Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1337 His Collection

So this is ah.

Jing Jing understood, smiled, walked to the bed and sat down, and asked the little Su Yijing who was closest to her and was doing Zamabu very seriously at the moment: "Jing'er, why do you want to learn martial arts?"

Su Yijing looked at An Jing quietly for a long time before saying two words: "I like it."

"Like it? You said you want to learn martial arts because you like it. Is that what you mean?"

Su Yijing glanced at Xiao Changyi, then nodded slightly to An Jing: "Yes."

Jing Jing smiled happily but said: "Then since you like it, let daddy teach you from now on." Learning martial arts can strengthen the body, which is a good thing. Since the child likes it, she still supports it.

Su Yixing no longer accompanied Zama Bu, and got into Jing Jing's arms. He raised his little face and said to Jing Jing very excitedly: "Mother, mother, Xing'er doesn't want to learn martial arts."

Seeing her second son's look like "please ask me what I want to do, please hurry up and ask me what I want to do," Jing Jing felt funny, but still cooperated and asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

Before Su Yixing could say anything, An Yiqing also got into Jingjing's arms, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, and said to Jingjing: "Mother, second brother wants to collect something. Grandpa also asked him, and he said it himself of."

Jing Jing suddenly laughed and looked at Su Yixing: "Xing'er, you collected everything in the room next door. You haven't collected enough yet?"

The room next door was very big, but Su Yixing had lived in the palace for the past six months. When he saw anything valuable, he asked Su Haoyu and the others for it. Then, the room next door was full of rare treasures that Su Yixing wanted.

Euphemistically called collection.

"No." Su Yixing really answered. Immediately, he was very excited: "Mom, Xing'er wants to collect a lot of things. If they can't be stored here, they will be stored at home."

Anjing was even more amused. Fortunately, Su Chengyu and the others had many rare treasures, otherwise they would not have been able to withstand such demands from her second son.

However, to be honest, Su Chengyu and the others doted on her four children too much. They gave them almost anything they asked for.

"Don't you feel embarrassed?" Jing Jing asked. "That belongs to my grandfather, uncle, aunt, and the others, but you asked for it."

Su Yixing thought Anjing was scolding him, so he felt aggrieved and his voice became very small: "Xing'er didn't snatch it from Grandpa and the others, it was Grandpa and the others who were willing to give it to Xing'er."

Jing Jing suddenly laughed: "It's not that you rob grandpa and the others, it's that you reach out and ask for things from others. No one always reaches out to ask for things from others. This is a bad behavior."

Su Yixing's little eyes were filled with confusion, "But Xing'er likes those things. If he doesn't want them, how come they become Xing'er? Xing'er can't rob them. My father and mother have said that it's wrong to rob other people's things. Yes, then just ask someone for Xing'er, and if they give it to Xing'er, isn't it Xing'er's?"

"It seems so." Jing Jing couldn't even laugh or cry. "Our Xing'er is really amazing. He even convinced my mother. She originally planned to educate you."

"But," Jing Jing decided to try to change her second son's problem of always asking for things from others, "Xing'er, it's always bad to always ask for things from others. Didn't you say that you want to be father and mother? My dear, please be obedient and stop asking for things from others. Unless you encounter something you particularly like and want, if you don’t want it, we won’t want it. You can be fine without that thing, right?”

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