Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1077 How can you think of me?

Jing Jing touched An Yiyun's small head again, and then sighed to Meng Zhuqing: "It's not in vain that you always take them with you."

Meng Zhuqing said: "Young masters are kind-hearted."

An Jing shook her head, but didn't say anything more about this, but turned back to the topic, saying: "We really think there is a problem, you can leave the matter in the mansion alone during this time, let Qin Yi and the housekeeper take care of it, you Just taking care of Yanyao, I always feel that something is going to happen, and I feel a little uneasy."

"Thank you ma'am." Meng Zhuqing immediately thanked her gratefully. He also felt uneasy that something was going to happen.

After Meng Zhuqing left, An Jing put An Yiyun in her arms back on the ground, and asked An Yiyun to play with his brothers not far away.

As soon as An Yiyun was placed on the ground, he happily ran towards Su Yijing and the others on his short legs.

Quietly looked at the four children for a while, and then smiled at Xiao Changyi: "Master, our children will care about others, and they know how to give Meng Zhuqing candy to eat, so Meng Zhuqing will not be unhappy."

Xiao Changyi said: "You teach well."

Jing Jing was immediately amused: "Why do you think of me?"

"Isn't it good?"

"No, okay, I think you should teach better, and you teach children more severely than me."

"That's what we taught well."

Hearing us, An Jing was even happier: "Mmmm."

Xiao Changyi said again: "The children are also good-natured."

"That's it, don't look whose child it is!" Jing Jing said with pride and pride.

"You and my child." He said very cooperatively.

An Jing's heart was immediately as sweet as honey, and she approached him with a smile, and asked meaningfully: "How many catties of candy are you going to give me today?"

Xiao Changyi was still sitting there without answering, but his handsome face moved closer to her, and their faces were suddenly very close. Then, he asked back, "Is it sweet now?"

"Yeah" Quiet nodded immediately.

The four little guys came over at some time, and were standing at their feet, looking up at them with their little heads up incomprehension, and even asked in a childish voice: "Mother, have you eaten yet?" Sugar, how can it be sweet?"

"Hahaha" Jing Jing was so happy that he didn't answer the four little guys' questions at all, but laughed out loud without thinking about it at all.

Xiao Changyi didn't answer the words of the four little guys, but the corners of Bao Liang's mouth curled up slightly. At the same time, he gently rubbed the heads of the four little guys one by one.

The four little guys didn't care whether their parents answered them or not. Seeing Xiao Changyi gently rubbing their little heads, they liked it very much, so they giggled straight at Xiao Changyi, laughing so hard that they couldn't see their teeth.

Very cute.

Coming out of the main courtyard, Meng Zhuqing hesitated for a long time, and finally decided not to sneak around to see Tuoba Yao at night, but to go in the daytime.

Tuoba Yao's body has recovered a lot, but she still has to take care of her.

A few days ago, she was able to get out of bed and walk around, and Tuoba Yao didn't want to be bored in the room, so she just sat in the yard, and at the same time, doing handwork was a way to pass the time.

Hearing the guard tell Meng Zhuqing to see her, Tuoba Yao paused slightly, then said calmly, "Let him in."


As soon as Meng Zhuqing entered the main courtyard where Tuobayao lived, he saw Tuobayao sitting at the stone table in the yard making kites, he paused slightly, and then continued to walk towards Tuobayao respectfully. Li: "Princess."

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