Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1326 Heaven knows and earth knows that you know and that I know

How could Meng Zhuqing not want his face to look better? At first, he had buried his feelings for Yan Yao in his heart because he was disfigured.

Now, even if he and Yan Yao are together, even if Yan Yao doesn't mind his face, he actually still cares very much. He really feels that his face is not worthy of standing with Yan Yao.

If it can be a little better, he is really willing.

Therefore, when Gong Juechen said this, Meng Zhuqing was a little moved.


"I want my face to feel better, but I can't just test the medicine on you. If Yao'er finds out, she'll be angry with me."

"You don't have to let her know, as long as God knows and you know and I know."

"No! What if she finds out about this thing in the future? It just won't work anyway."

"Then go and ask Yaoyao what she means? If she agrees, you can try." Gong Juechen kept up his efforts.

This medicine was meant for his Zhizhi, and he was actually not completely sure that it would be useful. However, he hoped that the medicine he gave his Zhizhi would be somewhat useful, so he decided to find someone to try it first. try.

And Meng Zhuqing is the most suitable candidate.

"This" Meng Zhuqing hesitated.

Gong Juechen said: "I promise you this medicine, even if it can't cure the scars on your face, it won't make your face worse than it is now. You can really give it a try."

Seeing that Meng Zhuqing was still hesitant, Gong Juechen said frankly: "I have recently been thinking about scar removal medicine for my Zhizhi to remove scars. You should also know, but Zhizhi really hates me. If I take one, **If I let her apply medicine that is useless at all, she will definitely hate me even more, so I thought of letting you try it for me first to see if it works, and I will add more when the time comes. Try some medicinal herbs again.”

Meng Zhuqing hesitated for a long time, but finally agreed, stood up and said, "Then I'll ask Yao'er what she means."

"Go quickly, go quickly, I'll be waiting for you here." Gong Juechen urged him.

As soon as Meng Zhuqing came to the tent where Tuobayao lived, he met Du Aya. When Du Aya saw him, she said to him very boldly: "Vice General Meng, you are here to see Yaoyao, right? Yaoyao just Go wash your clothes by the river, where can you find her?"

"Huh." Meng Zhuqing smiled politely at Du Aya before going to the river to find Tuoba Yao.

Tuoba Yao was a little surprised when she saw Meng Zhuqing coming, but of course, she was more happy, "Why are you here?"

Before, the two met secretly.

And since Xiao Changyi began to help An Jing teach female soldiers, Meng Zhuqing, who always followed Xiao Changyi, always appeared in the women's military camp more openly.

Then, the two of them no longer met secretly, but turned to the bright side.

Everyone knows that the two of them are husband and wife, so there is really no need to pretend to be strangers.

The reason why they met quietly before was because Anjing and Xiao Changyi could not see each other a few times during the day, and Xiao Changyi secretly entered Anjing's tent at night. Their identities were not as good as those of Xiao Changyi and Anjing, so they naturally had to be more restrained.

However, considering that they were in the military camp and didn't want others to gossip, even though they could talk in front of people in the military camp now, the two of them only said a few words each time and never had any intimate behavior.

Anyway, it’s a special rule.

Meng Zhuqing did not immediately answer Tuoba Yao's words, he just squatted next to Tuoba Yao.

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