.

Meng Zhuqing hesitated again, but still walked towards Tuoba Yao.

Tuoba Yao was lying on the bed with her beautiful eyes closed, her expression was quite normal, as if she had fallen asleep, but Meng Zhuqing knew that she was actually awake. She had just spoken to him.

"You" stood by the bed, looking at the person lying on the bed, Meng Zhuqing didn't know what to say.

Shouldn't he ask how she knew he was coming?

Tuoba Yao was still lying there quietly, eyes closed, motionless. The moonlight shone on her face, making her cold and aloof even more.

Meng Zhuqing stopped talking and just stood quietly by the bed, but after standing for a while, he still took a stool and sat on the side of the bed, still looking at the person on the bed.

It was the first time that he could guard her so close.

After a long time, seeing that Tuoba Yao still didn't speak, and was still sleeping peacefully, Meng Zhuqing really thought that in the silence, Tuoba Yao had already fallen asleep.

Even if he clearly knew in his heart that he was deceiving himself.

But, involuntarily, he still boldly raised his hand and stretched it towards her face. He had never touched her face before, and at this moment, he wanted to.

But just when his hand was about to touch her face, he was timid and wanted to take it back.

But someone didn't let him take it back, and grabbed his hand tightly.

Meng Zhuqing suffocated for breath instantly, and her whole body became stiff again. He wanted to take back the hand that was grabbed by Tuoba Yao, but he was reluctant to take it back.

Tuoba Yao still had her beautiful eyes closed, except that one hand grabbed Meng Zhuqing's hand, her expression and posture hardly changed.

Although the "princess lord" didn't withdraw his hand, Meng Zhuqing still spoke, feeling really complicated and anxious.

Tuobayao still didn't speak, but her grip on Meng Zhuqing's hand became tighter and tighter. Tears even slowly rolled down the corners of her closed beautiful eyes. Under the moonlight, the tears were not only crystal clear, but also special. The coldness is particularly distressing.

Meng Zhuqing's heart twitched in an instant, and almost instantly, his grasped hand held hers instead, and asked tremblingly, "When did you know?"

Finally, Tuoba Yao spoke, and said slowly: "When you were in Nanyan, you were unconscious and called my name."

At the beginning, in Nanyan, he fell into a coma due to the plague, and in the coma, he kept murmuring her name. At that time, she knew that he liked her.

It's just that at that time she thought her body was unclean and unworthy, so she pretended not to know.

Meng Zhuqing looked at the man with his eyes closed, and listened to what he said, his heart felt like a knife, and he couldn't help but tighten his hand.

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