Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1503 It's time to come in handy

"Maybe," Ye Zhi continued to laugh, "I can still be lucky enough to wear it back. Isn't your soul that came here after death? Maybe I can wear it back after I die."

Jing Jing smiled wryly: "It's too unlucky for you to say you're not going to die before you go, and I can't let you go."

Without waiting for Ye Zhi to speak, Jing Jing said again: "Okay, let's forget about the matter of destroying the enemy with flour, you and I won't go, let's get four more explosives and blow up the four gates of the imperial city." , just blowing up the city gate, it doesn’t take much explosives, we should be able to get it out soon.”

Unlike the last time the mountain was bombed, it required a lot of explosives and took a lot of time.

Before Ye Zhi could speak, Xiao Changyi objected: "No, it's best not to use this explosive in the past few years, lest everyone think of those ten mountains. If everyone finds that the shaking of the earth is not God's will, but man-made, the consequences will be disastrous .”

Although the power of a flour explosion is no less than that of a bomb, after the explosion, everyone can know that it is flour, and it will explode when the flour dust reaches a certain degree, but the power is still not enough to shake the ground.

Unlike dynamite, once the city gate is blown open, everyone will think, if a lot of dynamite is put together, will the ground be shaken? OK.

After hearing Xiao Changyi's words, Jing Jing nodded in agreement: "It was because I didn't think carefully, so I can only use a ram and a catapult to break the door."

Ye Zhi smiled and said, "Multiple catapults are much easier than always using catapults to break through doors."

Jing Jing also smiled: "Indeed."

Immediately, she came to her senses, angry, funny, and moved: "You dare to say those words just now, to help my husband, so that I can give up taking the flour to sneak attack."

Ye Zhi smiled hippie: "Brother-in-law loves you so much, it's better not to worry brother-in-law too much, at worst, just attack a few more times. What's more, that little flour can't hurt many people, at most a few thousand soldiers."

Quietly sighed: "I originally thought that I could destroy one by one."

Ye Zhi said: "Then don't think about it now, anyway, brother-in-law doesn't agree with you going, and I don't agree with you going, you'd better stay in the barracks and think of other ways to attack the city with brother-in-law." After a pause, " It’s a big deal to attack hard.”

Quiet laughed, "You said it lightly, didn't I want to reduce casualties on our side?"

Ye Zhi said: "Whether I say light or not, the Scarlet Lin Imperial City is now heavily guarded, with nearly 1.2 million people. Once the sneak attack is discovered, it is tantamount to courting death. No wonder brother-in-law is so worried about you."

After a pause, Ye Zhi said again: "Your method of exploding flour is not suitable for attacking the city. It is more suitable for defending the city. I will hand it over to other city defenders in the future. If an enemy attacks the city, pour the flour down from the tower and use a torch to attack the city." If you throw it down again, the enemy under the city will not lose one thousand, but five hundred, right, brother-in-law?"

With that said, Ye Zhi turned her head and looked at Xiao Changyi, seeking Xiao Changyi's approval.

Rarely, this time Xiao Changyi immediately responded: "Yes."

Ye Zhi and Xiao Changyi felt as if they were breathing out of one nostril now, they were so quiet that they couldn't laugh or cry, but they felt warm in their hearts. Her friends and husband-in-law are all concerned about her, and they are afraid that something will happen to her, so how can she not be sympathetic.

Ye Zhi really envied An Jing for being so deeply loved by Xiao Changyi, but she didn't say anything about it, but said, "Boss, it's time for my **** to come in handy."

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