Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1327 Even if she cares, she still feels sorry for him

Taking the clothes and mallet from Tuoba Yao's hand, he helped Tuoba Yao wash the clothes and said, "Gong Juechen came to me just now and said that he had developed a medicine to remove scars and wanted me to Try it, maybe it can make the scars on my face fade.”

The slight smile on Tuoba Yao's lips faded instantly, and her face instantly became expressionless.

Meng Zhuqing noticed Tuoba Yao's change and immediately became anxious: "Yao'er, don't be angry. I haven't agreed to him trying the medicine yet. I'm here to ask your opinion and see what you mean."

Tuoba Yao didn't say whether she was angry. She just asked without any emotion: "Are you concerned about the injury on your face?"

Meng Zhuqing was silent for a long time, then nodded: "Yes."

"I do not mind."

"I know, but I think I'll embarrass you by looking like this. If the scars on my face were lighter, maybe they wouldn't be as ugly as they are now."

"It's a three-part poison. Can you try this medicine at will?" Finally, Tuoba Yao was really angry, and his already cold voice became even colder. "Let's not talk about whether your face will become more serious because of the trial medicine. What if something happens to you because of this medicine?"

As he talked, Tuoba Yao couldn't speak anymore, and his voice was choked. What she was working so hard for in the military camp was not for him.

When he heard Tuoba Yao's choking, Meng Zhuqing didn't say that Gong Juechen said that the medicine would not cause any harm to his face or body. He just surrendered immediately and unconditionally and said hurriedly: "Yao'er, it's my fault. I shouldn’t come to you because of this matter. Don’t feel bad. It’s just that I don’t agree to it. Don’t cry.”

Although Tuoba Yao did not cry, her eyes were a little red: "Why should you listen to him? Everyone knows that he has recently been getting medicine to treat the assistant instructor's scars. He does not give the medicine directly to the assistant instructor, but to you. , it means that he himself is not sure about the efficacy of the medicine, and you still want to try the medicine foolishly, you"

Seeing his wife like this, Meng Zhuqing felt very distressed: "I just don't want to embarrass you."

"I don't think you're embarrassing me. Don't you know why the injury on your face came from? It's because of me! If I think you're embarrassing me, am I still a human being?" Tuoba paused for a while. Yao choked up again and said in a low voice: "It's too late for me to feel sorry for you. How can I think you are embarrassing me?"

She had always known about his grudge, so when it was just her and him, she never allowed him to wear a mask. Why? It's not that he can't care too much about this matter. She really didn't care about his face at all.

Even if she cares, she still feels sorry for him.

Hearing Tuoba Yao choke and say that she felt sorry for him, Meng Zhuqing felt even more distressed. He was so anxious that he didn't know what to say. He could only say repeatedly: "It's my fault, it's my fault. It's all my fault. I always I feel like I’ve embarrassed you and didn’t really care about your feelings. It’s me.”

"If you really didn't care about my feelings, you wouldn't be like this." Tuoba Yao cut off his words, and her eyes became even redder. "Zhuqing, don't you care about the injury on your face? Aren't we doing well now?"

Tuoba Yao didn't want to cry. She had always been strong and used to it, but when facing the person in front of her, she had cried in pain before, and now she cried again, crying with distress.

A drop of tear just slipped from the eye, quietly, and it looked particularly crystal clear under the bright moonlight.

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