Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1466 General, something bad has happened

"Okay!" The four little guys immediately replied in a sweet voice.

When Ning Wenxian saw it, she quickly asked someone to prepare pens, inks, paper and inkstones, and asked the four little guys to write their names.

Four days later.

Xiao Changyi was standing on the tower of Jingye City, looking at the soldiers in the city practicing below.

While he was watching, Meng Zhuqing came over hurriedly.

"Sir, there is a letter from the emperor." As he said that, Meng Zhuqing respectfully handed a particularly thick letter in his hand to Xiao Changyi.

Su Chengyu's letters were always very thick. Meng Zhuqing was used to it and was not curious about what was written in the letters.

Xiao Changyi was more accustomed to Su Chengyu's trustworthiness.

Unless there is an emergency that prevents Su Chengyu from being able to write so many words, usually when Su Chengyu writes to him, the letters will be very thick, so thick that he wishes he could have talked to him for a year.

Xiao Changyi didn't know how he became Su Chengyu's confidant. Anyway, since he became Su Chengyu's confidant, he was very repulsive and annoyed at first, but later, he got used to it. But now, he doesn't feel anything at all.

He calmly opened the letter and read one after another.

The closer to the end, the warmer Xiao Changyi's cold eyes became. Just because, as we go to the end, Su Chengyu writes about the situation of his four children and what his four children want to say to him and his wife.

For a large part of the letter, either Su Chengyu was nagging, or Su Chengyu praised the battle for a good one, and also said a lot of things that told them to return to Beijing safely and triumphantly.

Until the last four pieces of paper, each piece of paper had a name. Each name had three characters. The characters were all very ugly and crooked. It was clear that it was not written by Su Chengyu, but by what Su Chengyu had written in the previous letter. Said that this should be written by his four children, Xiao Changyi's mouth curled up almost invisible.

Because Jing Jing was developing explosives and not to be disturbed, Xiao Changyi did not immediately take the letter to show Jing Jing.

At noon, An Jing came out of the house where explosives were developed, and Xiao Changyi showed the letter to An Jing.

An Jing was particularly happy when she saw the letter, especially the names written by the four little guys and what they wanted to say to her and her husband.

Originally, she was busy developing explosives, so she rarely thought of her children during this period. Now, seeing the letter, she suddenly thought of her children again.

Thinking that it had been almost four months since she had seen her four children, her eyes turned slightly red.

She wants children. real.

I also feel that I owe my children a lot.

Their children are still so young.

When she returns to the Imperial Capital, she must make up for her child.

Although the words written by the four little guys were particularly ugly, Jing Jing looked at them as if they were treasures.

After looking at them for a long time, Anjing was willing to put away these four names, especially the precious ones, and planned to read them every night. It was like four little guys surrounding her and her husband-in-law.

After putting it away, Anjing had lunch with Xiao Changyi.

After more than ten days of recovery, Anjing's hands were completely scabbed, and some of the scabs had even fallen off.

Anjing could already eat with chopsticks. Originally, Xiao Changyi wanted to feed Anjing, but Anjing wouldn't let him feed him, so he just let it go and let Anjing eat by himself as before.

But as soon as the two of them started eating, Liu Buli came in a hurry. After getting permission, he hurried in and reported to Xiao Changyi: "General, it's not good. According to the spies, Emperor Chilin sent many soldiers and horses here. I want to Take back Jingye City."

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