Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1438 Do you want to be so sharp?!

Ye Zhi quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, stood up, clasped his fists towards Xiao Changyi, and said respectfully: "General!"

Xiao Changyi ignored her and walked straight to the round stool on the other side of Anjing to sit down. Then, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks that Ye Zhi had put down just now, and then let him feed Anjing to eat.

An Jing couldn't ignore Ye Zhi's appearance.

Ye Zhi would only call Xiao Changyi "General" on formal occasions, but in private, Ye Zhi would always call Xiao Changyi "brother-in-law". But now, obviously in private, Ye Zhi actually asked Xiao Changyi to be the general

Jing Jing smiled and said: "You are still angry with your brother-in-law. Well, you sir have a lot of money. Don't argue with your brother-in-law. Your brother-in-law has nothing to do. The military law is there. In order to convince the crowd, we can only fight. Gong Juechen is gone."

Ye Zhi said: "I didn't argue with him. I just felt uncomfortable. Gong Juechen was beaten because of me."

"Then I let my husband-in-law stand there and let you punch me twice?"

"Are you willing?"

"You'd better punch me twice."

"I knew you couldn't let it go!" Ye Zhi said this angrily at first, and then she laughed. She sat down again and said with a smile: "Originally, I felt really uncomfortable, but now I'll make it clear to you. Yes, it’s quite comfortable.”

Jing Jing also smiled: "Just stop caring. Your brother-in-law is a general. In that position, you have to do business first."

Ye Zhi then looked at Xiao Changyi again, and first called her brother-in-law with a smile, and then asked: "If the boss makes a mistake, brother-in-law, are you willing to use military law to deal with her?"

Xiao Changyi didn't even look at Ye Zhi. While feeding An Jing, he said lightly: "I can't bear to leave."

Anjing's heart felt so sweet when she heard it, and her eyes turned into crescent moons when she smiled.

Ye Zhi immediately asked: "You said you can't bear it, then will you use military law to punish my boss?"

"No." Xiao Changyi said firmly.

Ye Zhi immediately became excited, pointed at Xiao Changyi, and shouted at Jing Jing, who was smiling like a flower: "Boss, look at him, he is partial! Why don't you need to be dealt with by military law if you make a mistake? How can he be subdued like this? Everyone?"

Jing Jing smiled brightly, and Shi Shiran said: "Don't be envious, don't be jealous, people's hearts are inherently biased."

After a pause, "Besides, I won't make any mistakes in the military camp to embarrass my husband. My husband knows this. The question you just asked was in vain except that it made me feel very happy."

"I really hate you two. You can throw some dog food at me at any time!" Ye Zhi snorted at them and pointed the back of his head at them.

Xiao Changyi rarely took the initiative to speak: "You have such a big reaction because you like Gong Juechen."

Note that this sentence is an affirmative sentence, not a question.

Ye Zhi: ""

"Hahahaha" Jing Jing laughed loudly, "Yi Zi, don't underestimate my husband's eyesight. My husband has a sharp eye. No matter how well you hide it, he can still see it."

"You think he is Sun Wukong!" Ye Zhi said this to Jing Jing angrily. Immediately, he smiled at Xiao Changyi and said, "Just a little bit, a little bit, not much, just a little bit, really only a little bit."

Xiao Changyi said lukewarmly: "That doesn't mean you like it?"

No matter whether I like it more or not, I still like it anyway, and it is indeed true. Ye Zhi instantly said: "Do you want to be so sharp?" !

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