Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1140 Your fist is harder than mine

When Xi Niang saw that Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing had finished worshiping at the high hall, she shouted again: "Husband and wife worship each other."

Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing knelt facing each other.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao's worship, suddenly a group of people watching the ceremony secretly drew out their swords.

There was a person drawing a sword who was closer to An Jing, and the man drew out his sword and stabbed at An Jing.

Xiao Changyi caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, and immediately guarded An Jing and the children behind him, clamped the sword stabbed by the man with two fingers and bent it, and quickly lifted one foot out, hitting the man's heart , the man was immediately kicked and fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and died because his heart stopped beating.

It can be seen that Xiao Changyi's kick used 100% of his strength.

The other people who drew their swords killed everyone they saw. Of course, their main targets were Xiao Changyi and An Jing.

"My little brother-in-law Gong Juese dares to ruin the wedding, I'm so impatient!" Seeing someone making trouble, Gong Juese almost instantly drew out the soft sword from his waist and attacked them.

Meng Lanqing first explained to someone to protect his mother, and then also attacked those people.

As soon as Tuoba Yao heard the sound of swords and swords, she immediately lifted her hijab. Some people noticed Tuoba Yao's appearance and couldn't help being amazed when they were panicked.

Originally, Tuoba Yao had grown up beautifully, but this bride's dress made Tuoba Yao's beauty even more breathtaking.

Meng Zhuqing originally wanted Tuoba Yao not to take off the hijab, but he had to take off the hijab, but Tuobayao had already been taken off, so he didn't care, but took out his sword and joined the battle.

Tuoba Yao followed closely behind, snatched a sword from the nearby guard and went to help Meng Zhuqing.

"Zhizhi, hurry up and protect me, hurry up." Gong Juechen felt that the opportunity was rare when he saw someone making trouble, so he quickly hid behind Ye Zhi, as if he needed Ye Zhi's protection.

Of course, he couldn't help but glance at Tuoba Yao. Let alone Tuoba Yao today, she is really pretty!

In the face of so many people with swords, she has seen many scenes of missions that were more tragic than this. Ye Zhi is still very calm at this moment.

But when Gong Juechen hid behind her and asked her to protect him, the corner of Ye Zhi's mouth twitched.

Turning her head, squinting at Gong Juechen behind her, Ye Zhi's expression showed that she despised Gong Juechen as much as she wanted.

"Are you still a man?! You want me, a woman, to protect you?!" Apart from contempt, Ye Zhi still couldn't believe it.

"Of course I'm a man, but your fist is harder than mine." Gong Juechen had an expression that I really knew your fist was harder than mine after I was beaten by you once.

Ye Zhi: ""

However, when Xiao Changyi caught the man's sword with his fingers and kicked the man's heart stopped suddenly, Ye Zhi shouted excitedly: "Brother-in-law, you are so skilled!"

That's great too.

Xiao Changyi didn't have time to answer Ye Zhi's yelling at all, but once he dealt with the person who wanted to stab An Jing, he let Jing Jing take the four children back, and he alone dealt with the person who rushed towards him and Jing Jing.

But there were a lot of people rushing over, and they all had good skills. Jing Jing was afraid that Xiao Changyi would not be able to deal with it alone, so he handed over the four little guys who had been scared to cry to Ye Zhi.

"Yezi, children, watch over it for me." After finishing speaking, An Jing also drew a sword from the guard's hand and joined the battle.

Ye Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then became excited again: "Boss, I didn't expect you to be able to use a sword!"

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