As soon as she retreated into the courtyard, the old woman wanted to close the courtyard door, with a particularly panicked expression.

But how could Meng Zhuqing let her close, go to the gate of the courtyard, and let Master Xiao Changyi enter the courtyard.

Gong Juechen also followed into the yard.

Only then did Meng Zhuqing stop resisting the door, and even helped close the courtyard door.

"Enter the house." Xiao Changyi led the way into the house. It is not good to speak outside, but it is better to speak inside.

Gong Juechen, Shi Shiran followed Xiao Changyi into the house.

The old woman was a little at a loss, but in the end, she bit the bullet and entered the house.

Only then did Meng Zhuqing also enter the house.

There are very few things in the house, and it can be seen that the family is actually very poor. Xiao Changyi and Gong Juechen sat beside the old square table. There happened to be two long benches next to the table, and Xiao Changyi and Gong Juechen each occupied one.

As soon as the old woman came in, Xiao Changyi looked at Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen got up resignedly, took off his shirt, and showed the old woman the birthmark on his lower back.

When the old woman saw the birthmark, her eyes filled with tears again: "It turns out that you are really you, little master."

Suddenly, the old woman became very serious again, and knelt down in front of Gong Juechen again, and made a big gift to Gong Juechen: "Slave Ling'er, pay homage to the little master."

Gong Juechen didn't ask the old woman to get up, just put on the clothes, and then sat back on the long bench, as if Ling'er wasn't talking to him at all.

Xiao Changyi first glanced at Gong Juechen, and then asked: "You used to be Concubine Han's personal maid, and you know that your little master is still alive, so you should know why Han Guifei thinks that the emperor wants to kill you, little master?" Bar?"

The old woman didn't answer, but just looked at Gong Juechen, with an expression that I would say it if you asked me to, and I would not say it if you didn't want me to.

Gong Juechen just found it funny: "What do you think I am doing? If you know, you can just answer and let him know." After a pause, "Actually, I really want to know, so tell me."

Only then did the old woman reply: "Your servant remembers that that day, the master made a lotus jade dew soup and wanted to send it to the emperor to eat. The servant accompanied me, and happened to hear that the emperor said that he would kill all the other princes except the prince. No one will compete with the crown prince for the position of crown prince."

Gong Juechen originally suspected that the old woman was not really his mother's concubine's maidservant, but once he heard what the old woman said, he believed that this person was really his mother's concubine's maidservant.

It's just because, his master told him the same way back then, saying that his mother and concubine brought lotus jade dew soup to Su Haoyu to eat, but accidentally learned such a big secret.

While believing that this is really his mother's concubine's maidservant Ling'er, Gong Juechen looked at Xiao Changyi proudly, "Look, that's it, it's Su Haoyu who wants to kill all his sons except Su Chengyu, so that Su Haoyu can kill all his sons." Chengyu was not a threat at all, and he was the crown prince and heir to the throne.

Xiao Changyi frowned slightly, and then asked again: "What did the emperor say at the time, do you still remember?"

The old woman said: "Remember."

Xiao Changyi said: "Retell it for us."

The old woman immediately said: "I don't dare!"

Gong Juechen said leisurely: "Just repeat it, we won't tell you."

After hearing the words of the little master Gong Juechen, the old woman took courage and said: "The emperor said this at the time: If I want to kill them all, I will only leave Chengyu as a son. I want to see, I only have Chengyu as a son, who can compete with Chengyu for the crown prince again!"

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