Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1091 Master...

Before the spies found anything in the Han family, Anjing and Xiao Changyi were told by Meng Zhuqing that the day of his marriage with Tuobayao was set to be on the 24th of next month, and I have already found someone to see the day, and the 24th of next month will be a good day , so it was set on that day.

At that time, Meng Zhuqing will marry Tuoba Yao into the General's Mansion, but after getting married, Tuoba Yao will follow Meng Zhuqing to live in Prince Yi's Mansion.

And the spies had been in Han's house for seven days, and finally got some news.

To be precise, the spies overheard the conversation between brothers Han Xinzhe and Han Xinrui.

It turned out that Han Xinzhe and Han Xinrui had been secretly looking for Su Chenglin's whereabouts.

And Han Xinzhe and Han Xinrui, like Gong Juechen, believed that Emperor Xiyun wanted to kill all his sons except Su Chengyu, so that Su Chengyu would become the crown prince and inherit the throne without any threat.

At the same time, I also overheard that Han Xinzhe mentioned Ling'er, Concubine Han's personal maid, who seemed to be the one who informed Han Xinzhe and Han Xinrui of the matter.

As soon as Xiao Changyi learned of this, he ordered: "Go and find out where this Ling'er is now."

"Yes!" The spy, that is, Qin Yi, went to do it immediately.

Three days later, Qin Yi found out that the maid named Ling'er married not long after she was sent out of the palace, and married into an ordinary family in the imperial capital.

However, on the day she got married, her husband died, and her husband's family thought it was her husband, so they kicked her out of her husband's house.

After that, she didn't remarry again, but built a very small house in the north of the imperial capital, where she lived alone and hardly interacted with others.

As soon as he knew where the maid lived, Xiao Changyi took Gong Juechen to find the maid.

Gong Juechen didn't want to come at first, he felt that Xiao Changyi's effort was wasted, that Emperor Xiyun was cruel and wanted to kill them all, but seeing Xiao Changyi was investigating so seriously, he didn't say he didn't want to come, but came with him .

Meng Zhuqing also came along.

Once at the door of the maidservant's house, Meng Zhuqing took a step forward and knocked on the door. Soon, an old woman opened the door for them.

After more than twenty years, women who were once young are old.

"Who are you looking for?" The old woman didn't know if she had bad eyesight. As soon as she opened the door, she squinted at them and asked them who they were looking for.

Before Meng Zhuqing could speak, Gong Juechen folded his arms and said, "You are the only one in this family, who else will come to look for besides you."

The old woman also followed the sound to look at Gong Juechen, the more she looked, the closer the old woman moved towards Gong Juechen, finally, the old woman cried and knelt down fiercely to Gong Juechen: "Master! "

Gong Juechen suddenly felt sour. He looks so similar to his concubine mother, it's no wonder that this man with bad eyes mistook him for his concubine mother.

"Master, didn't you burn to death? Why are you here? Could it be that Ling'er is already dead?" the old woman asked in tears.

"I'm not your master." Gong Juechen said lightly. "Don't you recognize that my voice is male?"

The "male" old woman was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly got up, hunched her back, raised her wrinkled face, squinted her eyes, and carefully looked at Gong Juechen.

Seeing that Gong Juechen was really a man, the old woman murmured, "It's really like a master."

Meng Zhuqing kindly said: "He is your master's son, the seventh prince Su Chenglin."

The old woman turned pale with shock at first, then backed away again and again: "No, no, master, the seventh prince and eight princesses were all burned to death, he is not the seventh prince, no."

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