Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1437 Will work hard to control his heart

Ye Zhi said: "Lese is his biological sister and his responsibility. Of course he does that. But my face will not always be like this. I will get old. When my face changes, I will no longer be young. I will only love me." Do you think it’s possible for him to be so nice to me?”

Without waiting for An Jing to speak, Ye Zhi answered: "I don't think it's possible anyway."

"Okay, let's go back to the fact that he loves your face." Jing Jing simply didn't know what to say. "If you pretend to be disfigured, he will see through it, but you can't really disfigure it. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"That's it, I'm too lazy to worry. Fortunately, I don't like him that much, just a little bit. If I get old and have wrinkles on my face, even if I don't chase him away, he will no longer love me. His face won’t be nice to me. In the end, it’s just a word!”

"I think you should have more confidence in yourself. You are obviously such a good person." After a pause, Jing Jing said solemnly: "Zi Zi, I really think he not only likes your face, he should really like you as a person." . He was not as good to Yaoyao as he was to you."

Ye Zhi couldn't listen, "Boss, I really don't think he likes me as a person. He just likes my face."

"Isn't your face part of you?"

"But can my face stay like this forever? If my face can stay like this and stay young forever, then I am willing to give him a try. But I can't." Ye Zhi smiled bitterly. "Boss, I really don't want the result after I get together with him to be not happiness, but pain. Boss, there is a saying that you should have heard of. If you use sex to do things to others, you will get as much good as you can. I don't want that time. "What I want is to be like you and my brother-in-law for the rest of my life."

The silence fell silent for a moment. Yes, Israel can do good things for others. If Gong Juechen really only likes Ye Zhi's current appearance, then when Ye Zhi gets old and loses her looks, she can

"Fortunately," Ye Zhi suddenly felt happy, "I don't like him much either."

It was quiet but I felt a special feeling in my heart when I listened.

"I will try to control my heart and prevent myself from liking him more." Ye Zhi spoke again. "That's it, that's it." If she likes him just a little bit, even if he likes someone else, she will only be sad for a while.

Being quiet no longer feels good.

But before he said anything, Ye Zhi laughed and said as if nothing was wrong: "Boss, hurry up and eat. I've made the food cold."

While Ye Zhi was feeding An Anjing with chopsticks, he smiled and said: "Boss, please relax. With you as my support, I can live very comfortably here, even if I can't find someone who loves me to stay with me for the rest of my life." , I won’t be bitter either.”

Ye Zhi was left to say everything by herself, so Jing Jing stopped saying anything and sighed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Only one knock. Immediately, the door was pushed open and Xiao Changyi walked in.

As soon as Jing Jing saw Xiao Changyi, her eyes lit up: "Ms. sir, you are back!"

Ye Zhi felt a little bitter in her heart when she saw Jing Jing like this. I don’t know if she can be as happy as her boss in this life.

"Yes." Xiao Changyi responded and closed the door again. After the door was closed, he strode towards Anjing.

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