Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1404 Quiet Unease

As long as Jingye City is conquered, it will be considered as entering the Chilin Kingdom. It would be abnormal if the Chilin Kingdom does not pay attention to it.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi's plan is to fight from Jingye City to Chilin Imperial City step by step.

"Six hundred thousand?!" The five female soldiers were shocked when they heard An Jing said that there might be 600,000 troops stationed in Jingye City.

Liu Feifei murmured: "This is two hundred thousand more than us. In a real fight, we have no chance of winning."

Baoqin muttered: "Why does Chilin station so many troops here? Aren't you afraid that if there are not enough troops in other places, other countries will invade Chilin?"

Jing Jing said: "Chilin not only has strong soldiers and horses, but also has many soldiers. When they invaded Xiyun, they dispatched 800,000 troops."

That year, Chilin used his 800,000 troops to capture four cities in Xiyun, including Xilin City.

It was later that Xiao Changyi led his troops and defeated Chilin steadily, and then he took back the four cities.

However, because Xiyun's troops were limited at that time, and Xiyun had been fighting for many years, his vitality was severely damaged, which caused the military pay to be tight. Xiao Changyi did not continue to fight Chilin, but only took back the city belonging to Xiyun and let Chilin signed a peace agreement never to invade Xiyun.

Du Aya was particularly optimistic: "Then if we defeat Chilin, then all Chilin's soldiers and horses will belong to us, Xiyun."

Jing Jinghe liked Du Aya's optimistic attitude. While drawing the terrain map she could see on the kraft paper, she nodded and smiled and said, "That's true."

Li Wuyu said, "When we defeat Chilin, then our Xiyun will be the strongest and largest country among all the countries. I will see who else dares to bully us Xiyun!"

"That's right!" Du Aya agreed angrily.

Jing Jing just smiled, said no more, and concentrated on drawing the terrain map.

Drawing a topographic map takes a lot of time, especially since Anjing drew it very carefully, and almost everything she could see was drawn.

While quietly drawing the topographic map, dark clouds appeared in the sky, making the sky darker and darker.

"Is it going to rain?" The female soldiers all frowned. This is not a good thing. It is not easy to go up the mountain. If it rains, it will be even more difficult to go down the mountain.

The problem is, the terrain map hasn't been drawn yet, so we can't go down the mountain immediately.

Jing Jing also frowned, but Jing Jing was still relatively calm and said, "Didn't we bring a tent? You guys set up the tent, and at worst we can spend the night here."

Upon hearing An Jing's words, the five female soldiers began to set up a tent under the tree.

As soon as the tent was set up, it started to rain, and the female soldiers hid in the tent to take shelter from the rain.

Anjing originally thought that if the rain was light, she would continue to draw the map on the tree, but the rain was too heavy and the sky was gray. Even with a lens tube, she could not see clearly, so Anjing came down from the tree. , taking shelter from the rain in a tent with the female soldiers.

Sitting in the tent, looking at the heavy rain outside, he said quietly: "It seems that we really can't go back tonight. Fortunately, we had the foresight to bring several days of dry food."

Du Aya immediately smiled and said: "Then I have to save some food. I originally thought I would go back in one day. When you were eating one cake just now, I ate several."

Everyone was amused.

Seeing the rain getting heavier and heavier, Jing Jing felt a little uneasy and couldn't help but speak again: "I don't know how Ye Zi and the others are doing."

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