Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1497 Looking around, afraid of being seen

Wang Youbao remained firm: "No, master and master are not such people. Master and master will never harm me."

After a pause, Wang Youbao was a little embarrassed, but he still asked in a low voice: "Where is Master Wuyu? Can I see her?"

He has done everything he needs to do, and has said what he needs to say to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi. Now, he really wants to see his wife. He hadn't seen his wife for nearly three years, and he was worried about her.

This is why he recommended himself to be the grain transport officer.

Jing Jing smiled and said, "I know you want to see her. Let's go. I'll take you to find her. She's practicing with the female soldiers now."

"Hey!" Wang Youbao immediately responded happily, holding a square baggage and followed An Jing out of the tent.

As for Xiao Changyi, he did not follow them to find Li Wuyu.

Li Wuyu was practicing with the female soldiers with the deputy general Ye Zhi. When he saw An Jing walking towards them with Wang Youbao, Li Wuyu's beautiful eyes lit up and his face was filled with smiles.

However, due to the fact that she was practicing, she resisted and did not run happily towards her baby.

Until Anjing called her: "Wuyu, come here."

Li Wuyu immediately stopped practicing and ran towards Wang Youbao happily. As soon as she ran in front of Wang Youbao, her eyes were bent with laughter, like crescent moons, and she shouted happily: "Baby!"

Wang Youbao is now half a head taller than Li Wuyu. Seeing Li Wuyu so happy, he is also very happy. However, his smile was much more steady, not as careless as Li Wuyu, who forgot his sense of propriety as soon as he saw him.

"Okay, let's talk." Jing Jing saw that the young couple could no longer tolerate outsiders, so she took the initiative to leave.

Wang Youbao saw people practicing around him and felt that he and his wife were a little out of place here, so he asked: "Wuyu, is there no place to talk?"

When Li Wuyu heard this, he pointed to the hillside in the distance and said, "Let's talk somewhere."

"Yes." Wang Youbao smiled and looked at Li Wuyu with particularly gentle eyes. After not seeing her for three years, his wife is still so energetic, pretty and good-looking. Apart from being a little tanned, there seems to be no other change.

After reaching the hillside, the two sat with their backs to the military camp.

As soon as he sat on the ground, Li Wuyu kissed Wang Youbao on the face. Wang Youbao immediately looked around nervously, afraid of being seen.

Li Wuyu looked at her baby with a red face and looked around, smiling: "I've seen it, there's no one there."

It can be seen that she has looked around and kissed him only when she saw no one.

Wang Youbao was a little embarrassed, coughed dryly, and then whispered: "This is not at home, please be careful."

Li Wuyu was not angry and asked with a smile: "Baby, how are our children?"

"It's good." After a pause, "Now at your father's place, the wet nurses have also gone to the Prime Minister's Mansion. You don't have to worry too much about the child. Your father and the wet nurses will take good care of the child."

"Baby." Li Wuyu suddenly shouted, but he didn't stop. Instead, he looked at Wang Youbao and smiled stupidly.

"Huh?" Wang Youbao was confused.

"Even if you don't kiss me, should you still hold my hand? We haven't seen each other for almost three years."

Wang Youbao: ""

Junqiao's face turned redder, but he didn't blame Li Wuyu. He just kept silent and looked around again. When he saw that no one would see them, he took Li Wuyu's hand and held it tightly in his. in hand.

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