Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1403 Drawing a Topographic Map

As soon as Gong Juechen left Xiao Changyi's place, he returned to his own residence.

While walking, Gong Juechen suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky without any expression.

He murmured in his heart: "God, if you make it impossible for her to come back, I will make the world bleed under your nose."

All the time, he didn't want to fight for anything.

There was never any fight.

Now, when he meets the one he loves, he wants to fight, even if it means fighting with the sky, he will fight.

But if he still can't win, then he will destroy the world.


Ye Zhi's side is going well. She has found a tree where she can see Jingye City. Ye Zhi is sitting on the tree, looking at the terrain around Jingye City with a lens, and drawing all the terrain she can see on the parchment. .

Shi Shi and the others sat under the tree, resting and eating dry food while paying attention to their surroundings.

Su Chengyuan had been trained not to be afraid of heights. As soon as she had eaten dry food for lunch, she whipped her whip and wrapped it around a tree trunk. Then, while pulling the whip, she climbed up to a tree trunk. on a tree.

Because Jingye City was far away, she could only see a city in the distance with her naked eyes, but she couldn't see anything else clearly.

When Ye Zhi saw Su Chengyuan climbing up the tree next to him, he smiled and said, "Your whip is getting better and better, and you can even climb trees with it."

Su Chengyuan didn't say anything, just looked at the lens tube in Ye Zhi's hand.

Ye Zhi immediately raised the lens tube in his hand: "Want to take a look?"

Su Chengyuan nodded: "Yes."

"Then I'll show you, but you have to hold it carefully and don't break it. If it breaks, I won't be able to see clearly, and I won't be able to draw any topographic map." Ye Zhi said with a smile, While giving the lens tube in his hand to Su Chengyuan.

Su Chengyuan took it carefully, then turned the lens to one eye and looked at Jingye City.

Don't tell me, you can see it clearly.

She could see almost all the landforms and campsites in Jingye City on their side very clearly.

Su Chengyuan couldn't help but smile: "No wonder you call this a telescope, it's so clear, it's like seeing it in front of you."

With that said, Su Chengyuan returned the lens tube to Ye Zhi, not to delay Ye Zhi's drawing of the topographic map.

In fact, she can also draw.

When Jing Jing and Ye Zhi trained them to make a sand table, they had taught them how to draw maps.

However, they are not as skilled as Ye Zhi and Jing Jing.

It's always dangerous in the mountains. Even if they haven't encountered wild beasts yet, Ye Zhi still thinks it's better to go out of the mountains as soon as possible. So, as soon as Su Chengyuan returned the lens barrel to her, she took it and continued to use it. Look at the terrain through the lens tube and draw the terrain map at the same time.

Unlike the mountain topography on Ye Zhi's side, the terrain on Anjing's side was steeper and difficult to walk on. This meant that Anjing and the others were already at noon and had yet to find a tree that could clearly see many of Jingye City's layout.

Jing Jing and the others ate dry food for lunch before continuing to walk. It was not until a quarter later that Jing Jing and the others found a satisfactory tree that could see Jingye City.

Standing on that tree, you can almost have a panoramic view of the entire Jingye City.

Jingjing not only saw Jingye City, but also saw many camps stationed outside Jingye City. They were densely packed. According to preliminary estimates, there should be 600,000 troops.

It's no wonder that Emperor Chilin added so many troops here. This is Xiyun's only way to enter Chilin.

Moreover, it is still the first level.

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