Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1496 Can’t give it in vain

After his experience in officialdom, although Wang Youbao still behaves like a gentleman, he is much more stable than when Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi first met him, and he is not as immature as before.

After all, Wang Youbao is already twenty-five, and is no longer seventeen, eight, or nine.

Today's Wang Youbao is handsome and has a vitality that has been baptized by the years.

After chatting for a while, Wang Youbao said to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi: "The army has been fighting abroad for nearly two years, and it has consumed a lot of money. The national treasury is now in a serious deficit, and there is a shortage of food and silver. The emperor is worried about this matter. He does not want to increase taxes, but he Since I had no other choice, I asked me to see my master and ask him what he had to say."

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi looked at each other, and when she saw that Xiao Changyi had no intention of speaking and seemed to let her do whatever she wanted, she said: "Anji Rice Shop is located all over Xiyun, and it does have a lot of food. Anji Rice Shop can be low-cost." We sold the grain to the imperial court at a price of 20 million tons to stabilize the national treasury."

Don't give it for free. If you give it to Anji Mipu, it will collapse, and the people who work in Anji Mipu will lose their jobs. Anji rice shops are located all over Xiyun, employing many people. Once they lose their jobs, it will be difficult for those people to find a living.

What's more, who knows what will happen in the future. Anji's rice shop continued to be open and he continued to prepare food for emergencies.

Wang Youbao was not happy immediately, but asked: "How low is the price?"

Jing Jing said: "Generally, grain costs eight cents per catty, so Anji Rice Shop sells it to the imperial court for two cents per catty."

It's grain, not rice.

Rice is more expensive.

"In this way, I will serve the people of Xiyun on behalf of the emperor and thank the prince and princess!" Wang Youbao immediately looked solemn, cupped his hands, bowed ninety degrees to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, and saluted.

Because of the war, everyone who has food in Xiyun wants to save food just in case. Not only do they not want to sell it, but they don't want to sell it at a reduced price. The emperor Su Chengyu doesn't want to be like a bandit and force others to sell it. And now, Anji Rice Shop can lower the price, but it still lowers it so much, and it is still willing to sell so much grain.

The treasury does not have enough food. What Su Chengyu, the emperor, fears most is that he will not be able to allocate food when he needs it.

Now that Anji Mipu has provided sufficient food for the national treasury, not only Wang Youbao, who is in charge of the national treasury, feels at ease, but the emperor Su Chengyu should also feel at ease knowing this.

When Jing Jing saw Wang Youbao saluting them in an upright manner, she quickly stepped forward and wanted to help Wang Youbao to prevent Wang Youbao from performing such a big ceremony, but Xiao Changyi was a step ahead of her and helped Wang Youbao.

Jing Jing found it funny and sweet at the same time. She knew that her husband-in-law made it clear that he didn't want her to have any physical contact with other men, haha.

"You don't need to be like this." Jing Jing said. "This is what your master and I should do."

After another conversation, Jing Jing said seriously: "You are now the Superintendent of the Treasury. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

Wang Youbao nodded and said: "Although the emperor did not explicitly ask me to go back after delivering the food and grass, my father-in-law has reminded me that I should return to Beijing the next day after delivering the food and grass, and not to stay too long."

Jing Jing said: "The prime minister is your father-in-law, and he will definitely not harm you. He has been an official for several years and is still the leader of hundreds of officials. He knows all about the secrets. You will not be wrong if you listen to what he says. ”

Wang Youbao smiled and said: "Master and master will not harm me."

Jing Jing also smiled, "If we hurt you, don't complain when the time comes."

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