Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1504 Quiet as a sniper

An Jing listened to the gun, and smiled: "It's been a long time since your hands have been itchy, okay, I'll let you use the gun, this battle is tough, if you can snipe out a major general, so that the enemy soldiers have no leader, people will be happy." Panicked and confused, it is very beneficial for us to attack."

Ye Zhi said: "Although my hands are itchy, you should do this sniping mission. I haven't touched a gun for a long time, and my hands feel a little raw. What's more, I think that when you finish sniping a tower The main generals on the ground can also ride horses to snipe the generals on other towers, and the horse can run so fast that my horse can't compare with it. No matter how I think about it, I think it's more appropriate for you to complete this sniper mission."

Here, just the two of them will have sex.

Taking everything into consideration, she really felt that Quiet, the boss, was more suitable as the sniper than her.

Quiet thought about it and thought so, so she didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "Then I'll run out of bullets for you, so don't blame me."

Ye Zhi also smiled: "I blame you for what you are doing. If you can hit the enemy general with a gun and kill the enemy general, I won't even have time to admire you."

The two joked with each other for a while, before An Jing said seriously: "Now the four gates of the Chilin Imperial City are closed, no one enters or exits, we can't get in, and we don't know what's going on inside. And surrounded by a moat, it will be even more difficult for us to attack."

The Chilin Imperial City is surrounded by a 20-meter-wide moat. Crossing the river is a very difficult task. If someone shoots arrows at them from the tower, they should suffer heavy losses.

Ye Zhi immediately answered, "So, we have to hit the enemy general and make them lose their positions so that we can cross the river and attack the city."

Xiao Changyi said: "At that time, we will attract the enemy generals to go up to the tower, and you can just snipe at that time."

Having seen his wife's sniping ability with his own eyes, he is very confident that his wife can hit the enemy general.

Ye Zhi immediately echoed: "Brother-in-law is right. When we pretend to attack the city, the enemy's biggest general will definitely go up to the tower to see our situation. Then, boss, you will take aim and shoot him dead. That way, the enemy will Fang Qunlong has no leader, so he will be in chaos, giving us an opportunity to take advantage of."

Quiet laughed, "You always speak very lightly."

Ye Zhi just laughed twice.

Xiao Changyi pondered for a moment, and then said to An Jing: "At that time, we can lead people from me, Qiao Shouye, Qi Tengfei, and Liu Buli to pretend to attack the four gates of the east, south, west, and north at the same time, and be responsible for each city. The general at the gate should be led to the top of the city tower, and then you can snipe. You first snipe at the general at the east gate, causing the soldiers at the east gate to be confused. I will lead people to attack the east gate first. And the other gates The general can be trusted, but because their city gates are also being attacked, they will not rashly send reinforcements."

"It wasn't until you rode a horse to snipe the general of the South Gate that Qiao Shouye led someone to attack the South Gate."

"After you sniped General Ximen, Qi Tengfei will really attack Ximen."

"After you sniped the North Gate General, Liu Buli really started to attack."

Hearing this, before An Jing could speak, Ye Zhi laughed: "Brother-in-law, have you decided to attack hard?"

Xiao Changyi nodded and said: "Let's try a hard attack first, if you can't attack like this, then think of another way."

You can't do nothing, just stay here and spend time with Emperor Chilin.

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