Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1365 My blood may be able to save you

It was so urgent that Xiao Changyi and the others rode directly to Feng Palace.

At Su Haoyu's request, Su Haoyu is now in Feng Palace. This Phoenix Palace was once the place where his beloved woman Liang Minrong lived. Su Haoyu felt that he was going to die, and he wanted to die here like his beloved woman.

In this way, it will be easier to see each other after death.

As soon as Gong Juechen rode to Feng Palace, he dismounted before the horse could stop and rushed into Feng Palace.

At this moment, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't care about Gong Juechen's swift dismounting skills. The moment the horse arrived at Feng Palace, they dismounted and rushed into Feng Palace.

As soon as he rushed into Feng Palace, Gong Juechen didn't care about any etiquette. He rushed to the bedside to check Su Haoyu's injuries.

The more he checked, the uglier Gong Juechen's face became.

As soon as Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi rushed in, the four little guys ran towards them crying: "Dad, mother, grandpa is about to die, woo woo grandpa doesn't want grandpa to die woo woo"

Xiao Changyi asked An Jing to comfort the four little ones, while he hurriedly walked to the bedside. When he saw that Su Haoyu's lips were completely black, and he looked like he was seriously poisoned and was dying, his face instantly turned extremely ugly.

When Su Haoyu saw Xiao Changyi and the others coming, he smiled weakly at Xiao Changyi and the others.

Xiao Changyi first held Su Haoyu's old hand that was stretched out to him tightly, and then asked Gong Juechen: "How is it?"

"I don't know what kind of poison it is." Gong Juechen said this calmly, while taking out an extremely sharp dagger and trying to cut his wrist.

Xiao Changyi saw it and quickly stopped him.

Su Haoyu was also shocked. He struggled to get up, but couldn't. He could only ask urgently: "Chenglin, what are you doing? Even if you can't save me, you don't have to hurt yourself."

What Gong Juechen said just now meant that he couldn't cure this poison.

Not only Su Haoyu understands it, but everyone else understands it too.

Su Chengyu's eyes turned red. Is his father going to leave him like his mother? His mother was poisoned to death, will his father do the same now?

Gong Juechen wanted to shake off Xiao Changyi's hand to stop him, but after shaking it twice and failing, he said: "I tried many medicines when I was a child, and some poisons had no effect on me. Maybe my blood can detoxify him. "

When Xiao Changyi heard this, he withdrew his hand.

But Su Haoyu refused to let Gong Juechen cut him off, and said: "Even if you drain your blood, I won't drink it. God allowed me to go through this, just to tell me that I deserve to die and go to see the doctor." Min Rong. Min Rong has been gone for so long, it’s time for me to see him.”

"Father" Su Chengyu choked up with tears in his eyes. Even though he had no impression of his mother, he always knew that his father loved his mother deeply.

Gong Juechen didn't care what Su Haoyu said, and cut his wrist with a dagger. Then, he brought the bleeding wrist to Su Haoyu's mouth, "If you don't drink, I will let it bleed."

"Chenglin" Su Haoyu's mood was so complicated that he didn't know what to say for a moment. Although this man was his son, he didn't like him very much because he looked like Concubine Han.

But now his son is using his blood to save him

"Drink." Gong Juechen just said one word. The blood from the wrist wound kept flowing out, as if if you don't drink it, it's a waste, and if you don't drink it, you want me to die with you.

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