Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1423 It seems that even God is helping her

Now that he was scolded and beaten, the general became much calmer and felt much better.

Jing Jing got up hurriedly and placed the teapot on the small table beside the bed so that the general could drink water. She also pretended to be trembling to prove that she was very scared at the moment.

At the same time, Jing Jing wiped his face, letting the blood flowing from his forehead stain his face.

As a result, the general couldn't find out that she was a woman.

Seeing An Jing's trembling fear, the general felt more comfortable and stopped being angry. Instead, he picked up the teapot on the small table and poured himself a glass of water.

At the same time, he said: "Go down."

He also saw that this was not the soldier who usually served him, but in his opinion, such low-level soldiers deserved to be beaten and scolded. He always beats and scolds those under him when he is unhappy. It is also a blessing for that person to be beaten and scolded by him personally.

"Yes, General!" Jing Jing immediately responded respectfully and left quickly.

As soon as he walked out of the screen, An Jing's eyes changed. He was extremely cold and he stopped trembling.

There was a general behind the screen. To be a general, he must have a lot of skills. Therefore, Anjing didn't dare to take the three sheepskins on the table.

She just took an extra step to the left, stretched out her hand, and took the three sheepskins on the table into her hands. At the same time, she kept the same pace and rhythm and continued walking out.

The general inside the screen was drinking tea and didn't hear anything amiss outside, so naturally he didn't come out to see.

An Jingyi took the three sheepskins in his hand, put them in his arms and continued walking out without looking at them in a hurry.

When he reached to open the tent door, Anjing pretended to be trembling again, then opened the door and walked out of the tent.

The four soldiers guarding outside the tent saw An Jing's face being beaten with blood. They also heard their general's curses, and they all sympathized with An Jing. At the same time, they are grateful. Fortunately it wasn't them who went in. Fortunately.

"Go find a military doctor quickly." One of the soldiers lowered his voice and urged kindly.

"Yes." Jing Jing responded shakily with a frightened look, and then hurriedly walked faster.

The four soldiers just went to find the military doctor quietly and didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

Li Wuyu was hiding behind an unlit tent not far away. When he saw An Jing, he came quickly and was out of sight of the four senior soldiers. Li Wuyu just walked out and joined An Jing.

"Master, your face" Even though it was dim, Li Wuyu was shocked when he noticed An Jing's face was bloody.

"I'm fine, I just got hit by a beast." Jing Jing led Li Wuyu to the other side and comforted Li Wuyu in a very low voice.

When they walked to a deserted place, there was a tent there, and the sight was not that dark. An Anjing took Li Wuyu over, and while standing behind the tent, he took out the three sheepskins in his arms and looked at them.

Although it was dim, Anjing could still vaguely see the three sheepskins. One was the current troop deployment map of Jingye City, one was the detailed topographic map of Chilin Kingdom, and the other was a very rough topographic map of Xiyun.

When Jing Jing saw the detailed map of Chilin Country, Jing Jing's eyes became particularly bright and she was particularly happy.

She had that plan, but she didn't expect that she would actually get this map.

It seems that even God is helping her.

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