Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1336 Is what he said wrong?

Jing Jing said: "What my adoptive father said is wrong. Once this agreement is signed, it is signed. How can it be treated as if it has not been signed just because the relationship has deteriorated? Doesn't exist? The agreement between the two countries is not a child's play! Those who betray their trust will be despised by everyone. Of course, there are so many people in the world who can see that Chilin’s refusal to hand over Linghe, the traitor, has brought the relationship between the two countries to this point. If he ignores the agreement and invades Xiyun again, he will break the trust of the world and break his promise. in all countries.”

Su Haoyu smiled and sighed: "As I get older, I don't see things as clearly as you do."

Su Chengyu praised her highly: "My sister-in-law's knowledge is beyond the reach of other people."

Immediately, Su Haoyu and Su Chengyu both looked at Xiao Changyi, and their eyes clearly said: We have all praised your wife, shouldn't you praise her too?

Jing Jing thought it was funny that Su Haoyu and Su Chengyu looked like this, but she also joined in the fun and looked at her husband-in-law with an expression as if you are going to praise me.

Xiao Changyi picked up the teapot at hand and slowly poured a cup of tea for Anjing. He said calmly to Su Haoyu and Su Chengyu, "You are right."

Jing Jing laughed out loud immediately.

Su Haoyu and Su Chengyu also laughed. It was also at this time that they dared to tease him, but at other times, they wouldn't dare. Otherwise, they didn't know how many days he would go without talking to them.

It was the birthday of the four little ones. On this night, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi accompanied the four little ones to sleep in the Fenghua Palace. A family of six lived in one room. Anyway, the bed was very big, enough for them to sleep.

Seeing that Xiao Changyi was taking the four little ones to take a bath as before, Jing Jing deliberately asked, "How about my mother washes it for you today? It's hard for my mother to come and see you."

Xiao Changyi: ""

The four little guys refused in a serious and coy voice: "Mother, you can't give us a bath. Daddy has said long ago that men and women cannot be intimate. Although mother is the mother who gave birth to us, she is also a human being. Women, you can’t look at our bodies anymore, and we can’t let our mothers look at them either.”

"Hahaha" Jing Jing laughed and fell on the bed. Now that the little guy believes it, when they grow up, when they think about it, they will definitely feel that they were cheated by their father.

"Mom, why are you laughing?" The four little guys were puzzled. Their little deer eyes looked at Anjing blankly, "Isn't what dad said wrong?"

Xiao Changyi just looked at An Jing quietly.

Her husband-in-law looked deeply at her, and she laughed quietly for a while, then lied and said: "Your father is right, it is because mother is happy, but you actually listen to father's words so much."

"We have to be good children. Didn't my father and mother say that obedient children are the good children of my father and mother?"

"Yeah, you are all good children, good children of your parents." Jing Jing was very pleased. She got down from the bed, hugged the four little ones one by one, and then let the four little ones follow Xiao Changyi to take a bath.

After Xiao Changyi and the four little guys had finished taking a bath, Anjing went to take a bath.

After taking a bath and quietly returning to the room, he saw four little guys striding on the bed very seriously, while Xiao Changyi was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the four little guys.

When Jing Jing saw it, he immediately laughed out loud: "Aren't you going to sleep? Why are you still practicing?"

An Yiyun immediately happily said to Jing Jing: "Mom, the eldest brother told dad that he wanted to learn martial arts, and dad asked him to do the horse step. Yun'er, the second brother, and the third brother accompanied the eldest brother to do it."

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