Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1076 You Are Obviously Harming Him!

Before Gong Juechen finished speaking, Meng Zhuqing drew out his sword and put it on Gong Juechen's neck, saying that if you continue talking, I will wipe your neck and let your blood splatter on the spot.

Gong Juechen immediately shut up obediently. At the same time, he silently withdrew the hand that was taking the medicine into his bosom and gave Meng Zhuqing a pill.

Seeing this, Meng Zhuqing put the sword back into the scabbard.

Quietly scolded: "Gong Juechen, can you stop being so dirty?"

Gong Juechen felt a little wronged: "I want to help Zhuzhu?"

"How are you helping him? You are obviously harming him!" An Jing was annoyed. "Which woman would want her sweetheart to use such obscene things for herself. If he does what you say, Yan Yao would definitely die rather than suffer such humiliation."

Gong Juechen was even more aggrieved: "Obviously the girls in the Nuanhua Pavilion like this, and they also said that the guests would let them eat a pill in advance every time. If I didn't keep a bag on my body, the Nuanhua Pavilion's girls would be so happy." The bustard has bought them all from me.”


"Do you really think I won't kill you?!" Meng Zhuqing drew out her sword angrily, as if she was going to kill Gong Juechen. This fellow actually compares his sweetheart with the girl in the brothel who doesn't know how to love herself? !

Gong Juechen hurriedly ran out, still yelling: "I don't want to say anything."

Meng Zhuqing angrily chased to the gate of the main courtyard, and saw that Gong Juechen had already run out of the courtyard, so he stopped chasing, turned around, walked back, and stood listlessly in front of An Jing and Xiao Changyi, judging from the vicious state of killing people just now. If there are two people.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi looked at each other when they saw Meng Zhuqing's depressed mood.

Before the two of them spoke, An Yiyun, who was playing not far away, ran over, pulled Meng Zhuqing's trouser legs, and comforted him: "Uncle Zhuqing, are you so unhappy because you were scolded by your father and mother?" Ah, Yun'er has also been tamed, but Yun'er just eats a candy, and Yun'er will give you one too, here."

As he spoke, An Yiyun gave Meng Zhuqing a small piece of caramel that he was reluctant to eat.

Meng Zhuqing felt that her heart was about to warm up.

Jing Jing laughed and said: "Yun'er can see that you are unhappy, you are really unhappy."

Meng Zhuqing smiled a little embarrassedly, and then returned the caramel to An Yiyun, "Uncle won't eat it, uncle is not unhappy, you eat it yourself, Yun'er."

"Uncle Zhuqing, are you really unhappy?" An Yiyun seemed a little worried, and refused to take back the caramel.

Meng Zhuqing nodded and smiled, "I'm not unhappy."

Only then did An Yiyun take the caramel back with his small hands, rewrapped it, and put it back in his arms, and said in a childish voice with a smile on his face: "Mother and Daddy only gave Yun'er a piece of candy for a few days, Yun'er You have to keep it, and only eat it when you are unhappy."

When Meng Zhuqing heard this, she was even more moved. A child was given something he was reluctant to eat

"Yun'er, come here, come to mother." An Jing beckoned and asked An Yiyun to come over, and when An Yiyun was hugged by her, she asked with a smile: "Why are you willing to give Uncle Zhuqing the candy you don't want to eat?" what?"

"Uncle Zhuqing is unhappy, Yun'er doesn't want Uncle Zhuqing to be unhappy." Immediately, An Yiyun said with a smile: "Uncle Zhuqing said he was not unhappy, and he even gave the candy to Yun'er again, Yun'er You can save the sugar again."

Seeing this little An Yiyun, An Yiyun's heart softened, and she couldn't help rubbing her face against An Yiyun's little face, An Yiyun immediately giggled.

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