Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1465: Teasing Crickets

"The letter also mentioned something. If I tell you, you will definitely be as happy as me."

The civil and military officials immediately cooperated and asked what it was.

Su Chengyu then said loudly: "My imperial sister-in-law is extremely courageous. She took the Prime Minister's daughter Li Wuyu to explore the enemy camp at night and stole the detailed map of Chilin Kingdom. We can conquer Chilin soon."

The ministers were even more overjoyed and loudly echoed: "It will be just around the corner to flatten Chilin!"

Unlike others, Prime Minister Li secretly wiped his tears when he knelt down and chanted this sentence. He really cried.

He never thought that his daughter could give him a face, but now, his daughter has given him a face, once or twice

Maybe there will be three or four more times in the future.

Compared with giving him a face, he still hopes that his daughter will be safe. He hoped that his daughter would come back safely and not let him send a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

As soon as the court came, Su Chengyu returned to the palace.

Seeing that Su Chengyu was very happy, Ning Wenxian quickly came up to change Su Chengyu's court clothes, and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, what happy event has happened to make you so happy?"

"Brother Huang has won a great victory. Jingye City now belongs to us, Xiyun."

Ning Wenxian was very happy when she heard this.

"Where are Jing'er, Xing'er, Qing'er, and Yun'er?" Su Chengyu asked Su Yijing about their whereabouts while letting someone change him out of court clothes and into royal uniforms.

Ning Wenxian smiled and said, "They are playing in the back. They asked the guards to catch crickets and they are playing with them."

"Then let me go over and take a look." As soon as he changed into his regular clothes, Su Chengyu walked towards the back of the palace.

Ning Wenxian followed with a smile, "Your Majesty, you look like this. People who don't know would think that Jing'er and the others are your sons." Her emperor was really kind to these four children.

Su Chengyu also knew that Ning Wenxian was not complaining, and there was still a smile on his gentle and majestic face: "Brother Yi and his adopted sister-in-law are going through life and death for Xiyun. I have to help them take care of these four children no matter what."

"I understand." Ning Wenxian responded with a smile. She really understood.

As soon as he saw the four little guys, Su Chengyu smiled and said: "Jing'er, Xing'er, Qing'er, Yun'er, come here, my second uncle will tell you something, it's about your father and mother."

The four little guys were playing with crickets. When they heard Su Chengyu's words, they all climbed down from their stools and ran towards Su Chengyu happily.

Su Chengyu and four little ones sat on the couch next to him, while Ning Wenxian ordered people to quickly bring tea and cakes.

"Second uncle, are father and mother coming back?" An Yiyun lay on Su Chengyu's lap, asking with a milky voice and a look of anticipation on his face.

Seeing that the other three little guys were looking forward to it, Su Chengyu touched their heads and said with a smile: "No, it's your father and mother who have news. Your father and mother won a great battle. My second uncle I’m going to write a letter to your father and mother. What do you want to say to your father and mother? Tell your uncle quickly so that he can help you tell your father and mother.”

The four little guys immediately chirped and told Su Chengyu what they wanted to say to their father and mother, and also told Su Chengyu to help them tell their father and mother.

Su Chengyu agreed again and again, and then asked: "Didn't Tai Tu teach you how to write your names? You all can write your own names, right? Otherwise, you all write your names, and the second uncle will ask someone to take them to you." Show it to your father and mother, do you agree?"

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