Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1364 The knife is poisonous

This is true, the Supreme Emperor Su Haoyu was really assassinated.

As if falling from the sky, more than twenty assassins jumped from the roof into the palace where the Supreme Emperor lived.

Su Haoyu had just asked the palace servants to give the four little ones Jing, Xing, Qing, and Yun a bath. He was about to take the four little ones to the main hall to sleep. However, before they entered the main hall, they saw more than twenty people. Extraordinary assassins fall from the sky.

The four little guys were frightened and cried immediately.

One group of guards fought with the assassins, and another group protected Su Haoyu and the four little guys from leaving. But some people were already shouting that there were assassins and asked them to come and save the Supreme Emperor and the four little guys.

Su Haoyu held little ones An Yiyun in one hand and little Su Yixing in the other and fled in a hurry. An Yiqing and Su Yijing were protected by the palace people and fled behind Su Haoyu and the others, but everyone was too panicked. The little guy Yi Jing tripped and fell.

Then, little guy Su Yijing fell at the end.

"Jing'er!" When Su Haoyu saw Su Yijing tripping, he quickly let go of An Yiyun and Su Yixing's hands and asked the palace officials to take An Yiyun and Su Yixing away from the front, while he ran away again. go back.

Before Su Haoyu could reach Su Yijing, he saw an assassin's knife slashing at Su Yixing. Su Haoyu rushed over more urgently, and the guards blocked the assassin's two swords. Su Haoyu picked up Su Yijing's hand who was lying on the ground. At the same time, although the assassin's knife did not hit Su Yijing, it scratched Su Haoyu's arm.

Thanks to Su Haoyu for picking up Su Yijing, otherwise, the assassin's knife would definitely hit the little guy Su Yijing.

At this time, a large number of palace guards rushed in after hearing that there were assassins here.

When the assassin wanted to stab Su Haoyu, the guards killed the assassin.

"Jing'er, don't cry. Grandpa will take you away right now." Afraid that the guards would not be able to deal with the assassins, Su Haoyu had no time to care about the injury on his arm, so he hugged Su Yijing and ran out.

Several guards escorted Su Haoyu to escape.

When Su Haoyu ran out of the courtyard with Su Yijing in his arms, he happened to meet An Yiqing at the door who was being protected by the palace guards. He immediately freed up his hand and led An Yiqing to run to safety.

Su Haoyu took An Yiqing and ran for a few steps before he saw the imperial guards rushing over.

Su Haoyu immediately ordered: "Leave as many alive as you can. I want to see who dares to send people to the palace to assassinate me, the Supreme Emperor!"


Immediately, Su Chengyu hurried over and saw that the four little guys and Su Haoyu were fine. He was relieved at first. Then, he found that Su Haoyu was injured on his arm and the wound was turning black. It was obvious that the knife was poisonous. Su Chengyu was so frightened that he rushed to the doctor.

It was only at this time that Su Haoyu noticed his wounds. The four little guys were crying so hard just now. He was busy comforting them. If Su Chengyu hadn't told them, he would have forgotten that he was injured, let alone knowing about the scratches. The knife on his arm was poisoned.

When the imperial doctor came, Su Haoyu's face had turned blue and white, and his lips had turned black and purple.

The four little guys were originally comforted by Su Haoyu and stopped crying, but when they saw Su Haoyu lying helplessly on the bed like this, they gathered around Su Haoyu's bed and started crying again, asking Grandpa Su Haoyu not to do this.

The imperial doctors could not diagnose what kind of poison Su Haoyu was poisoned with, but they were sure that the poison was spreading.

When Su Chengyu saw that the imperial doctors were helpless, he quickly asked his attendants to go to the military camp to find Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing, and asked Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing to lead Gong Juechen into the palace.

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