Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1424 Do you blame me?

"Wuyu, we have made great achievements!"

Li Wuyu also used the dim light to see what was on the three sheepskins, and was very happy, "Master, you are the one who made great contributions. I didn't do anything."

"It's a credit to you for coming with me." Jing Jing took the three sheepskins back into her arms. "Let's go quickly! We won't be able to leave before they find out!"


Jing Jing and Li Wuyu didn't return the same way. They just found a nearby point where they could sneak into the river and got down into the river.

After getting off the river, Jing Jing and Li Wuyu swam towards where their things were. The two of them still didn't make any noise.

As soon as he swam ashore, Anjing hurriedly treated the wound on his forehead and applied some golden sore medicine to the wound on his forehead.

She didn't apply it just now because she didn't want to waste the medicine, because she still had to swim in the water, and if she applied it, it would be washed away by the water.

Now, no need to go into the water anymore, you can apply it.

As soon as she applied the golden sore medicine on her forehead, An Jing led Li Wuyu and carefully left the river. For fear of encountering wild beasts, they did not go into the mountains, but stayed away from the river in the dark.

In case they accidentally made some noise at night, they would be discovered.

But if they stayed away from the river, they would be fine if they talked or made some noise, and they felt at ease.

After they were far enough away from the river, Anjing sat down with Li Wuyu, and each of them took another sip of strong wine to warm themselves up.

After taking a sip of wine, Anjing smiled and asked, "Are you afraid?"

It was pitch dark all around and it was in the mountains. How could Li Wuyu not be afraid, so he honestly admitted: "Afraid."

"You are very brave today." Jing Jing praised. To be honest, she was a little worried at first, fearing that Li Wuyu would not dare to go deep into the enemy camp with her. After all, there were 650,000 troops in the enemy camp.

The reason why she asked Li Wuyu to accompany her was because Li Wuyu was not bad at skills and had good water skills. If they came together, they would have more or less care.

Li Wuyu smiled: "It's not even one ten thousandth as good as Master."

"You are too humble." After a pause, "Master, I am very satisfied and very happy with your performance today. I believe your father would be proud of you if he knew about it."

"Master" Li Wuyu had never been praised so much by Jingjing. For a moment, she felt a little complicated and didn't know what to say.

Jing Jing smiled and patted Li Wuyu's shoulder as if to comfort him. After a long while, he asked: "Do you blame me?"

Li Wuyu knew that Jing Jing was talking about being too harsh on her during training, so she shook her head and said, "I don't complain."

After a pause, Li Wuyu said carefully: "I have never complained about Master. However, at first, I did not understand your behavior, Master. I thought you were strict and unhuman, and you were not like the Master I knew. But as time goes by, I understand. I just entered the enemy camp with Master, and I understand better."

When she was in the enemy camp just now, she really felt that she was a burden to Anjing.

If she had the same strong psychological quality as An Jing, could deal with things calmly, calmly, and have a clear mind, then she would not have become a burden to An Jing, and maybe, she could even help An Jing.

After experiencing this, she really became more aware of the gap between her and An Jing, the master.

Li Wuyu's last words were in a very soft voice, with self-blame and shame. Jing Jing knew what Li Wuyu was thinking and comforted him: "This is your first time like this. It's normal that you can't take it calmly. I'll wait for you in the future." Once you get used to it, it will be much better.”

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