Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1422 The day the city is destroyed is also the day your life will be taken., the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

"Yes!" Jing Jing immediately lowered his head slightly and responded in a masculine tone. She lowered her head, firstly to show her respect as a 'low-level Chilin soldier' ​​to the senior soldiers, and secondly, to cover up the glint in her eyes.

What a God-given opportunity!

Jing Jing felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

When An Anjing was patrolling with that group of soldiers, An Jing saw where the water room was, so An An Jing went straight to the water room to get a pot of hot water without having to fumble around.

As for Li Wuyu, he did not follow An Jing. Just in case people find it strange, it's just a pot of water, but it takes two people.

The tent where the general lived was brightly lit, and four senior soldiers were guarding outside the tent. One of the soldiers was the one who just called An An Nong Shui.

"Send it in." When he saw Anjing getting some water, the soldier first took out a silver needle and tested it in the water. When he saw that it was not poisonous, he let him go and asked Anjing to quickly send the water in for the general to drink.

The general's temper was too bad. He was thirsty and had no water to drink. He was so angry that anyone who brought water in would definitely be beaten and scolded. He had better not go in and have someone else bring it in.

Jing Jing didn't expect that the soldier would let her in so easily. She originally thought that the soldier would take the teapot and put the water in herself. But now, let her give it away

Involuntarily, Jing Jing's heart beat. But having come this far, Jing Jing was not going to back down, so he just took the teapot and entered the general's camp.

As soon as he entered, Anjing heard a loud curse: "Do you want to make me thirsty to death? It took me so long to get water for me! Believe it or not, I asked you to eat shit!"

The quality of this person

Jing Jing finally understood why the soldier didn't send him in himself, but asked her to send him in. Dare to love because you are afraid of being scolded.

The camp was very large and divided into two parts with a screen. The sound came from behind the screen. It was obvious that the general was behind the screen.

In front of the screen, there was a table with many things spread out on the table. There seemed to be three sheepskins. The sheepskins were all rolled up. Jing Jing thought they should be maps.

As for whether it was a map of Chilin Country, she didn't know.

However, regardless of whether it was true or not, she would not suffer a loss if she got it.

Jing Jing was not in a hurry to get the three sheepskins, but walked quickly behind the screen.

The general was still cursing. She didn't want to delay and make people suspicious, so the most important thing was to get the general to drink water quickly.

As soon as she walked around the screen, a teacup was thrown at her.

If she dodges, she is likely to be exposed, so she did not dodge, and let the teacup hit her on the forehead. Although the Chilin soldier's hat helped to block it, her forehead was still hit and bled. .

The blood flowed down and slipped from the eyelashes. Jing Jing endured the pain and pretended to be panicked. He quickly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the general sitting on the bed and begged for mercy in a man's voice: "General, please spare my life." ! General, have mercy! General, have mercy!”

He begged for mercy, but Anjing said in his heart: When Jingye City is destroyed, your life will also be taken!

"If you don't give me the water, I will kill you now!" The general had a heavy back, thick eyebrows, and a fierce look.

Because he had been ill in his early years, his head would hurt whenever it was cloudy or rainy.

I had a severe headache yesterday.

It was a cloudy day today. Although the headache was relieved a little, after taking a dose of medicine, his head felt a little heavy. After sleeping for two hours, he felt thirsty. When he got up to drink water, he found that there was no water.

He had a bad temper and immediately exploded. When he got angry, he didn't like anyone and just wanted to hit and curse people.

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