Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1139 Make you kneel on the ground for the rest of your life?

Jing Jing and the others stood among the guests, but they were closer to the groom and the bride than other guests.

The four little guys also came, standing in front of An Jing and Xiao Changyi. The festive atmosphere made the four little guys very excited, and they clapped their hands.

Ye Zhi also came.

And Gong Juechen stubbornly insisted on standing next to Ye Zhi, if it wasn't for Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing's good day today, Ye Zhi really wanted to slap Gong Juechen.

It's obvious that she hates him so much, and it's so obvious, but this guy still keeps approaching her, he's sick!

"Pray to heaven and earth." Xi Niang shouted loudly.

Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing immediately bowed to the sky.

"Second obeisance to the high hall." Xi Niang shouted again.

Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing have completely become Xiao Changyi's slaves. In fact, they are members of Prince Yi's mansion and have nothing to do with Mrs. Meng. to be slaves.

Even when Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing called themselves slaves, Xiao Changyi beat them up.

The beating was so severe that Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing couldn't get out of bed for three whole days.

After beating them, Xiao Changyi also said at that time: "You can follow me, but if you call yourself a slave again, next time, I will not only beat you up, but I will directly break your legs and make you kneel on the ground for the rest of your life. "

After a pause, Xiao Changyi said again: "You will always be members of the Meng family, whether you follow me or not, you are still members of the Meng family."

Since then, both Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing no longer called themselves slaves in front of Xiao Changyi, but called themselves subordinates, as if they were still in the same subordinate relationship as they were in the military camp.

The Meng family is loyal, and old general Meng Zhan and Meng taught Xiao Changyi some skills when he was in the army. What's more, old general Meng only has two sons, Meng Lanqing and Meng Zhuqing. How could Xiao Changyi let Meng Lanqing and Meng Zhuqing leave the Meng family? , Let the Meng family cut off the incense from now on?

Both Meng Lanqing and Meng Zhuqing understood this.

Originally, Meng Lanqing and Meng Zhuqing were loyal, but Xiao Changyi saved their nine clans and restored their father's innocence. Therefore, when their father, Old General Meng, asked them to be slaves to Xiao Changyi in his dying words, they accepted it without any objection.

And after they were really slaves to Xiao Changyi, they became more loyal. Be loyal to Xiao Changyi.

This master of theirs, although he speaks little and ignores others, is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness.

In their eyes, no one can compare with their master.

Since Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing are still members of the Meng family, the Gaotang that Meng Zhuqing and Tuobayao worship now is naturally Mrs. Meng.

Mrs. Meng is really grateful and respects Xiao Changyi. Xiao Changyi saved the nine Meng family, cleared up her husband's grievances, and let her two sons continue to be members of the Meng family, keeping incense for the Meng family. Even if he died a hundred times, he would not be able to repay Xiao Changyi's great favor.

When she saw Meng Zhuqing and Tuobayao kneeling in front of her high hall, Mrs. Meng's old eyes were full of tears. She couldn't help but looked at Xiao Changyi who was standing aside, and Xiao Changyi nodded slightly at her expressionlessly. Immediately burst out.

Immediately, she quickly wiped it off again.

Today is a great day for her youngest son to get married, she is happy, she shouldn't cry, she should laugh.

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